What do you think of it?
The Chinese social credit score
sign me up.
It sounds pretty gay to me.
They literally plagiaized the one black mirror episode lmao
Good idea. Except when it’s implemented in the US faggots and niggers will complain and just get to top positions anyways
how do i make money from this
>Criticizing the kikery
>"Error: No funds deposited"
>"New Email! CLICK!!"
>"We're sorry to tell you that your goodboy account has been terminated. You're officially no longer a human being. Sincerely Wao Li Cohen"
>Two weeks later
>Officers approach the front door, user is asleep
>user wakes up
>"Wood you like to donate yul organs sir?"
>"No thanks, I appreciate..."
>Officers abduct him into a nearby facility
Fake news
What exactly is fake about it?
Citizens gain points by: Making deserving 2d girls feel like extremely cute and sexy princesses in virtual bed.
it's not much different than what we have in the US except it's your credit score and amount of money in your bank account, some people start with a high score than others though
>society rewards people for pro-social behavior
Oh god we can't have that. Our western societies MUST be completely dysfunctional
Money is not the same as a social credit system. You realize they use money in china too right
>black mirror came up with this!!!!
fucking zoomers i swear to god
This would just make me want to become a domestic terrorist.
>muh black mirror
I would bash your skull in you fucking pleb
Seems like a system that would be extremely easy to abuse.
You gonna fake call your dying grampa, asshole?
So people living in the sewer like in demolition man will become a thing in china ?
>easy to abuse
There's a problem, though. The criteria for scoring people is kept secret by the government and you're never sure how many points you have.
Can I still shill my shitcoin in that system though?
Easily abused by the government you retards
Oh I see.
in vino veritas
Well yes, there is no system that a corrupt state can't abuse. That doesn't mean social credit is a bad thing; it means our government is not legitimate.
>There's a right to every wrong
Strawman argument with black and white thinking (if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem) with a pinch of idiosyncratic utopian idealism vastly underestimating the misanthropy and sociopathy of leadership employing tactics of divide and conquer on herd mentality.
Pretty sure this is bait, but the idea is good, but it could be open to abuse, exploit, corruption, etc. I don't see how having your entire livelihood depend even moreso on others and their opinions of you than it already is could be considered a good thing. It's also just too personal and infringing on your privacy really.
>tfw haven't call my grandma in a year
>can't bring myself to do it
Thanks god I'm not a chink
The Western version is the same it’s just that the only reward and punishment is heaven and hell.
Wen Social Credit Blockchain?
Cheating in online video games makes you lose points? Kek.
only 1% still believe that shit though
This is why pan-opticons work. You never know if you're being scrutinized or not, so you tend to behave.
There's not enough money in the world that could make me want to live in the nightmare that is China
Anyone defending this "system" is a cuck who should off himself to avoid infecting the gene pool. Just go get fucked in the ass at a BDSM club if you love not having control over your own life so much.
When this socialist credit score comes to America I will purposely do everything I can possibly think of to get the lowest score (like golf):
>join a militia
>build ghost guns
>reload my own ammo
>join the Libertarian party
>start Hong Kong style protests
>post Ron Paul all over social media
>go HAM into Monero
>The system is perfect, free of corruption and will only reward pro-social behavior
Based. Anybody with any self respect whatsoever will treat a social credit system's disincentives as a guide of what to do.
fucking retards. i dont blame your parents for selling out your future
>whats in the burger?
>let's just let politicians tell us what's right and what's wrong, nothing bad could come from that
>even better if we give them complete freedom to invade everyone's privacy at all times
Now we don't even have to think for ourselves! We can just happily chew grass all day long without a worry in our minds, let based Xi take care of everything
Yes because if we promote universally agreed upon good things like young people calling their grandparents, our FREEDUMZ will like, totally go away
what else do we UNIVERSALLY agree on bug man?
>get raped by grandpa for years as a child
>hes getting older, finally too weak to rape you
>forced to keep in contact with him or else you wont ever get a promotion
Well judging from the picture, Cheating in online video games is wrong. Or are you gonna argue that that is ok?
They unironically will. The slippery slope is real and OP's picture only shows the "common sense" side of their social credit system. Can't disagree publicly with the government, for starters.
I wish brainlets like you would just move there if you have "FREEDUMZ" so much
you'll never dance around as good as the King Of Pop bug man
Forgiveness is an important, pro social behavior that should be rewarded, yes
>pro christian sentiment
to the gulag with you insect
Who made your phone? China? They have a shadow profile of you congratulations you already have a score.
>Insincere apologies for crimes committed
A lot of things could be argued as being "good for society". That's not the point, you tard.
The point is that giving a central authority the power to decide on that and enforce it (through force) is a bad thing.
It's no different than the government enforcing laws, which are just moral codes. Your libertarian utopia is fake and gay. Kys
Its awful, citizens should only be punished for actual crimes that violate the NAP
Most laws are moral codes, yes. That doesn't mean those laws should keep existing.
Laws that try to protect people's private property (including their own bodies) don't depend on morals, just ethics.
Just sell all your crypto (non-state money is bad) and go live in the PRC if freedom is so bad, user. A literal cuck like you would probably enjoy it desu
>laws, which are just moral codes
holy mental gymnastics batman. your almonds are smoked
A system so soulless and devoid of the reality of human kindness and empathy that it somehow manages to rival America in it's sheer inhuman and misguided evil.
Absolutely incredible, well done China. I didnt think we could be outdone.
>don't depend on morals, just ethics
Holy lol
That's pretty retar-
>Cheating in online games
Holy fucking based. Best legislation to come out of China since that time they starved tens of millions of themselves
>he doesn't know the difference between morals and ethics
VI. Liberty consists in the power of doing everything that does not harm others
I fully support this. Freedumb is an irritating illusion and I'm tried of hearing it yapped about.
then why dont you get off you fatass and play something outside
This system looks amazing. All the ill-doers will soon find themselves cut off from all the good things in life and they'll be forced to either get in line or die in the gutters like the worthless pieces of shit they are. What a fantastic way to weed out degenerates.
Bootlickers, the lot of you
Based. What more can I say?
Zoomer here. I don't even know what the black mirror is
Imagine being a lolbertardian in the current year.
This. Fuckin sick of the lolberts. Stupider than liberals even
I have a concern about this... I thought one main goal of communism was to eradicate poverty
Gee, encouraging people on a mass scale with social credit to help the poor couldn't possibly reduce poverty.
>fell for the communism meme
Nah pointing out the bullshit of the whole system.
you are such a short sighted fucking mental midget if you unironically think this, please post your address so that someone can come kill you immediately
Whoa tough guy on the internet. You definitely proved me wrong
sounds good. in the US we already have one its called a credit score
Get the fuck out
Credit score just effects your borrowing interest rate... it's really not comparable.
If anyone needed confirmation that your average poster on here is a fucking retard, this thread is that confirmation.
it is comparable need to borrow.
Never trust chinks. Theyll find a way to manipulate and cheat the system. Now the most deceiving child rapist Chink looks like the good guy. And the caring poor Chink in the street is portrayed as a begging criminal
>t. guy whose entire knowledge of china comes from Jow Forums memes
>doesnt really “get” credit
Wronk, crypto currency is a perfect prime example of the term Chink scam. Biz warned me and I thought they were joking
They are the master at portraying one thing and it turning to be nothing of the sort in reality.
Fucking retard.
Neck yourself
>it is wrong to criticize the government because increasing distrust in government will bring about social turmoil
this is universally agreed upon yes? its just common sense amirite
low IQ zoomer posts like this should result in an instant ban.
Jow Forums edition
No government can be perfectly legitimate, that's the point. Optimal government is self limited by the mandate of an informed electorate.
>donating blood so you can post nigger on the internet to balance your social credit score
Unironically this is only happening because of the example we set
Honestly if this was implimented in my country I'd probably get really autistic trying to shill my social credit score as high as possible. I'm already a blood donor too so
You're going to be rounded up and killed. Either by the animals you're supporting, or by someone with the sense and decency to kill traitors.
Your freedoms are already gone, and have been so for many years. You cannot publicly disagree with Western elites on anything that matters and not have everything except your life itself destroyed by them.
Gamified authoritarianism
I like jews ruling over us and giving money to minorities and paying holocaust reparations. I give blood all the time and also visit my boomer parents who love isreal every single day. I work hard at my job showing up 30 minutes early and get things ready for free. I love LGTB and I believe women and belive in loving not hating (except nazi’s) and I believe in a world where we build bridges not walls. I understand my white male privledge and have cut my balls off to show how sorry I am for my evil people. I am the bestest of goys.
Give me muh social credit points now pls. Thanks.
Our system detected inconsistencies in your statement and you just lost 100 social credit points for lying.