Any useful tips on how to survive a recession ?
Any useful tips on how to survive a recession ?
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buy cheapies
long society-wide ennui, alienation, and despair lol
bonds and gold, basically
save cash during the bull run so you can buy assets near the bottom. Everyone else spends cash during the bull run and then, once recession comes, they sell the same stuff for pennies on the dollar to pay their bills. You want to be the guy who knocks on their door on the 25th of the month and offers them 5 grand cash for that $50k truck they purchased a year and a half ago
Normally keep cash, but this will be hyperinflationary so gold and silver
we are all thinking it, buy BTC
Food and lead (unless you live in commiefornia then lead-free).
High coverage ratios on your debt, diversified income streams, stable job/business.
If the state of the country is bad enough to cause a hyperinflation event, holding gold and silver won't mean anything.
For example, maintaining 4X coverage ratios puta you in a better position than 95% of people before a crash, and you still get appreciation, leverage, and other benefits, etc...
You're also more ready to buy when prices are low because the numbers make more sense and you have much more equity.
Perhaps in a recession you go down to coverage ratios of 2.0X since you have a margin of safety since you're buying well below construction cost.
learn camping
having a house like this is unironically my dream
Stock up on kneepads.
I know how to camp, but that's not useful to me, since game is almost non existent where i live and weapons are nearly impossible to obtain. I'd rather own some agricultural land, but unfortunately at this point i dont have the means to make a larger investment. Some okayish tips in this thread tho, i will start preparing just in case.
you might want to check out /out/ in that case.
why wouldn't you just kys at this point? there is NO REASON to live, just none at all.
you know that a recession is not the same as a zombie apocalypse?
Heating it would be a bitch though
Never said it was, just posted a random pic and some people started talking about camping. That being said, it really depends how heavy the economy will be hurt in the near future, all out collapse of society doesn't seem too likely, but it never hurts to have some survival skills.
food is nice sometimes
why will it be hyperinflation?
buy chinese yuan like last time
based Studio Ghibli's Arrietty
Buy lots of weed.
Bonds? Are you retarded?
hold the next world currency
buy gold
use it to approach people and hit people on the back of their head
get their stuff
There will be no recession , just total collapse of the world. Food shortage already started due to spring floods. All leaders will die, they are toooo old, starting with queen of england. Weather starting to act like drunk driver. COLD anomalies in latin america and australia. Gov-ts in debt all these will turn people in foes, everyone suddenly will be your enemy.Sorry user and goodluck.
>weapons are nearly impossible to obtain
Obtain them illegally
BTC dies long term without onchain scaling.
Gypsies will do the best, they are part of a group, they keep loyal to each other, are armed to the teeth and have gold. Their only problem is that they are stupid af.
why will it be hyperinflation and not deflation guys?
I got a useful tip right here tough guy
*grabs your crotch*
Learn to farm
why will it be hyperinflation and not deflation guys?
help please
learn to asceticism babygirl
the sooner you start the less you will suffer in the future
Wow anotther biz poster who doesn’t know the first thing about finance. I am shocked!
Why? You really think things will fall apart like that?
Be out of debt of any kind, have investments, have an emergency fund. If you do get fired, you'll have your savings to lean on and have to put so much focus on paying your expenses (which should be low considering no payments like a house, or credit card.
It would help to then budget more money from your job (if you got laid off) and pay expenses, and buy as much as you can of assets like land, or stocks. If you bought at 2008 at the lowest point, you would have made about 350% on your money over the past 11 years if I have my math right. 1000 would be 3500, and all you had to do was ride out the storm. The key here is no debt, and low expenses.