how much is considered a suicide stack and how much do you need to make it?
If RSR is a success, how much can it be potentially worth?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing because it will not be a success. It's a nice dream though, good protocol but people will not adopt it.
>people will not adopt it
yeah okay Nostradamus, guess you're too retarded to know who's backing this, stay poor faggot
>who's backing this
Oh yes it's Peter Thiel and the Illuminati
exactly, stay fucking poor nigger
people are saying 1 dollar to 10. with such a low market cap it might be possible.
>100 gorillion supply
You are fucking delusional
>stinker level of arguing
Not surprised, losers who got priced out of chinky are now betting it all on RSR
you're a fucking brainlet. supply means absolutely nothing. don't believe me, type federal reserve in google and click on the news tab. you're a retard.
>being so defensive about your shitcoin
How much money you gambled on this Pajeet?
>being so focused on fudding a shitcoin
look i can do it too. subhuman nigger level arguments.
save your energy this isnt over .005 by christmas
this. rsr wont do much till after mainnet yet these brainlets think they need to fud for 1 sat.
Lets not argue boys. Love, peace and cum for everyone.
I like it in the ass xoxo
>people won't adopt it.
Imagine for a sec (or just wait 8-12 months) that there is a fully decentralized and mathematically probably collaterized Tether (TUSD). It has the same properties as tether, it's fast, send anywhere anytime with no intermediaries, etc. This is RSV. It's already a 10x improvement over the sketchy company that runs and issues tether. RSR is what you buy that will make you rich that will ensure RSV stays stable, decentralized, and fully uncomfiscatable.
The reserve network is going to blow up just like the Bitcoin network did. There is a golden opportunity to reserve your rights to financial freedom right now.
>subhuman nigger level arguments
I can see you're an expert on those. I'm not the one getting mad over a shitcoin, lmao. I'm trying to be reasonable here, you on the other hand look like an angry mouth breather.
>rsr wont do much
Should have stopped there, to be honest.
RSR is more pumpable than Ripple was.
Ripple never solved any bank use cases the same way Reserve isnt going to solve any third world issues. Doesnt matter still will pump
Holy shit such a reasonable argument. KYS
>hurr durr stay poor you fucking brainlet retard faggot hurr
Yep, can't compete with yours haha
Haha dumb fuck brainlet swamp creature thinks I’m upset because I call him out for the niglet that he is. Die in a fire you failed abortion.
>imagine actually holding Tether post-2020
>being so angry you had to write this
>I-I'm not mad guys
You're not the sharpest tool in the shed are you?
Nothing you say matters. You’re just another useless faggot without a single fucking clue. You’re a literal waste. If you had any kind of decency you would put some fucking effort into researching projects before you presume to know enough to make unsubstantiated claims as to the potential or lack therefore. You have zero insight and offer absolutely nothing of value in this discussion so I’ll treat you accordingly. Now present a legitimate argument or get the fuck out, faggot.
I’ve been laughing at you’re stupidity as you get completely btfo’d like the subhuman scum that you are.
If you had any kind of intelligence you would've figured out that insults lose their power the more you use them. It really is funny, but you shouldn't be laughing, because all I have to do is point out how dumb you are once and that's enough to send you into an autistic rage that makes you reply with the worst word vomit I've seen on this site in a long time
>brainlet swamp creature niglet die in a fire failed abortion
Haha gottem, bet that sounded really smart in your head.
Is that all you got? Holy shit you’re the worst fucking fud nigger I’ve seen here. Please fucking anhero on stream so I can jack off to it. Kthnx
Every time you say something it sounds like some shitty troll post on /b/ but you're actually serious and that's kinda sad. How do you manage being this retarded all the time? Fucking kek'd your posts actually made a good case against RSR, why would anyone buy this shitcoin if these are the idiots endorsing it?
Nigger, you came here to fud. All you've done is engage with me in this fuckery, please fucking present an argument that proves your baseless statements or neck yourself. Do you really think I'm upset? I'm just here spamming you insults because you're a dumb faggot that thinks he's slick and can just go around posting random fud without backing it up. If you had anything with any kind of substance you would've of posted it already instead of constantly replying to my banter. Holy shit you're a real fucking brainlet aren't you?
Get a room you crazy kids.
It's too late I already fucked him and nutted on his chest.
>moving goalposts
Lmao, I was just having a laugh at your stupidity which is really astonishing to be honest but by this point I don't even need to FUD anymore since you've already done that yourself. Nobody is gonna feel more compelled to buy RSR after seeing your gibberish, quite the opposite to be honest, my job here is done.
>'''''''banter''''''' in the monkey brain of the average RSR shill
keep telling yourself that. begone nigger.
Keep shilling your shitcoin, Pajeet. Just ease up on your homosexual fantasies your smelly brown family might disown you.
This is giving me JNT flashbacks.
This will have the same fate as JNT.
Don't buy into this if you value your money boys.
XRP with 40billion supply hit 3 dollars and is fairly stable at 30 cents. I think it is you that is detached from reality.
xrp was a giant fuck up because they didn't take into consideration the fact that banks are still using technology from the 1980's. only reason it took that long is because they didn't take into consideration how truly cheap the jews were.
i have no problem waiting 2-3 years for a 400x
this is easily a 1,000x coin in the making. it's basic math and so many anons either don't realize it or are trying to fud to accumulate which is why I call them out for being fucking brainlet niggers.
buy RSR > Open contract with RSR to arbitrage RSV > contract converts your RSR into RSV via arbitrage, burns 2-5% of the RSR, and gives you RSV + profits.
you can literally do this as much as you want without limits since you're buying RSR with RSV once RSV is on most major exchanges that matter.
RSV will become the go-to stablecoin in all of crypto and all over the world in areas that have hyperinflation. if you're smart and accumulate enough RSR now while you can you're going to have more money than you'll know what to do with.
why the fuck do you people think coinbase bought equity instead of tokens? RSR/RSV will be on coinbase before the end of the year. all they're doing now is making sure that they have a working product that they can show and then finalize the real RSV contract for the protocol which is also 90% ready.
this is bitcoin at 10 cents niggers. cap this and buy now or forever stay poor.
when your future millionaire/billionaire friends ask you how you made your money you can tell them some random nigger on Jow Forums told me to buy RSR and instead of being a dumb nigger myself i listened and now here i am sipping margaritas and fucking super models.
one more thing. price of RSR right now doesn't mean shit. it can go up or down but it's just market manipulation by bots and whales. the real moments to pay attention to are app release/exchange release and then mainnet that's it. everything else is nonsense. good luck faggots
>1mill at the minimum
>US gov backed crypto helping overthrow 3rd dictators
The threat of not releasing the app by end of q3 is looming in the new future. If they can stick to the time line that they've created for themselves then we should be all set. That's why people are saying "10 days till moon"; counting down to the end of q3 and hopefully the release of the app in Venezuela.
>this is btc at 10c
Wow!!! I’ve never heard that about other emerging shitcoins!
This coin seems completely different then already established Dstablecoins like DAI!
Facebook’s LIBRA?? Pfftt people don’t want that they want this hashtag shit.
did this nigger just say dai and libra? lol kys
libra will be outlawed by 99% of countries right on arrival
getting another 100k
So will RSV.
Introductory video for the illiterate niggers among us:
when is this shitcoin gonna pump it cant even break past 27 stats
this is your chance
its already dumping on hotbit at 22 stats lol
smart money
Hotbit is nothing but bots wash trading so who cares. Would be sweet if it dumped to 10 sats before app release.
Never, the app is only in a few hundred smart phones as bloatware. People are going to delete it right away.
Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out lol
Have you even read about this project on its own website? It is literally a stablecoin that is not yet backed by any assets, but they plan too, sometime, with the money they raised from ICO and private investors. There should be zero retail speculation interest in this project. The value is 0 now and if it ever is back the backing will be at most = to the money raised. This is NOT a retail investment, stop listening to Jow Forums and DYOR. Takes 30 minutes of reading to figure this out.
>It is literally a stablecoin
stopped reading right there
Yeah, I know you shills don’t read. You can find this information on the fucking coins website within 10 minutes.
RSR is not a stablecoin you retard. What's up with all the braindead fudders today? Holy shit, if you're going to fud at least be a bit more creative boys, never go full retard.
thank you for proving my point
>hOLy FuCk ThE AuDAcITy. it iS litEralLy ThE fIrST ThINg It SAyS AbOuT ITSeLF, On ItS wEbSItE.
This is exactly right. If Fudders can’t understand the pattern at this point they are lost causes
The only thing getting asset backed is Nevin's tight asshole with a 9 inch Thiel cock.
you fud niggers really love fapping to Nevin getting his cheeks clapped by Thiel huh?
Do you fucking idiots even know what the RSR token does? It is directly tied into the purchasing of RSV, it is by proxy a stablecoin.
has this nigga ever had a good haircut
Which is currently entirely UNBACKED. And the ONLY value it will confer is from the invested assets from ICO and private investors. It can only be worth what has been put into it already, maximum. Go ahead and post more brainlet memes and deflect, you cannot even make an argument.
demand for something like RSV is actually pretty fucking high in these areas. they're very limited with crypto onramps since they first have to convert their shit currency for dollars which can be scarce and come with extra fees. RSV will give them a direct onramp from their failing currency to RSV which can then be sent to exchanges and used buy things like bitcoin or held as a stablecoin like dai/usdt with the extra benefit of using it directly from their phone and using their wallet as their "bank".
this is going to be the paypal of crypto. get ready to become a millionaire niggers. and all you have to do is literally hold until 4-6 months after mainnet to see massive fucking gains. these fud retards will eat their fucking dicks if they're actually serious and not secretly holding their own bag of RSR.
>what is coin burn
>what is arbitrage
>what is the market
>it is by proxy a stablecoin.
holy shit dude, you have to be trolling. no one can be this fucking retarded.
Wrong, dumbass
lol holy fuck dude, give it up it's not working you two look like dumb and fucking dumber holy shit my sides hahahahahaha
>i have no arguments or factual evidence to present so i’m just going to call you a retard again!
I’m not sure why I even bother. Anybody with a room temperature IQ will figure this out without me. That just leaves folks like you holding these bags to argue with, and frankly I don’t care. You’ll get tossed around on each round of Jow Forums pump and dumps like a cheap whore and lose your entire 1,500$ “portfolio.” No sweat off my back.
this petro fud is fucking hilarious
nice, so you wont spam every RSR thread with the same copypasta? gtfo faggot
fucking petro dude he said petro lmao
almost fucking cried laughing
yeah, our government fucked so let's buy into their new crypto project lmao wtf anons
This is my first time on Jow Forums in two months, heartening to know there are some other semi-intelligent people around though.
bought another 100k
this is you, same fagging in a different thread about RSR, using the same retarded fud
you clearly don't know how the market works, everything is speculative. what is worth $1 today could be worth $2 tomorrow. we speculate on things and it gives it a temporary "value". this is what RSR is, it's a speculative commodity and it's value is based on it's future use-case for arbitrage. if people believe that arbitrage will bring them profits they will buy more RSR and hold for that day or trade it between themselves, otherwise they will dump it and move on to something else. it's clear you've put zero effort into this fud and you have no idea what RSR is or what it does or how it will work once the Reserve Protocol is released. that or you're fudding, like i said, in order to accumulate. either way you're a faggot so you should go kill yourself.
Put a gun in your mouth.
What a great buy opportunity for RSR
8 days left until launch
it's really hard to predict where it will go if successful, $1 is pretty much a given so 1mil suicide, but it could go far beyond that and 1mil could very well be a make it stack in 6 years.
>$1 is pretty much a given
$1 between eoy 2020 and mid 2021 is a mathematical certainty. burn rate and limited circulating supply, plus coinbase listing rsr/rsv means that anyone that isn't a complete brainlet can make it with RSR.
between 400 - 200 rsr will be burned for every $1 of rsv that is arbitraged while the price of RSR stays sub 55 stats. so the longer RSR stays under 1 cent the more RSR will be burned. why is this so difficult for you cumbrains to understand?
you don't even need that much adoption to get to .01-.10 cents, but if RSV is being used in exchanges then it's almost impossible for RSR not to be profitable after mainnet arbitrage. you'll of course have people trading it as well which will further raise the speculative value as the potential of RSV is revealed and real world adoption is combined with adoption in exchanges. RSV will become the flagship stablecoin for burgers on Coinbase.
tether wont make it after the lawsuits are finalized and the dust settles. you've been warned.
>coinbase listing rsr/rsv
>RSV will become the flagship stablecoin for burgers on Coinbase.
>tether wont make it after the lawsuits are finalized and the dust settles
yup those are the things. good job making a list. will cap this and make a post for you when it happens.
>will cap this and make a post for you when it happens.
this shit is dumping and cant even maintain .0025 each. buy more or sit down imo. lame
Hey dumbass, you know Coinbase already has a “flagship stablecoin” its called USDC. They created it. Your entire theory goes into the trash.
usdc is literally a dollar peg. it's complete trash and subject to dollar inflation. rsv will replace it or be used to back it once the recession starts to take hold. fed is going to inject QE into the economy for the foreseeable future. rsv is only staying on the dollar peg for a year. why do you think coinbase added dai and invested in reserve? they're planning ahead because they aren't retards like you.
RSV is literally pegged to nothing at the current time. Not even a dollar. It is complete trash. Coinbase ventures invests into a lot of things, its what venture capitalists do, even the best of the best venture capitalists have 6.5/10 projects fail. Coinbase adds other cryptocurrencies because they are a crypto EXCHANGE. They also backed Libra, which is exactly what Reserve is attempting to do but Libra will be a million times more propogated if it gets off the ground, and it has a hell of a lot better chance than this obscure shitcoin.
But isnt that what the purpose of xrp and xlm and shit is for? Banking the unbankables of the third world?
>has a hell of a lot better chance
whew i should've known you were retarded enough to think libra stands a chance in hell. libra will never be released brainlet, thanks to zuckcuck pissing off everyone and their mothers during and after the 2016 election he's fucked. trump is literally toying with him as we speak. 99% of countries will go out of their way to block facebook from creating any kind of monetary system. they already have way too much power and have filled with scandals for years. it doesn't matter how many potential users they have or how much money he's making, libra is right there with petro as a certified shitcoin that will never make it.
oh yeah, guess what else is pegged to literally nothing. libra. you fucking brainlet.
anyway, we're only a few days away from app now, and only a few months away from mainnet. can't wait for faggots like you to eat their words; it's going to make cum so hard. i will be making you my bitch in 6 months to a year. i hope you're ready faggot.
Wow way to hyperfocus on one point and ignore all of the other points! Guess that means you concede on those, which makes your thesis, once again, worthless! Also, I never said it stands a chance in hell. I said it stands a better chance than this obscure shitcoin that is backed by NOTHING. Yes, libra is backed by nothing because it doesn’t exist, but if/when it does it will be backed by government bonds and currency baskets, unlike this obscure SHITCOIN. Enjoy your homosexual fantasies because they will be all you have left in six months time, considering your principle will likely be down 90-99% due this obscure SHITCOIN.