Thank you.
I'm on NoFap and every time the urge appears I just search coomer memes and it just goes away. It works every fucking time and is effective as fuck. Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm on NoFap and every time the urge appears I just search coomer memes and it just goes away. It works every fucking time and is effective as fuck. Thank you.
It’s based. Thank you frens. Believe me the success of the coomer is no small victory. You are unseating one of the slimiest Jews of all. Remember that the Leviathan sustains itself not by the promotion of vice, but by its normalization. But in every normalization, a great deal must be edited out; this is its great weakness. Perhaps the chan’s greatest strength is its ridicule, making fun of those who fall for these tricks.
A thank you for me as well. But more importantly I love how it triggers the porn Jews.
back to discord fags
>call money your silver money???
>prostitutes gold from fucking phones!
>bitcoin calling silver on phone trade
>making WTC monery from you
>premuium desk at half the price
>call papers on the bridge
Knowing we have helped someone makes it all worthwhile.
Same. The coomer meme reminds me of how ridiculous it is to have porn on your mind constantly.
I have literally never cummed
>this is what cooming does to your brain
brain this cooming does to is you
>activate ze fap protocol
No u
that ass activates something in my pants instantly..
Pleasure user
Same. Based coomers.
thats a good idea user
why does he have a gun
He is exercising his right to bear arms
once he finally runs out of coom he will off himself
what do you mean by that?