Be finance postgrad

>be finance postgrad
>shitpost on my usual board out of boredom
>get curious about Jow Forums and check it out
>it's just a bunch of NEET losers who don't know the first thing about finance pretending to be stockbrokers falling for the crypto meme

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Other urls found in this thread:

>finance postgrad

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theres a good chunk of neets here who have made more money playing shitcoin roulette than you will in your lifetime. let that sink in for a minute you double nigger.

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Just leave. You’re about to become obsolete anyway.

>be finance postgrad
>close to zero trading experience with real money
NEET loser is learning on the field with his own 100K and is starting to understand fundamental analysis (and some meme TA) better then you do, while you ignore the most hot market (crypto unironically) that has the highest volatility and very few regulations

cope levels off the charts

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Imagine seeing your life’s decisions and future prospects being UTTERLY DISINTERMEDIATED in real time! Sucks to be OP

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post trades or gtfo

I also had a buddy who recently graduated finance, he also laughed when I told him when I was into crypto.
He stopped laughing when I told him how much money I made.

>crypto meme
literally the best return this century that was public is BTC.
just so you know first round Facebook investors went 10,000x
>be finance postgrad
trained to be wagecuck...

GGP, Inc. 7283% so 73x...

what's the best return you've had? mines only 44x as humble options trader.

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>have a degree in finance
>learn from professors that don’t know the first thing about business
>be 10s of thousands of dollars in debt

Post your portfolio.

Do it. You won't. I'll wait.

>be finance postgrad
>still poor
>kill self because school doesn't teach shit like actual experience can

How does your asshole feel OP?

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I'm feeling good, enjoying all the seethe

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no intellectual contribution...
kys immediately

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I did this same LARP last month. OP you faggot you're just copying my old thread

The only larp on this board is pretending to be traders

100% SPY, my dude.

>crypto meme
>made 400k off ETH

Forgot to mention, 300k of that is all in chainlink since .42 cents

>>be finance postgrad

Honestly a more intelligent investment than all those people who mined Bitcoin in 2010 - 2013

>finance postgrad
unironically the first time I hear of this, economy sure but finance? lmao wtf

Were you one of them? Or did you lose part of your initial investment?

You would've been better off getting a computer science undergrad degree than whatever graduate meme program you fell for.

Whats your wallet? how does it feel to lose 1mm+ in a month?

Yea and I'm up on my investment too, I sold some of it at 4$ and got 10K more link. My portfolio is around 650k, If link goes to 10$ I'll be a millionaire and I'm 25.

Checked. WTF are you retarded? You are taking advice from people that NEVER even did it themselves.

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I will sell my whole stack either when it hits 1000$ or if it goes under .50 cents. By the time it hits 1k though it probably will be better to just stake it on linkpool. My wallet is being watched and has multiple dust attacks on it.

Will a 3.8k linklet like me have the chance both to make it and to avoid dusting attacks?

CPA here user. It gets better.

Yes, You will make it. 100$ will be here in max 1 year. Eth mooned violently off hype alone and hit 1000+, Shitcoins like neo and dashcoin hit 100$. Once staking on linkpool becomes a thing and big wallets start taking tokens out of the supply.

You don't know anything.

Cryptocurrency is as important as Nasdaq or Wallstreet, because of how fast you can make dollars out of thin air, the same thing that all mega-investors do by making a lot of wagecucks work for them. So, you are wrong, crypto is not a meme, is a complicated market where if you're not experienced you're dead.

By the way, I want to start, but I got a lack of capital. Can you help me? Pay pal: [email protected]

Business schools are strange to me. I actually looked at the Harvard business curriculum. It seems that their method of teaching is strictly survivor bias. They go "look at this case study here's all this shit that went right". I don't get it. What about all the people who did the exact same shit and didn't get lucky?

We have an influx of normies seeping in.


well, i think it's about gathering as many positive learning experiences so that when you're in the heat of battle, for an ounce of a second, you can think back to what others previously did. They try to distill and teach intuition. Then they put you to work with the industry tyrants.
t. went to an HBS info session

>Finance postgrad
>Pretending to be stockbrokers
Do they not teach you about what a stockbroker is?
> Falling for the crypto meme
ha. Enjoy your debt bud. Sorry you missed out 3 years ago, better luck next time little guy. Now get out

>>be finance postgrad


This nigger actually went to school to learn FINANCING and expects to become the next wolf of wall street

>You don't know anything.
>I know nothing
>Proceeds to say things
>I got a lack of capital
Because you know things? I agree with everything you said until you mentioned this.

>thread still up
>poorfags and neets still buttblasted

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can finance postgrad be the new freightbroking general?

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ITT: seething McCucks

Wrong. Financechad vs virgin code monkey

What the fuck this board could use some actual finance knowledge

>be poop nigger
>poopypost on my usual nigger cum out of boredom
>get curious about ass semen and check it out
>it's just a bunch of niggers pooping in my poopy cum who don't know the first thing about nigger poop pretending to be pooping poop cum in ass poopy fick pe'is poop falling for the anal cum poop nigger meme

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>be filthy neet
>literally wizard tier
>put $30000 ( my whole savings) on link around ICO.
>outperform most of the boomer and zoomer stocktraders in less than 2 years
>Most likely my ROI will be astronomical in the next 5 year
>some fag makes an obviously bait post about how we don't know anything about finance.
>Look at the 100k links I got for 30k dollars
>shrug and keep doing SM runs

If only you knew Zoomer.

>Double nigger

First time on 4channel? Fuck off to wherever you came from.