From Sergey's mouth himself. 1000 eoy confirmed.
Other urls found in this thread:
I dunno guys... I'm starting to think maybe sergey is losing it... the pressure might be getting to him....
"if they show any interest in chainlink. Im desperate."
i thought this was interesting
Yeah he also said "we'll make it next month" which Never happened
You're such an incel.
He was talking with respect to the technology, dumbfuck. It's inappropriate for the CEO to impart forecasts of their public exchange options.
explaining mixicles to a 5th grader would be using phrases like "magic box"
Blessed meme
this video reminds me what a long way off chainlink is from its glorious rise; most of the stuff in this vid is so inaccessible to the average person
You guys take everything out of context. Just like making it like next month
I can smell your cunt.
nice pic Laughing out Loud!
why do i think this chink is cute fuck.
he fucked her btw
>“Selling oracles”
What did he mean by this
The interviewer doesn't understand the significance of oracles.
Thanks bizraelis for teaching me about them.
centralized oracles like Chainlink are actually very insignificant. Sergey is lying about decentralization to pump his bags.
damn, she asked him about the pump and dumps lol, biz shills on watch
>coinbase effect
>three parallel nodes on the day of mainnet launch
>new nodes constantly onboarded
>aggregation released last week
>"hurrrr it's centralized!"
You fail kinesics. He's very calm and composed.
Sergey is sooo fucking handsome.
>dumps 700k
Link's awakening marked the end of it.
Source: trustmebro
its called autism. The inability to understand metaphor/analogy/allegory and figurative speech. They actually don't understand that "we'll make it next month" was intentional hyperbole used to illustrate his optimism. Everything is literal to these autists which is why retarded fud is effective here.
Yes? It existed as an empirically verifiable phenomenon before CL.
I remember you, based cunt smeller
Selling oracl... shit, I mean GIVING AWAY oracles
Good god. Look at the breadcrumbs in that thread. We're going to make it, user.
He is really selling the bridge to event information. Holy shit
>>aggregation released
They released 6 lines of code last week? Oh boy! Why are you invested in something you have zero comprehension of? I can fucking smell the Dunning Kruger parent-babble on you.
seems to be that twitter is finding more breadcrumbs then Jow Forums now days.