How much do you need to own a full BTC?
5x here.
How much do you need to own a full BTC?
5x here.
I was accumulating all year and hit .89 BTC then DAG pumped and I sold off some of my holdings. So now I have 1.2 BTC.
Currently owning 0.1 BTC + some alts.
I have 0.5 BTC
A 98.5% loss to have 1.
holy shit the amount of poorfags in this thread
It's funny but we should be kind to the destitute and unfortunate.
only a 2x and even though i can short the breakdown, i aint buying corn and start trading again until upper 6k's
>inb4 deluded fags start giving me yous its never going there again
suck my dick when it gets there
-97.77% here
how much do you need to not be classified as a poorfag
I've got 13 so I'd need to lose 12
Less than a bitcoin
richfag here then, whats up boys
Over 21 BTC is required for membership.
The funny thing is that, unless they started recently, all these guys with 0.2, 0.5 etc owned at least 1 BTC at some point.
When did you learn to not fuck with shitcoins?
>-97.77% here
>45 cones.
>Future Millionaire
can you poorfags at least learn to use bitcoin core and hold your money there instead of on cuckbase and also run a lightning node so you can help strengthen the network and maybe make your coins worth more? ever thought of that?
deluded fags start giving me yous its never going there again
a loss :^)
90% of portfolio in shitcoins. Yeah, that hurts
0.05 will have to sell it to make rent this month.
>never going to make it
>ive been depressed for years, but the injection of hopeium during 2017/18 made the depression worse
I'll have sex with you
Nah its ok, ive already had gay sex, its not for me. Im appreciative of a lot of things in my life, but im also a realist and know that riches dont lie ahead. Its going to take years for me to come to terms with it.
Just earn dollars and but a bitcoin, retard.
stop being poor
10x needed here.
For 0,2 BTC you can get
You can do business with it to get more Bitcoins + grow the value for BTCdude project.
Is that the final price?
Decided to leverage trade Bitcoin. Is it easier to do it on Bybit or Bitmex?
Cool idea, add Dorian and Paul thou, fuck Craig
Check inbox
it's $120
Based 210+ BitCoin club member checking in
i'm about 0.15. dont even look anymore, i just chuck cash at it for a long term hold.
Most folk in this thread are coinlets aren't they?
t. coinlet