is it still possible to make money off shitcoins in this market?
Is it still possible to make money off shitcoins in this market?
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how do i get a girl like dis?
Altcoins are honeypots for dumb money. There's no dumb money in the market yet so alts are less profitable. Wait until Bitcoin starts to get frothy
She has a big baboon monkey ass just like how you gorrilas like it.
Why would you want one?
t. perma virgins
omg imagine guys there is poop coming out of the so called asshole
>tattoo on her ass of all places
You can keep it.
What's it smell like?
>can't finish
I beg to differ m'lady
Yeah by Arbing. Most Jow Forums retards too retarded.
Im already doing this for 45+ large scale exchanges + smaller unheard ones too. Both CEX and DEX. It's surprisingly unsaturated still, and there are not good arbs unless you're watching it & stressing 24/7. Using automated trading is always NO for arbing, because of symbol mismatches (& other reasons), but still, it's not a long-term solution to riches. Currently, you can find ONE good arb per day. arb bots dont work on small dexs because theyre all on large exchanges
currently on Forkdelta, OKEx, and bithump. Forkdelta seems to have the lowest daily volume (usually around 45k-80k USD) and OKEx USUALLY has a daily volume from 9million USD to 10million USD. Still with me virgins? This is your chance to arbitrage. Don't even fucking try if you have less than 2 Ethereum because it'll take forever.. still worth it but if you're that much of a poorfag but this will be a lot slower for you.
Alright -- the price differences (you'll have to check your self) Currently on fork delta is 0.000589840 and on OKEx and other exchanges currently sitting at 0.001749 Eth/TRUE. Of course you can DYOR and actually HODL this shit but when I saw the volume differences, and putting two and two together I jumped straight into this shit. The arbitrage bots don't work as well on smaller exchanges with low volume like idex, forkdelta, and many of them do it manually even. You can actually see arb bots filling orders on dex in real time too.
I arbed over 20 eth so far and wasn't even rushing about it just by buying on ForkDelta > sending to sell on Okex or Bithump, pocket the diff, is the basics.
links below, you can figure rest.
and OKex you can find for your self easily and KYC is minimal anyway.
Better thank me for this Jow Forums because I didn't have to share this information enjoy the rest of your 2019. 2020 approaches. Be ready, this is the big one.
Here comes the pajeet scammer
Retarded newfaggot, stay poor. You're talking about their old token swap from like 2917
Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?
Imagine being this gay
>replying with a different ID
oh pajeet you make it too obvious
unironically thanks anyway
wish i knew about this a week ago
It's called pgoneposting you retarded newfaggot go back to plebbit man, and stay poor too
yeah goy your ip totally switches every minute when you phonepost right? kek kys poorfag scammer
I arbed before and it's legit but it's just a hustle
If there are no bots on smaller dexs then its all good
Kek, wasting time
Yeah it liteally does you newfag dumb redit nigger
fuck off and go log into coinbase or something
seething pajeet scammer, poo in the loo currynigger
seething poorfag
nice projection
yes but the risks have increased, timing is key still (being early in buying and selling) but you have to do more homework on the niche or stick to things with a small supply and bigger hype.
Deflationary shit does well lately, smart contracts around defi, dapps, games do well too,
Altcoin bear market is a good time for dividend paying tokens if you can't stand BTC.
Exchange tokens have done pretty well too because crypto speculators keeping using them but you have to stay in the top 50 exchanges if you want mostly real volume.
Do your research and read the etherscans of the erc-20s to see who holds what and how many holders there are