Ask anything. I have a few minutes.
I know the truth
What do you know of the slave colonies on Mars?
what are chainlinks competitors, and why will they fail to beat chainlink?
will SIBOS be a nothingburger?
What do we not know by now?
Was CL created by SWIFT?
How long until we reach tripple digits (rough timeframe)?
Monday a big day, or will it come like a bolt from the blue?
Not true, we're in a terrarium. There is land beyond ice walls where the rich and elite retire. Chainlink has been in development since the late 1980s.
Are you the same guy responsible for all the link larps?
Explain to me how overnight repo markets function and how chainlink would function in this domain. Explain the process of money creation and dispersement of funds to banks and how it affects global bond markets and how chainlink would be used in the system. Be detailed. You shills love posting these simplified infographics but I guarantee you cannot explain these systems with any depth and how chainlink would reduce frictions involved.
by ((((their agenda for nwo?)))))
LINK is much bigger than swift. Just like the internet is the most value of all its parts. real debt is in the hundreds of trillions. They've been working on LINK for over 30 years in order to control spending and fraudulent debt.
There will be no more money creation in the way it is being done now. All new money will be backed by LINK a LIMITED asset.
>they've been working on the idea of standard deviation since the 1980s
this is the best thing about link shills. Chainlink is like a smart high schoolers project
Wow, another larping shill who doesn’t know anything.
>hurr the entire financial system will collapse overnight and the world will adopt chainlink as a reserve currency instantaneously.
It's been in the works for years, since at least the late 1980s. Have you even read nick Szabos good protocol? I am really giving biz another chance.
i'm all in link. but why in the fuck would they ever use link as a currency backing
This is actually a realistic solution to the debt problem
Look at the banks that are beginning to issues stable coins. That will give you your answer. Within the next 5 to 6 years. We all know what they're going to be built on right?
there is literally nothing innovative about chainlink besides the memes
Of course it is. The federal reserve is rebooting, it gives autist like you all the 1% who can see the truth a chance to thrive in the 4th industrial revolution. If you don't hold at least link, BTC and eth. You're gojng to be in for a rough time.
Do you really need all three? When will adoption accelerate? When is staking to be expected?
Your FUD is weak now. Nothing can stop LINK at this stage. They're recreating god and it's been this way since computers were a thing. They already solved LINK in the 1990s and have been working on threshold signatures and mixicles the last 20 years. And they're ready to go live.
BTC will always be crude unrefined gold, always will have value. ETH is like that Apple computer that Steve Jobs had in his garage and will always be a collectible. But LINK my friend is cold hard cash in this new world my friend.
Yes I have, that has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about. Please explain what Szabo’s ‘God’ protocol has to do with it?
link is an open source api with business connections to the incumbent data and financial industries about to be made redundant to the bitcoin whitepaper.
The reputation system will be entirely centralized and its proof of stake system incentivises rigging oracle data to hack smart contracts. It's a joke that will probably still pump because of its marketing
how can I best take advantage of this besides accumulating more link ?
A realistic solution to the debt crisis is throwing out our entire financial system and its roots to use a premined centrally controlled ERC20 token as a world reserve currency? Are you out of your fucking mind?
Learn how to set up a node when the time comes. Make residual income based on the feds net income.
How much to make it and what's the price prediction for the short mid and long term
Estimated price 1 year out, 3 years out, 5 years out, 10 years out?
Thanks fren.
You mean a ERC-667 coin that was developed by the federal reserve themselves with sergey as the puppet? Yes that one. People like you don't deserve to hold LINK and this is why we FUD. Be blessed I even I come back here.
So, everyone who doesn't have LINk/Bitcoin will be completely fucked. What will happen to cash? Is real estate acquisition still a smart investment in this new paradime, since the masses won't have any of the new currency, and will be basically priced out? What will happen to them? I find it hard to believe the govt. Will not support them like they do now, though, that will be a shit ton of people
Why do you have a few minutes? What do you have to do?
What does municipal marmalade mean?
They will be given stable coins, but the banks hold the private keys. All running on the LINK network. The stable coins will be useless like cash is now? You get where I am going with this?
Linkers are the cringiest race on earth
They might unironically believe this psycho, take your meds
Wow, if you idiots believe this you are entirely deserving of losing your principle. This is next level delusion.
What's your price prediction timeline for Link ?
Just because you're not intelligent enough to see it makes me wrong. You're weak mentally and it shows. I am a high level Freemason here to show my brothers who are looking the light. I won't be posting again after this thread 404s.
Why so scared? Afraid you will be exposed? We are coming and we will not take any prisoners.
How long will NY hold out? It's the citadel of the old financial power.
Why are you telling us this then? Wouldn't we be the only ones left to rebel against (((them))), and aren't we the most likely to want to rebel against them?
Epic af tho. Props to the nwo, if true, this is a checkmate
Is this true or false: high level Freemasons do buttstuff and sacrifice lambs to Lucifer.
You don't get it dude, he's saying they are the ones leading this revolution
Then why the fuck can't I cash out in this godforsaken state coinbase you NIGGERS
Yes, I am guess what you call a deviant. I am not liking what they want to do with our new god, (chainlink). So I am giving you all a chance to make sure it's used to the good of us all. Armageddon is coming if we allow them.
Im not scared, im merely calling you what you are. Do you feel triggered by that. Take your meds
you can still call it shit and make money off it.
Link is unironically dog shit rolled in astroturf
so much schizo in this thread
You can, you can use a VPN and acquire as much as you need. Who will tell you anything? New York is holding out because they need to most upgrading. At least that's what they want the peasants to believe.
shitty larp trying to be like the 2036 time traveler, kys
How much LINK to make it?
Calling something crazy is cope, just because you can't understand doesn't mean it's crazy. The facts are on my side. You can say I am an Oracle. Hehe
the scalability of such a huge network like that would have to be insane. wtf are you talking about lmfao
What are threshold signatures, what is ETH 2.0. I can go on and on.
Any amount.
>To the good of us all
Dammit pajeet. I know this is probably a larp, but what you say makes sense: well done. Regardless, they have the nukes and will probably have super robot soldiers soon. We already lost. But, the plebs have it coming. Op, you don't have to interact with these people every day, they deserve everything they will get. At least I'll be comfy, and can raise my family independent, in an undisclosed location. Thanks man, it was fun.
how can I best protect stack and utilize it for staking later on in my own node?
"hehe" now take your meds psycho. And get the fuck off this board link shiller Hehe.
even those achievement wouldnt solve how big that network has to be for what youre saying. youre not making any sense, your rambling and acting like a schizo. give us info or get the fuck out
its proof of stake model incentivises rigging smartcontracts.
that doesn't even matter because Its reputation will be entirely centralised. So the link tokens are ultimately a ponzi scheme because they commodify nothing
>What are threshold signatures
patented. Doesn't change anything even if you could use them
when will the first smart derivative that uses chainlink as a price feed be launched
Rothschild imitation from whatever forum that was on a few years back. Your syntax is different than his though. He was bolder and wore his honor on his sleeve, which I suppose you attempted here. But it seems like an addition, that posters honor was consistent throughout his writings. Also, you make more typos than he did, he was precise. Perhaps, the not as smart friend
I can't say too much you absolute faggot. But I am giving you more than anyone else.
since you ignored my first inquiry could the peasants who found out about link ever actualize into meaningful power? what would be a noble pursuit, in your eyes for those among us who've bought the vision?
t. 700 days holdin
Do not put your private key on a phone or any device that can connected to the internet.
You're not giving us shit. You're repeating a load of bollocks that have been discussed to hell and back, and acting like you're the first one to present this information. You're not; you're a sad cunt.
"i cant say too much xDDDD Hehe xD" just fuck off. Were tired of psycho shit larpers. Its a security token for a network which nobody uses except for one test node. Whether you like it or not thats the truth. "But YOU WiLL see soon!! The birds told me In my sleep xDDddddd"
It's 677
Plus lots of other errors but this one is too brainlet to ignore
When will it pump user? 2020 Q1?
Is this how retarded linkies spend this saturday night? Larping as faggots?
>duh maybe the keynesian financial establishment will pump their own alternative to bitcoin
it won't work because the security comes from proof of work and proof of work is incompatible with the fed. You are not the architects of anything but your own destruction
You haven’t said anything at all. You are regurgitating nonsense and the only “backing” of your claims is a snippet of Szabo’s god protocol released in 1997 which has literally NOTHING to do with chainlink or even oracles for that matter.
Nano ledger s or tezor? Or are both fine
Honestly, shut the fuck up. Listen to yourself you fucking idiot. What the fuck is wrong with this board?
Yes, that's why I feel biz has the potential to become the next elite and there are a lot of good people here. This is why I am not posting this on twitter, facebook, Reddit etc. as long as one holds the key then we can't fully assimilate everyone.
>What would be a noble pursuit
If you have to ask, then you aren't nobility, faggot
What about on a password manager? Nano s ok too?
fuck off delphi
This. The absolute state of Link holders these days
You were here like two or three weeks ago. I remember you. And now you said this will be your last time. I can only assume that means the happening is soon. Thanks user, you are possibly a real pal
let the man speak, through further discourse it should become clear whether larp or not. suspend your judgement instead of bickering
what of value do you have to share with us then, fren? i asked you a direct question and you replied with generalities
No, everything offline. Memorize your key if you have too. In the event it gets taken or lost.
Totally. Do you think Alex will actually go to the Dallas conference?
i use the phone app
you haven't said anything insightful at all. until you say something unprecedented, you're just an attention seeker.
If it is not entirely clear to you already that this charlatan is full of shit, I fear for your future. That poster is asking a larping schizoid what noble pursuits he should enjoy when he becomes an “elite.” These people need to face reality or there are going to fall into dire straights when they realize this isn’t their golden ticket.
Is it too late to get into the game? Been studying the coins for a couple years now watching markets and learning what I can but never had enough cash where I could be comfortable entering in until now.
You seem to have a solid grasp on what youre talking about.
What to use then? How do I create an ETH wallet and get my private key offline? Doesn't MEW not work offline?
Tired of seeing phonies day in and day out sell gullible kids a dream that will make them neglect their futures on some pipe dream.
Is nano ok?
Chainlink has been in development alongside BTC and ETH for over 30 years. Satoshi consists of Hal finney, Nick Szabo, Ari juels, sergey nazarov, etc. just like when we brought down the towers, we created a boogey man called terror in order to continue thrusting us into never ending war, without question because we blamed it on shitskins. Same thing applies for this. Create a bogey man satoshi so no one can be held accountable for this new protocol. Chainlink is literally God to the banks and governments that are being built on this new network. It's a very scary world we're entering and I am starting to say no to my brothers to warn you all of what's to come if you don't see the future of what chainlink will be used for. Imagine a system in which everything you do will be watched and taxed in real time? Imagine having RFID chip scanned to serial numbers forcing you not to spend more than $500 cash in a. Single day running on a link node in your hand? We always stay 100 moves ahead of anything you read or here in the media.
Mew is fine, just make sure when your key is generated your computer is offline. And make sure you don't have any malware.
So the worship as tech as the new major religious focus once again really is in the works? I believed it when I originally heard it was awhile back just wasn't expecting to see the beginnings of it surface so soon.
is a hardware wallet like a trezor a safe option?
>forcing you not to spend more than $500 cash
you just pulled this from another thread you fucking phony. "i have a few minutes" yeah right you fucking read every biz thread because you're a NEET. Literally fuck off