Any money not spent at the end of the month should be dropped to 0 in your bank account.
Prove me wrong.
Any money not spent at the end of the month should be dropped to 0 in your bank account.
Prove me wrong.
Other urls found in this thread:
central banks will unironically do this soon
Basically any money still pending in your account at the end of the month will drop to 0. How is this hard?
Stimulate the economy goyim
So you want a bank run?
No. The money itself will have an expiration date (end of month).
That's crazy. I have $3000+ a month left in my bank after expenses each month.
So you want nothing requiring capital to ever happen because debts are forgiven every month.
Then all of that will drop to 0. You don't need it anyway.
No, the debts will still stand. Only the money expires.
throw it into bitcoin or boomer rocks
>No, the debts will still stand. Only the debt expires.
You're not making sense.
Congratulations, you are as retarded as this man.
The way it will work is that when you take cash out you get 0.98 and when you put a dollar in your digital balance goes up by 0.98. Then they get rid of all bills (they are actually proposing this), so you only have coins, but then they make coins illegal for transactions over a certain amount, and they make deposits of coins over a certain amount forbidden (already this way). Also any private transaction over a certain amount must be reported for "Anti money laundering" reasons. So to actually use your (((money))) you have to keep it in a bank, which has negative interest rates, so now your value of money depreciates through printing more and through straight theft. Then the bubble collapses and they exercise for the first time in American history a bail in, but that won't be good enough so they will have to have a bail out as well. We're almost there, a world of complete economic slavery.
What I'm saying is that the money fails to be fiat after an expiration date. The money is still created the same way (via debt), only it's not usable anymore after its expiration date.
No, retard, you're still not making sense. Money isn't created by debt. It literally IS debt. It is a token indicating you are owed goods and services.
A dollar in circulation means that someone somewhere owes somebody that dollar. But money is also used as "legal tender", meaning it can be used to purchase goods and services. All I am proposing, is adding an expiration date to that use. How is this hard?
Congrats. Through tremendous expense you just made your currency worthless for no benefit.
You can't separate the idea of legal tender from credit. You might as well talk about dry water. If the money is in your bank account and goes to zero, that just means the bank's debt to you has been forgiven. Think about how loan repayment would work with your inane idea. If I owe you money I'm going to pay you on the last day of the month with whatever is left. My debt goes down but the money I payed you instantly expires and you get fuck all. If I'm bagholding at the end of the month, I'll find some chump to lend to since apparently that won't expire.
I'm going to slaughter the first zoomer I see thanks to this retarded post.
>If I owe you money I'm going to pay you on the last day of the month with whatever is left. My debt goes down but the money I payed you instantly expires and you get fuck all. If I'm bagholding at the end of the month, I'll find some chump to lend to since apparently that won't expire.
Yes. What's the problem?
Youre not making any sense retard. How the fuck would an economy function then? Regardless of when it goes to 0, eventually all money in circulation will go to 0 because SOMEONE has to have in their account at time of expiration. WHO the fuck would accept money then?
>What's the problem?
People would accept money, but only if its within its expiry window. Problem solved, bro.
No they wouldnt. Because it would expire at the end of the month. Meaning a dollar would be more valuable on the 1st of the month vs the 30th of the month.
Think of money like bonds. Every bond has a price based on its strike and its expiration date. Money will accumulate value based on the same principle.
>get paid at the end of the month
>have less than 6 hours to spend it all
The closer it gets to the end of the month the cheaper people would want to get rid of it for so theyre not left bagholding a pile of shit
It doesn't make sense to accept it in trade for anything. Literally everything else is a better currency. Shrimp may expire in a month but at least you can eat it. Shrimp is one of the worst currencies imaginable but it's still better than this idea.
Exactly. People will spend money based on when they want to take on risk. Isn't that how an economy is supposed to work?
Yay, more rampant consumerism!
>It doesn't make sense to accept it in trade for anything.
It makes sense to accept it so long as it's within its expiry window. You wouldn't accept expired money, but you would accept money a few days outside of the end of the month (depending on how much risk you want to take on)
How are people supposed to save up, how will people afford a downpayment on their homes, vacation and a car and other stuff or luxury goods that aren't purchased with a single paycheck but take months or years of wage?
Plus, think about the technological advances such a change to the currency would impel. Goldman would be trading money much more frequently towards the end of the month than at the beginning. Their trading systems would have to be designed to keep up with the new demand.
Isn't that more like a game of hot potato?
No, (You) would because you're a brainlet. People born with normally formed craniums would not because it's expiration would already be priced in on the first.
A mortgage still works the same. You borrow from the bank and get non-expired money with which to pay for your down payment.
>It makes sense to accept it
Nope. A token that expires in 30 days with no other utility than to expire is not worth anything. I'm better off hoarding shrimp in a hot garage.
dude your idea is absolutely retarded. You propose a game of hot potato and most consumers aka the middle class isn't interested in those types of riskfull games. The consumer is very risk-averse. And wtf dude, how is anyone supposed to afford anything when their balance is constantly reset to 0?
No, it's *legal tender* within those 30 days. People *have* to accept it from you.
That doesn't make any fucking sense. One of the qualities of money, what makes money money is that it doesn't expire/not perishable. You fucking retard. It's why salt was once money. Because it was desired for keeping food unspoiled and it isn't perishable, why seashells were used and gold. Stuff that you can hold on to for a long time and doesn't rot to dust.
I am going to pay you 1 cent to kill yourself. You are required to accept because it's legal tender.
>restricting individual freedom towards the gain of the elite is so based and redpilled
kys retard
But shrimp isn't *legal tender*. Money is.
>shrimp isn’t *legal tender*
Why not?
I have never seen a more appropriate time to use this meme.
You've set up the system so I and everyone else will move to the black market. If you want to buy my shrimp you have to know a guy and trade me 5 pine cones per shrimp.
And what happens if you run into a financial emergency down the line that requires more funds?
What you need all those pinecones for?
You have to stop being lazy and work for the funds like everybody else. Duh.
can you just stop replying to this faggot already? This is why Jow Forums blows now.
Yeah, or maybe people are *actually* intrigued by my idea. *gasp*
I can buy shrimp with them next year.
good job user you've managed to invent something more retarded than your iq
It sure would have been nice if you'd had a safety cushion of savings to cover unforeseen problems.
If by intrigued you mean think they're retarded.
your a kike
*sips tea
check mate
>It sure would have been nice if you'd had a safety cushion of savings to cover unforeseen problems.
Savings are a problem collectively. We need to impel a negative rate of savings.
Who exactly benefits from your idiotic system? Not creditors, not the workforce, not anyone with a project that requires more than a month to complete (e.g. infrastructure), certainly not any kind of international business - why would anyone even consider it when the foreign currency will expire?
And most importantly, what are you smoking?
Alright, good thread, all, thanks for all your inputs. I will be sure to take it into consideration when I write to the Fed Chair with my idea.
>Who exactly benefits from your idiotic system?
Everyone who spends their cash within a month of receiving it.
>And most importantly, what are you smoking?
Oh, that explains. You sure are putting the expiration date on your own cash, so at least you're consistent.
Bitch, I'm "almost surely (TM)" consistent. Always have been and always will be.
One of the traits of good money is that its fungible you absolute fucking donkey retard. Your concept is basically to “create” new debt but that debt expires within 30 days. Jesus fuck just off yourself already.
If you don't have control over what you spend you're nothing more than cattle and that money wasn't even really yours. QED, bitch
We already cleared this up earlier in the thread: debts don't expire, only the money that changes hands does.
Money is fucking debt you absolute dogshit eating retarded donkey. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK MONEY IS TODAY? PLS EXPLAIN TO A BRAINLET LIKE ME
Money is debt (because a dollar in circulation means a dollar is owed to somebody somewhere), but it's also "legal tender", meaning it's required to be accepted for goods and services.
Starting to feel like a broken record here...
Nobody would keep their money in banks if that was the case. If you an expiration date to your bank notes, then people wouldn't use that currency. If all the countries in the world do it, then crypto would soar. Either way this is a dumb idea.
Also, ban all non-expirational crypto.
Come back when crypto gets banned wherever you live, for starters.
so.. negative inflation? we will have that soon enough in Australia.
My money is in Bitcoin, gold and a single boomer stock
then i will form an LLC to bill myself for living.
communist economics is basically voodoo
>doesn’t know
How can I short commies? The absolute state, jesus fucking christ
How do I shot web?
I still don't understand and have been thinking about this for several hours.
Currency collapses, nobody will use it and we return to a barter system and a stone age economy. Proven wrong.
You are have explained your point very poorly
Legal tender means a payment of debt. The debt IS the goods and services. The more goods and services there are, the more the payments needed to buy them. America is a debt factory for the world. Only way to stop it is to stop production of goods and services backed by the legal tender of the U.S.
>savings are a problem
the obama of economics
me too.
It´s like they think that they´ll be forever young and there is no need to divest capital in time.
but ok, I´ll entertain the idea:
so I receive the money and I know that it will be worthless on day 32... So I buy everything on day 31... the guy receiving the money knows it will be worthless tomorrow, so he spends it on the same day... and since he is risking loosing it all and he knows that everybody else is thinking the same thing he has to increase his price because of the risk he is taking that nobody will take his money so close to midnight..... now I and everybody else know, that on day 31 my money is basically worth nearly as much as on day 32. Next month everybody put the prices of day 32 on day 30... and the recursion continues until we arrive at day 2 has the price of day 32, congratulations: you have created hyperinflation.
This was all whats needed to prove him wrong. Goods dont expire. This will only work if we take away everything at the end of the month and even then its pretty retarded and you have to understand nothing about economics to come up with it and maybe a double digit iq as well
t. Amerimutt
It is simple.
You get indebted over your eyes for your whole life meschege goy
This is one of the best posts I've ever read on biz kek
This OP was made by a nigger or some sort of lab experiment typing gorilla. This has to be the lowest time preferenced idea I have ever heard of.
Even chimpanzees save tokens for later, well the smart ones do.
Cool, and if I'm overdrawn they'll write that off too, yeah? Gotta stimulate the economy brah.
No, fuck off. People would just store wealth in metals, stocks, crypto etc, stuff that doesn't directly drive the economy as intended. People aren't going to buy five times the amount of cheeseburgers just because they "have to" spend their money. Put some retarded policy like that in place and people will find loopholes within seconds.
Why? If the logic is that any positive balance isn't needed, then debts represent a shortfall between income and living costs. At least pretend to be benevolent if you're going to play dictator.
So nobody will ever be able to save for a washing machine or new big tv.
Yeah that’ll benefit the economy.
The only way the Jews will do this is if the money went to them at the end of the month
>make $10,000 a mont
>can never buy a home with a down payment of $50,000 despite the home and following payments being well within my means because it’s literally not possible to save money
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
>Sorry pal, cant sell you any water or medicine today. Come back on the first of the month
Your fucking nu-money is worthless as legal tender, so what's the difference?
Actually, I thought about it again. All this means is that people would literally never use banks and resort to storing their physical currency in a safe at home and all transactions would return to being cash only.
Its good in that regard.