Is Jow Forums good at saving money? It's actually pretty easy.
Is Jow Forums good at saving money? It's actually pretty easy
Yes I save 85% + of my income
spoiler i live with my parents who cover most of my expenses
Making 100k a year and only paying 825$ in rent. Calling BS, any city that can afford to pay that salary has higher rent.
>just earn 6 figures in your mid 20's bro
yeah i pay that and make 40k, transport and bills are too low for me in vegas. I do better on groceries and eating out 50% on both. My investments and saving always remain above 20% though.
What the fuck are they donating to?
Maybe college wasn't such a meme huh
Why cherry pick so hard, and then even decide to write an article on it, and then even publish it through a national news outlet.
And donation expenses is just as high as monthly food expenses, what in the hell.
It's very possible to work in one city and live in another ya know? I don't take the chart at face value either, but considering the "transportation" bill doesn't include a car note I would assume whoever that guy is commutes via train or something.
I refuse to believe cases like the OP account for more than 5% of graduates at the most.
>I refuse to believe cases like the OP account for more than 5% of graduates at the most.
It wouldn't even account for 1% of graduates. The only people leaving school with a 4 year degree and walking into a 100k job are the kids at Harvard walking into some cushy do-nothing office job provided by their dads.
>Considering percentages
You would think on a business and finance board that people would be studying something with actual career prospects and working hard to network and get internships/co-op that would allow them to get a good job. Compared to the "normie" that's studying something useless and just getting drunk every night.
Also 25 years old is several years out of school.
A job say, as a reporter for a major news outlet?
Also, who the fuck pays $20 a month for Internet? Is this on a fucking modem?
Because having a job has nothing to do with Jow Forums. My money works for me, not the other way around.
>My money works for me, not the other way around.
You need income to have money to invest, unless you inherit a lot of it or win the lottery. And a job is a pretty safe bet to make that money.
>inb4 i run a dropshipping business that pulls in 8 figures a year
that $615
No entry level position is giving out 100k.
>Also 25 years old is several years out of school.
Not necessarily. Normal age for graduation is 22-25. I just finished at 23 and could have finished early at 21, but I had to drop out for a while. The majority of people don't actually finish in 4 years flat.
>You would think on a business and finance board that people would be studying something with actual career prospects and working hard to network and get internships/co-op that would allow them to get a good job
Why would you think a board full of NEETS gambling on shitcoins and memes is populated by Type-A personalities like that?
what 25 makes this much? 35 year old dont even have this much.
My budget as a 26 y.o:
Income from job after taxes: $3600
Income from side gigs after taxes: $500
Loan payments: $430 (mostly student loans, mortgage almost paid back in full)
Groceries: $400
Utilities or other mandatory fixed expenses: $450
Entertainment or consumer goods: $200 average
Charity: $300
Result: $2330 left over every month that I save.
thats interesting
>No entry level position is giving out 100k.
With several years of experience many fields compensate at least close to that. But fair enough I guess I assumed that they would graduate in a timely manner.
>Why would you think a board full of NEETS gambling on shitcoins and memes is populated by Type-A personalities like that?
Usually communities dedicated to investing have above-average incomes and savings/portfolios, etc. Similar to how forums about fitness or some sort of athletics have the average member with much better stats than a norman off the street.
>average rent: $825
>usually communities dedicated to investing have above-average incomes and savings/portfolios
Having any sort of portfolio no matter how small in your 20's sets you apart from the average person. This board is populated by normal people and you will get a normal spread of careers and incomes.
Anons here don't earn more money just because this is a business and finance board. Anons are here because they want to more money for themselves or laugh at poor and stupid people.
>this board is populated by normal people
>Having any sort of portfolio no matter how small in your 20's sets you apart from the average person
The average person is also overweight and can't do highschool-level math. They also have a laughable understanding of personal finance. Does that mean those things are difficult?
>This board is populated by normal people and you will get a normal spread of careers and incomes
People that make more money tend to be more interested in investing, or even have the means to invest at all. It would be like going to /lit/ or some reading forum and bringing up how the "average person reads 0 books per year" as if it matters.
What do you think normal people are? This place isn't full of high IQ CEOs and money lenders. It's full of retards with the occasional intelligent poster.
If you've ever gone outside, you know that IRL is also full of retards with the occasional person. Once I got out of my own head, over my social anxiety, started talking to people more I realized that the shit we say and do on here isn't all that uncommon. We just don't hide it.
I never said any of this shit was difficult. And at this point I'm also not really sure what direction or point you're trying to get at anymore. Either way most people don't really have their head on straight in college because of all the lies we've been fed about how easy it is get a job with a degree.
Even if you don't land a high paying job with a 500 company right out of school, it's still possible to get started saving and investing on an average 40k salary. IMO even if you didn't go to school for technical skills in STEM, at least try gain some knowledge about leadership and develop good character. That goes a long way from what I've seen in my short career.
If you think anyone who spends their free time shitposting on a Malaysian pottery forum is normal then you need to go outside.
>Good with money
Stopped reading
Uh, can they do one for goy 25 year olds now?
Is spending all your time shitposting on Faceberg, Twitter, and Instagram any more normal? "Normal" people are just as fucking weird as us.
Not going to bother screencapping September, but here's my June month-end spreadsheet. By the end of October I should have $130-131k cash and, as always, $0 debt.
That's what they all say. Instead they just knock up some roastie at a bar and keep working for life.
>start BS at 17
>start PhD at 21
>finish at 25
There you go faggot
His "donations" are probably to some e-thot, not a charity.
Every company in silicon valley pays 100k+ for entry level
>dining out
>400 bucks groceries
Twitch thots arent charity
>the person who produced that picture actually thinks he is able to judge "excellence"
>Internet 20
>Rent 825
>Donations 615
NOT ok
>Groceries 400
NOT ok
>Health insurance 270
NOT ok
>Dining out 250
NOT ok
>Utilities 195
NOT ok
>Transportation 130
>Cell phone 40
NOT ok
>House cleaner 30
NOT ok
>donating almost a quarter of your earnings
Hard to do with no income
>is excellent with his money
>dining out
>house cleaner
Is this real life?
Good thing I don't give to twitch thots then
what the fuck is it then, its fucking stupid thats what it is
Last year I gave to the Against Malaria Foundation, for example. Saving lives sure is stupid, right?
If you a white guy the niggers that you saved from malaria will be imported into your country anyway and then you will be forced to support them with your own money by law.
>being against malaria
>on Jow Forums
Who 16.5% Chad here
I dropped out of college straight into a USD 100k job, plus 20k signing bonus. If I was American I probably could have managed even more. I still make the same 3 years later, but I only work < 10 hours a week now, 100% remotely.
High tech sure is comfy
Never going to make it
>Spending $7000 a year on donations is being excellent with money
what the fuck who made this?
Reporting in.
>tfw I'm on a mediocore salary but have more assets saved up 85% of people my age wtf.
I had over 50k so would have been top bracket but bought a house this year, so I have approx 8k.
where can I get internet for $20?
>last year I gave money to jews who keep niggers alive so they can be send to your country
All the bitter misanthropists in this thread reeeeee-ing at the idea of giving money to charity. Don't you know that helping others is the key to your own happiness?
Invest dummy
Money just sitting in a kike bank is worthless
>almost 1/4 donations
>after you already pay taxes
>zero investment
A Jew made that chart.
france monthly: quality food 250, rent 350, utilities 100, health average 50, transport 100
to the tune of monthly rent? you'd have to be an absolute retaard at 25 to miss lifelong compounding interest no matter how 'good' you think you are, you've handcuffed your future donations by orders of magnitude.
This fucking image again.
78k in 2.0% savings account, 40k in 401k, 9k cash, $600 in crypto. I don't have a house though
What do you do and which country?
Charities don't just need help in 50 years when he has accumulated some interest, they need help now too. And in OP's image it accounts for less than 10% of his income. He still has like $4000-5000 income left every month that he can invest or save. $600 a month is pocket change. To me, you'd have to be an evil, greedy motherfucker if you wouldn't spare even that.
I'd be much more inclined to be charitable if over a third of my income wasn't confiscated in taxes. I regularly volunteer for a food bank, but I don't donate. Society has chosen to take my money and spend it on the military.
Is not charitable donations deductible in your country? You would in fact avoid taxes if you donated. Talk about two birds with one stone.
How the fuck can you get someone to clean your house for $30 btw? Is this like cheap hispanic labor?
Shut the fuck up. Upwards of 30% of everything you make is taxed and the majority of that goes towards "charitable" Medicare/Medicaid/SS/SNAP/Section 8 etc. We already work so that a large segment of American society can sit on their ass and do nothing.
The state gets half of my shit already, fuck off. I am not going to donate a single cent.
All the money goes to niggers anyways.
I agree with the sentiment of what you're saying, giving to charity is requires careful research though.
Yes part of the 51.8%
>feels comfy
came in here to post about this, you don't make $100k anywhere where you can get by on $825 rent
It does indeed, I use to find out how my dollars can go as far as possible. They even make spreadsheets showing stuff like how many dollars it statistically takes to save a life for each charity etc.
Do Americans middle-class earners really donate this much to charity? It's such a foreign concept here. But I guess when you pay a 40+% average tax rate, you could consider a large chunk to be charity.
Might want to take some savings and invest in a house and more crypto?
Regardless you're in a pretty good spot
Put some of those 78k into precious metals. 2% savings means you are losing money to inflation.
>Excellent with money
Holy shit. I have a wife and 2 kids and we spend less than that and we have what we need
Which is the equivalent of 40k in a flyover state
>tfw 28 and still unemployed
People aren't actually making 6 figures at 25 r-right
>No entry level position is giving out 100k.
>With several years of experience many fields compensate at least close to that.
Do you know what entry level means?
who the fuck donates lmao
They don’t have $825 rent availability though
>$615 is almost a quarter of $8,333
Its taxes. They just try to make it sound better.
He misinterpreted the image, user. Thinking that the OP is an ironic "this is how a millenial spends his/her entire salary on nothing but essentials and is still unable to save any money." I initially did the same because of all the self-pitying faggots browsing Jow Forums.
Honest question: why give to charity? That's $3600 extra annually you could be investing or building your pension with.
hahahahah fucking donations more than groucries fuck you guys thats my link money
i read the article awhile back, kid lives w/ 4 other people and his parents are rich
If you're young, the only things you need to spend money on are clothes/accessories and food.
For example, having tailored clothing for all occasions will make you more trustworthy and help advance your career. There's a reason all high tier wagies are required to wear suits.
Second of all, you can network much easier if you're willing to dine with others. Yes, that means sometimes inviting and paying for other peoples lunch/dinner.
You are providing a small incentive for them to show up, but you could get a high paying job/client out of it.
Jow Forums is full of larpers.
Twitch streamers
>615$ in donations
lol. is he paying twitch people?