Cheaper than marriage with more “benefits “
New Whores
Have sex incel
>fuding family
I wonder who could be behind this post
26? Really? Why take old hags when you can choose 18 year olds instead? Must be a fetish...
I single never married no kids
But the amount of guys I know around 50 fucked over for nearly everything (millions ) left destroyed psychologically and financially by wives that just had kids drank wine, lattes and didn’t work for 20 +years is ridiculous!
Glad I was too ugly and dodged that fucking literal bullet
>average age of a sugar baby
Yikes, if I'm going to pay for a rent-a-girlfriend it's going to be some 16 year old Brazilian model, not some roastie in her mid-twenties who's already had hundreds of cocks inside of all three of her holes
>sugar baby
>average age: 26
Wow imagine wasting money on such old hags you could easily get for free.
The reason people pay for things like a sugar babe and not blow it all on whores is because going to whores is pretty much the same like jacking off into a rubber (have tried it a couple times, always leaves you rather unsatisfied)
When you fuck a "real" girl you enjoy much more like female company, attention/validation and also intimacy, things some whore can never give you.
I mean when you buy a sugar girl for 4-5k/month (usual price) of course you also have that feeling that she is only there for ur money but you still might get some intimacy and companionship, you dont have to go to sleep alone in your 5 star hotel like some lonely rich incel. And maybe rich non good looking guys are blackpilled enough to know that the average roastie is just interested in his money anyway so why not just be honest and pay a fixed amount.
>Tech Entrepreneur
Lmao, how come Comp sci/tech attracts the biggest fucking cucks?
All women are whores
I found this pic in a pol thread today. Not even a catholic traditional country like Poland can keep their women from being whores in the internet age... Islam is right about women they are not people they are property.
literally just have sex
the first one was born to be a whore
however not really new, you even get hit on by some 12/13 year olds nowadays who are in their vacations
18 are hot but for me women peak at 15 ,Like at that age most women are beautiful to me then it gets rarer each year and at 30 most are ugly kunts
I remember telling a roastie I was sleeping with I had fucked 6 girls (it was really 3) when she asked and she reacted repulsed, like I had made her feel bad about taking 16 dicks by age 18. It was probably more than she let on. I found so many dick pics on her camera after she went on vacation with friends I was in shock. Must have had at least 10 dicks in 7 days. It's a real blackpill to realise this is not uncommon
Meanwhile me, friends tell me Im the prettiest of the group , some women call me cute.
>21 yo 0 women/0 men
Im not becoming gay anytime soon
>letting yourself get cucked into supporting a woman who will not bear your offspring
>actually believing having money will turn girls on
user, I...
If you're insanely rich it's better than getting married and risking half of your assets. But it would be easier to hire a real whore instead of paying more for someone like this.
it's an advertisement, zerohedge is losing their touch they are publishing all crap now
I mean, I'm no genius or billionaire, but I think I'll stick to fucking fat chicks on tinder. Big girls put more work into sex, and plenty of them are younger than 26.
4-5k/month is definitely not usual price for a month... maybe some fat mid 30's...
good looking max 20yo is 4-5k per day/weekend (depending where you go)... some will not even under 20k for a weekend.
It's called a gf
Obtaining a girlfriend requires being attractive to the opposite sex as opposed to making a purchase like these incels are doing.
How ugly are you ?
how childish are you? it's a fact.
a fucking escort costs that much for a weekend... do you seriously think that a sugardaddy would pay the same for those? fucking braindead kids
I don't think anyone is paying 20k for a weekend to have sex with one (1) girl lmao
that's absurd
>Islam is right about women they are not people they are property.
A man used to own his property: house, land, cattle, chickens, mineral rights, a firearm, and his women and children
Now the 2A is soon to be gone - and obviously only the richest men have any of the above. I’d say the Patriarchy has been pretty smashed . . . Looks like the Mohammedans will bring black back into fashion, so to speak
it is how it is. what he refers to is the monthly payment to just have contact with her/get some pics.
after that you invite her for somewhere (private jet, luxury resort), give her gifts (expensive watch, clothes, ...) and give her some extra money.
you faggots don't understand that money is not relevant for some people. keep dreaming of having sex with a sugarbaby every weekend/day of the month for 4-5k/month, faggots.
>a fucking escort costs that much for a weekend
i don't get this post, seeting roastie?
you can literally fuck pornstars for 2-5k
yes, 1 night, not 1 weekend.
A averange suggardaddy makes 250k a year.
From that 250k he gives 20k a month to his whore.
So an averange suggardaddy only has 10k a year for himself ?
You fucking idiots mean model cunts, there are millions of cheaper pussys out there.
Have Sex: The Thread
who wants sluts in their mid 30's? of course i'm talking about models that are studying in their low 20's or 18.
fucking pajeet spotted
Have sex incel.
obviously you're the incel dreaming of having a sugarbaby for 4-5k a month.
> 26
If you're going to pay extortionate amounts for a "sugar baby" why go so old?
You need to get them earlier or find the absolute rarity who isn't all over social media/out clubbing. Otherwise they become completely fucked out and lose pair bonding.
If a girl is out being social all the time and good looking she will get asked out a few times a week. Especially if she comes across as nice. They don't need to sleep with a great percentage of these guys to rack up disgusting numbers.
more like this
you're aware sugar babies are glorified hookers you low IQ moron? they just give you the girlfriend experience like GFE hookers. Some hookers have had regular clients for years it's like a paid mistress
those sites are for losers who like to overpay hookers for the feeling of having a gf. absolute cucks
" "From one, I get $1,500 a month. I see him typically once a month, sometimes twice," Jessica says. Another Sugar Daddy pays her roughly $700 per visit, because some months he sees her only twice, while other months he sees her multiple times a week. The third Sugar Daddy pays her a "monthly allowance" of $2,000 a month, and she sees him twice a week. That adds up to a minimum of $4,900 a month in income. Jessica estimates that between the time she spends on self-promotion, messaging new potential Sugar Daddies, first dates, and maintaining her standing arrangements, she's working full-time hours.
Jessica's success seems to stem from her willingness to negotiate with potential suitors. "I normally just start with a base pay-per-visit. I'm not charging by the hour. I feel like if they can't do $400 - $500 to spend some time with me, then I'm not what they're looking for anyways," she says. "
just visit regular hookers it's cheaper..
>Tech entrepreneur
most beta career paths confirmed?
no dude, you have to be legit ugly, nonwhite and/or tedious to deal with
the prices you list are for sb's who deal with arabs or for fetish shit
that other user who
Occupation should be student at the most.
26 y/o isn’t a sugar “baby”, it’s a grown ass women that can’t find work or is past her sell by date
Wait guys. Let's say you are a rich millionaire (€5m, and you aren't living in the expensive meme cities) and you look pretty good with fitting clothes, nice haircut etc. Where do you go to get nice young girls who haven't been fucked by 5 guys already? I mean if 18 year olds have already fucked so many, that means you should aim for the 16yo ? That becomes a bit complicated. Seriously where the fuck do you find wife material nowadays? I'm just 19 in uni and most girls been with like 4+ guys already(at a party there was this card game and most of them said it shouldn't matter how many sex partners you've had). God damn hopefully LINK will reach €100 in the next 3 years.
Beta? These guys are multi millionaires who are fucking 8-10s. You are probably living in your mom's basement.
I would unironically rather stay celibate than pay some prostitute for fake affection if she's not even going to help me pass down my genes. My ex had a friend who was a sugar baby. We were like 21 and this dude in his 50s was hanging out with us. It was weird and pathetic
I would pay money to have this question answered. It seems like getting a virgin gf, is the only way to ensure safe, consistent, enjoyable sex.
Why are you LARPing as a millionaire if you can't even hire virgin slags to fuck you
Can you fucking read? It's hypothetical and he even said he's a 19 year old uni student
Probably because younger girls have a lot more hope for their future and don't want to resort to being a prostitute just yet.
Then by the time they've reached 26, work a dead end job if any job at all, have one or two kids from her past relationships with Tyrone/Jamal, have fucked so many men they aren't even remotely capable of pair bonding anymore, and realize they only have 4 or 5 years left of making money based on pretty looks alone they just say fuck it.
Why even bring the gay LARP hypothetical into it then?
I was making "six figures" in San Francisco and used Seeking to fuck girls so easily.
It's much easier when you're a somewhat attractive 20something competing against pajeets, asians, and 50 year old boomers.
Tinder was getting boring and roasties suck.
I never even paid any of them
They all just want to go out and have drinks lol
Sex In The City fairy tale bullshit. Especially the younger college girl types.
I ended up banging 10+ girls in about 2 months.
It was pretty fun, but I don't pay for the site right now and only use it to see if any of my tinder matches are on it.
This is a board primarily about crypto, which is a market that has made people fortunes overnight. We're halfway through this bear market and will probably see some serious moons in the next few years. Many people here have tens of thousands of dollars in crypto and are planning for the future in the event they are turned into millionaires overnight. That user is only 19 and has all the time in the world to become insanely wealthy. Why the fuck are you even here if you aren't trying to get rich?
I wouldn't pay 4. But like that other guy said, 20 is absurd.
Delusional as fuck.
Invest in a time machine and get a girl from a strong religious background.
This world is already fucked, the faster it burns down the better.
any girl that takes religion too seriously is mentally ill
Seriously this. I've known hundreds, if not thousands of guys. I've known like 6 that are or were happily married long term.
>I've known hundreds, if not thousands of guys
could you make this larp anymore obvious
changing your id for every single answer wont fix your statement. you're simply wrong, listing prices for whores that work as street prostitutes instead of 10's. facts are facts.
keep dreaming about getting 10's and fucking them whenever you want for 4-5k a month.
i can get whenever i want some sluts from tinder, 7-8's just showing my bank statement... but who cares about a pussy that had more than 200 dicks inside?
What exactly is delusional about it?
>slutty girl has slutly friends
Posts like this are made to make you give up and not try anymore because "bro theres no point". But modest girls dont post about things like that and are not likely to be friends with people like that.
I just moved to Downtown Columbus from across the country and only make 75K. All I have to do is go out to eat or for a drink at an upscale place and I will get hit on.
It's time to play everyone's favorite game:
This. There's so much relationship FUD out there. Wish people went outside more, understood things better. Images like these aren't statistics. It's cherrypicking to cause despair in anons' hearts.
>everyone in your real life is miserable and some are on their second divorce
>lol its just a meme bro you need to go outside more
>everyone in your real life
>EVERYONE is miserable
>everyone you know is the entirety of humanity, and humanity is miserable
Misery begets misery. Have you ever asked yourself why they're on their second divorce? Also, how old are you to know friends who are on their second divorce? 35?
guess how i know you're a zoomer with no life experience
I would want to say the same for yourself. Sure, I've never been married, but I know married couples who are together even now and have been for 40+ years. I also know divorcees who were married for up to 20 years. These things happen, and they're unfortunate, but each of them has managed to find love again after their divorce and seem quite happy now.
If you just want to be convinced that there's more to life than misery, you have to actually live it and have a more open and understanding mind.
>people are miserable and some are getting divorced, therefore i shouldnt go outside and get experience
You most likely - and I'm just taking a hunch - want a reason to say "what the fuck" and stop being so anxious about going outside and talking to people or acknowledging others in passing. Would you not want to join a sport just because people get injured? Not swim because sometimes people drown? Take precautions, naturally, but don't disregard it as useless, because they're both healthy activities with their benefits - just like marriage, if you stick with the right one and have strong confidence in your choice. And even if you don't, life doesn't end there.
Make new friends and a lot of people use to marry because its what they thought they should do. In the future though marriage will likely only be done by people who appreciate what it brings.
>just interact with people you don't have to so they can shit up your life with their drama and misinformed opinions
listen kid, i did the outgoing social butterfly thing, for many years, in many different countries
in this day and age there are less and less reasons to socialize, because most people are genuinely stupid, by choice
willfully ignorant people are a danger to themselves and others, and not everyone needs to be tied up in other people's self-induced drama
>listen kid, i did the outgoing social butterfly thing, for many years, in many different countries
You're on Jow Forums insulting zoomers and posting frogs and wojak.
I highly, HIGHLY doubt you truly did the "outgoing social butterfly thing" stint. If you were smart, you'd be able to find like-minded people in real life to hang with. As the saying goes, "if everyone smells like shit, check the bottom of your shoes"
>you'd be able to find like-minded people in real life to hang with
people like me know everyone is stupid as fuck and stay away from people to avoid getting sucked up into their shit
>Everyone is stupid af
Sure you haven't met someone more intelligent than you or are you delusional?
They're scared of something. Biz has been flooded with anti family posts the past week.
Never stop fighting for what you want anons.
Do you cucks really consider shit like 4 partners to be high? I'm 21 and had 14 bodies by 20, and for most of that time I was broke, unemployed, had no social life, and had major baggage. Didn't stop me. I have a gf now.
>Its another biz incel thread
If they cant get laid any number is high and whore tier
Nice she’s pretty hot. How much did you end up spending in those 2 months?
>any girl
>is mentally ill
fixed that for ya
ja you're a manslut but it's worse to be a normal slut ig
>be 'sugar daddy'
>can still only get a 26 year old washed up whore that has taken more miles of cock longer than the silk road
im really thinking islam IS the solution lads
Oh man all the blackpilling stuff I’ve seen at uni...
Beta "tech guy" confirmed
The past few generations of the west have been tricked into placing too much focus on sex, women and short term hedonistic pleasure.
Think of the things that have made you content in the long term, I guarantee they aren't the things championed by most.
>New Whores
Isn't sugar baby just a modern word for a kept woman?
How the fuck did you have no social life and yet you got laid? Where did you get the girls? Delivered by UPS?
That's the problem with society today, people are rating their net worth by how many partners they've had.
not much. just the monthly fee
still went to the same bars. never got dinner
it was just like tinder except with hotter girls who think you're rich lol
Make fake accounts and out local girls to their families for being prostitutes.
sitting all day and eating garbage will make you a cuck automatically
i see you are spamming the thread pretty hard, hit a nerve there?
I have never found this to be true, 15 year old girls have weird faces for me, it's a bit like uncanny Valley. But I wonder if this is partially due to late frustration. Did you get laid with a 15 year old when you were 15? For me girls peak around 21, but that might similarly be because I only really started noticing women in college.