When will fidget spinners pump again?

I need to sell my bags....

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Why aren't these popular anymore? I use them every day at work.

because everyone who wanted one got one


Wtf you bought 6k nigger spinners at the beginning of summer 2019??

Nigger your fucked these things are outdated AF

What's the retard's real name so that we can all laugh at his stupidity.

Here's an idea, add 3 semi precious stone to each spinner and sell it as a chakra massage device to new age loonies.

that's genius user

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I knew of one person who bought one. Is literally the poster child of loser/incel/cuck. Seriously the most pathetic faggot I've ever met in my life.


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>not knowing this was a psyop for XRP
>buying XRP merch bags for an old logo


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that was an image of you in the mirror

Yep this was some Tavistock fakery to fool the goyim.

This is from 2 years ago iirc

You're probably the low life I'm referring to. Or you bought one of these toys and were laughed at and are similar to the loser I described.

Imagine buying the top of fidget spinners

don't be so hard on yourself

however, projecting onto others on a Hungarian pony rearing forum isn't going to help you overcome your insecurities

>I knew of one person who bought one. Is literally the poster child of loser/incel/cuck. Seriously the most pathetic faggot I've ever met in my life.
I bought one because of ADHD, although it's a fidget cube, and thought it would help when watching ten hour long video tutorials. It did not.

Holy fuck this sick burn

>ten hour long video tutorials
What kind of topics have ten hour tutorials made on them?

10 hours is easy mode for something like ableton