How CL solves the oracle problem? Say for example that I want to determine who won a basketball match yesterday to settle a bet. How do I get that information more reliably from Chainlink than Google News?
Can someone explain
Stop shilling your bags
You would query big data via google about the set stats and retrieve the info via a decentralized Chainlink Oracle.
>You would query big data via google
about the set stats
>and retrieve the info via a decentralized Chainlink Oracle
lol why?
Trusted hardware linked to the network.
Like at gas pumps. No other way.
Chainlink doesn’t solve any problem other than Sergey’s debt problem.
>Trusted hardware linked to the network
So much for decentralisation. Sounds like that old shitcoin Skycoin.
it dosen't. There is no oracle problem to begin with, ethereum smart contracts can just access data from apis and use those to execute their smart contracts
I don't think these kinds of threads are made in good faith, you already know the answer to this.
reputation system with rewards and punishments per performance
>How do I get that information more reliably from Chainlink than Google News?
Google News doesn’t get the info onto the blockchain, you need oracles for that.
Just like Google Cloud repped Chainlink for getting their data onto the blockchain.
And you need the info on the blockchain to use it in smart contracts.
smart contracts remove the need of trust.
the better wouldn't need to trust you to fufill the bet.
also what happens if the google news changes address or have the result format changed.
how will your rtemper proof contract fetch the new data?
you're just a pajeet trying to FUD, but the FUD is just too weak
Okay, let's say you are at the race track, football match or whatever. You have an app that lets you submit bets to a marketplace, and other users on the app can accept your bet.
The acceptance of the bet by both parties creates a automated smart contract. The smart contract fulfills based on the result of the race or football match. The result is collected by desired amount of oracles, and is sent to the contract.
Now, let's say you won the bet, with a total profit of $50k. The simplicity of the app and trustless nature of the Chainlink network, just let you post a bet for a large sum of money, without having to meet a single person to make sure you would get paid what you rightfully won.
This is just a very simple usecase.
Town crier uses intel sgx
Which is currently built into all modern day intel cpus. So trusted hardware becomes basically any intel run computer
Chainlink is a self executing middleware token network decentralised oracle platform node operator sybil Byzantine it's not your fault tolerant high tps throughput industry standard.
It is called escrow service, right? Where do I and other bet-ters deposit our bet money? Into anonimous node operator node?
Into a private smart contract hosted on a global computer that can't be turned off. The oracle just feeds the result information so the payment can be triggered.
>lol why
Pic related is why
Seems legit. Why it's 1.80 and not 180 yet?
Because it's a pipe dream
Fewer than 50,000 people in the entire world have bothered to think this through. It's not a question of if but when.
Only about 50% of those understand it too, the rest are just people trying to make money off tokens that they don't really know the purpose of fully
The oracles can confirm that your bank account contains necessary amount to cover the bed, and the app could be connected up with your bank account, which allows for payment to be made when terms of contract have been met.
The other person could be paid out in BTC if he wanted to aswell.
This ends up creating several jobs for the oracles to perform. Network effect
Nope would be unsafe
Probably deposited on a blockchain in a smartcontract until something triggers a payment to whoever wins or if it fails or if something goes wrong goes back to you after a certain date or time (chainlink clock)