>32% of people have less than £500 in savings
>41% have less than £1,000
>more than half of 22 to 29 year-oldshave no savings at all
what the fuck
>32% of people have less than £500 in savings
>41% have less than £1,000
>more than half of 22 to 29 year-oldshave no savings at all
what the fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw started from 0 in 2018
>already on 80k
What a bunch of losers
Just because someone doesn't have a savings account doesn't mean they don't have savings
Actually considering only a few % people hold metals or crypto, that's exactly what it means. Most people blow it on cars, rent, drinks and women.
Late stage capitalism
> -3% per year
There’s a reason people don’t store their savings in cash
If you think people as a group are smart enough to care about inflation, you're delusional.
Yolo culture, zero hours contracts, rent that costs 60% of your take home pay, not a single cash savings account that beats inflation. It's a combination of ignorance and a lack of opportunity/incentives.
>£500 in savings
Wow, not being on red in UK. That's White Privilege.
waaaah people being stupid with money is the fault of capitalism
idiot buy assets avoid liabilities the four words you need to know to become rich
But yet having savings is irrelevant above 30th percentile until you get to 95th+ percentile when you can afford a deposit for a flat in west london on a single salary. I.e. my life is no different with 5k savings up until 300k savings.
Also consider most people rely on inheritance for a deposit, which isn't a surprise given that we are overtaxed and underpaid..
>hehhehe yes goyim save your money!
>Just pay 2% on yearly to us on your savings goyim!
The UK is basically a failed-state at this point
And here, ladies and gentlemen, you can observe the result of so called lotto capitalism.
Every person living under the capitalist system has been convinced that she or he will certainly /makeit/ some day. Therefore he defends the privileges of the rich, since he retardedly believes he will become a part of their caste. Taxes are theft, the poor are lazy etc. What a perfect example of total delusion
he's right though
if you >buy assets avoid liabilities
you will make it
>people are financially irresposible
Oh no Capitalism has failed. I get it under communism everyone would be equally poor.
>Actually considering only a few % people hold metals or crypto
They could have a checking account because who the fuck even bothers with a savings accounts with how shitty interest rates have become.
I bet the poor would like to invest. They have to eat most of their capital thought. People cant surivive wothout food and shelter, which burn through most of their wages, you see
Epitome of self fulfilling prophesy right here. You are probably one of those fags that believes violent power-hungry communists will definitely recognize your undiscovered talents and elevate you to not-loser status under their system of "equality".
>I bet the poor would like to invest.
what a shit bet
the poor don't want to invest, they fill lottery tickets, and birth children they can't afford, wasting money they could've used to invest. Homeless people spend their funds on alcohol, drugs, and scratch cards. Your teenage mind will struggle to accept this but most people are literally cattle. Not necessarily a clinical state, but a lot don't ever wake up from their lemming existence.
Honestly, it's a good thing for anyone who is financial inclined, because if everyone would spend their money wisely, there would be a lot less profit margins.
I honestly don't give a shit. it's a good thing just being ahead of my peers in a relative way. That's what really matters. Once the boomers start dying off I'll be buying their bags up on the cheap. someone's gotta do it
I closed my savings account a month ago, have maybe $2k in the bank, $20k in my 401k and $45k in crypto. I'm paycheck to paycheck but have a decent amount of assets for someone their 20s, and I don't have a savings account
Dumb cunts won't make it under any system, the poor deserve much worse
How? Did you put 90% of your salary into btc?
why do you even have a 401k? thats 2 BTC
are you literally me
except I'm neet
I am a Brazilian with $800 in Nano and $400 in my bank accout
Are you saying I am better than 32% of the FIRST WORLDER guys in my age?
Employer match. I basically treat it as an emergency savings in case SHTF and I lose my job.
I'm self employed, not doing great, not bad. Projecting much? The undiscovered talents maybe?
I'm very close to being content with my life. But i become disgusted by displays of the enormous inequality.
If i can use your naturalistic way of argumentation: it's not natural that the few have so much and the many own almost nothing. You cant find this situation in the nature
Listen: even if you get rich, along the generations some of your descendants will get poor again,very probably. Keep that in mind
I'm 19 and I have more than 1k in savings already, good to know I'm doing considerably well than most of these idiots.
This; all day erry day
I have around 68k at the age of 22 but I'm still an incel (handholdless kissless hugless virgin)
>self employed
In other words you are working for money.
no wonder you are poor. You are indistinguishable from an employee. Rich people do not work for money.
I'll do all those things to you for $500 x
Promise I'm cute people tell me I pass all the time
Goddamn the retardation level here is too high
Of course im not rich, nor will you ever be
>Are you saying I am better than 32% of the FIRST WORLDER guys in my age?
No since they own more and probably have higher living standards.
I'm sorry you feel that way. Buy assets avoid liabilities. You'll get there eventually fren.
I opened a Lifetime ISA today to get the 25% government bonus towards buying a property, and also to open a S&S ISA so jews don't tax my gains and the guy who moved my money around said I was "light years ahead" of most people my age. I'm only 29.
What did he mean by this?
When link goes up 1 cent I make more than everything you have combined
I thought gommies didn't believe in property
% of people have less than £500 in savings
% have less than £1,000
>>more than half of 22 to 29 year-oldshave no savings at all
This is why people that say 'you need 10 million to make it' are wrong. If you end up 'only' making 100K or so in cash from crypto (easily achievable) you're literally lifetimes ahead of the herd.
Ok but how do I retire on 100k?
Move to africa.
Live in mudhut.
>You're not in the top 20% (of all ages) after working for only 4 years so you're DELUSIONAL if you think working for 10 more years will get you there!
>Here, vote for my system where you never own your home and no amount of work will ever help you advance.
There's no such thing as "temporarily embarassed millionaries" you retard, it's called being young. You haven't worked enough yet to compete with people who have been working 20 years.
>all people age 25 are actually 25 years old
Really makes you cooooooom
>female smoker
rather be a wagie 5evar
Id fuck her while she sucks on a cigarette.
Take it from someone who would apperantly be in the top 10% of brits
This had convinced me that open borders and 90% taxation is necessary to save me from the system.
I was simply going to have have more white children and work hard to leave them better than I was, but you've convinced me that we don't need anyone white children and that only a unified central world government can fight the evil system if capitalism.
You are truly my greatest ally
>it's not natural that the few have so much and the many own almost nothing. You cant find this situation in the nature
What in the fuck are you talking about, that is exactly how nature works. The strong get pussy and the weak literally starve to death, that's nature in a nut shell. Literally this is how evolution works. Apply your fucked up logic to single cell organisms and Earth remains primordial soup forever. Strength (intelligence) only evolved to where it is today because the weak (stupidity) died at a higher rate.
And yes, I advocate for letting the retards at the bottom die off naturally without intervention so we can resume eugenic evolution.
>that pic
Stupid Mugabe, he mistook JEWS with WHITES.
Hope he has learned the difference.
Spoken like a true central banker.
he did, why do you think he died?
97% into LTC when it was cheap, sold half near the last top
yolo culture has been prevalent during the post war era
Too bad you will amongst the poor retards at the bottom to die first
>living standards
hahaha lmao that's what cucked americans say to cope with the fact that they have to pay 100% of their wage for rent and food in a shitty city filled with niggers
Fuck yeah! I'm in the 59%
No wait, I think I confused myself, this is why I have no money, I'm clearly bad at doing the counting and adding thing
he's dead? missed that memo. fuck him and his stupid racism
If that were true (it isnt), I would still be in support of allowing the bottom part of society to expire naturally every year, even if that meant me. Human existence until very recently meant 40% of the weakest children expired during/soon after childbirth. Places like Britain also executed the bottom 1-2% of the population yearly, which allowed their civilization to reach an average IQ of 112-115 by the late 1800's. All of this is gone now, which is why intelligence is now in regression globally now.
Who's the girl?
>They have to eat most of their capital thought.
Food, by percentage of income, is WAY cheaper today than it has ever been in history. Food is so cheap that poor people can even afford to eat too much of it. It's so cheap that even poor people can eat burgers at fast food restaurants. POOR people can pay a premium to have meals prepared, wrapped in giftwrap and handed to them by servants.
Or they can afford to prepare and eat their own meals of rice, beans, potatoes and eggs for less than $1/meal and invest the difference. The people who think to do that tend to not be poor for very long though.
thanks to online banks rates have never been higher dumbass
As opposed to which other place in the world?
who the fuck pays for a savings account dude
it's the other way around because credit unions/banks make money off your money with stocks and bonds
You can't actually believe that the system currently in place in anything anywhere close to capitalism.
KEK normies dont even understand capitalism is about accumulating capital.Its literally in the name.
Oh my god, UK is getting fucked.
I mean what woudnt be anything unexpected, this kiddies are the whole day on mdma.
>it isn’t REAL capitalism
>if that were true (it isn't)
no it is tho
Yet everyone seems to have the newest iphone and driving a car from the last 5 years.
oh yes mr.16yr old redditor im glad you give out financial advice