>170k ChainLink utility tokens
>90€ in bank account
>20€ to last for the whole of next week - food, transport, entertainment, everything
Who else here /all in/?
Based and checked. I went all in at the top so i have a small stack. Still gonna make it, iron hands.
based and linkpilled
I'm all in
As dumb as this sounds I just want some price movement back over 5 usd
I just wanna feel comfy until the singularity I'm not cashing out anyway
These are rookie numbers, son
>72k chainlink
>$21.43 in bank
>$52k in unsecured debt
This is how you do all in
Big balls bro, at what price did you buy your stack? How do you guys live with so little left in savings? I applaud you gentlemen
I bought in mostly around $0.24 in July last year and stopped buying in June this year. I live paycheck to paycheck and get paid this week so I should be fine. If I need money for an emergency I’ll see some link.
Basically I got in to some debt trouble and swung for the fences.
I hope that's not true. People investing in Chainlink are going to end up with NOTHING.
Is 15k enough to make it?
I feel sorry for you. Get help, dude. Cults are not good for you.
Very based and redpilled.
Nearly the same situation.
>3.4 million Link in my Binance account, 478 million on my ledger
>30$ in bank account
>8$ to last all next month
Might have to sell my central park penthouse and a lambo or two to last until the end of the year.
Hope Link moons soon so I can stop flipping burgers at Denny's.
>$40k in crypto
>$50 in bank account
>7k link
>$14 in bank account
If my checking account goes over $1000 I buy LINK with the excess
This is Biz channel.
Why you poorfags posted these stupid questions here. Go have a fucking job and get more money gay.
Your grandparents are ashamed of you. Fucking geek.
These guys had an ico that was a scam, still no working product that anyone uses, and still radio silence. Why you fucking retards continue to shit this board up is beyond me
>I went all in at the top so i have a small stack.
Are you the belgium user?
I have jumped the turnstyle every morning on the way to work for the last month. I make enough money to pay my interest on CC, car, parking, phone etc. I have EVERYTHING put into chainlink.