I have 0 faith in the banks and I believe that we’re going to get fucked over very soon. Which stablecoin do I put my emergency fund in?
I have 0 faith in the banks and I believe that we’re going to get fucked over very soon...
Pax or Dai then out it into the celsius app or nexo if you like money.
with what endenve are you going off?
1 BTC is always 1 BTC.
Act accordingly.
If US banks go under, the US dollar goes under, which means your stablecoins take a hit (relative to everything except each other).
what's wrong with Compound?
Dai and USDC are my front runners. Dai is decentralized and USDC is pretty easy to convert into dollars even if it is centralized.
I have my Bitcoin stack.
This is true. I’ve given though to acquiring some Paxos Gold and or Digix Gold to guard against this. Interested in Paxos Stablecoin by proxy as well.
Keep in mind that this isn’t a doomsday fund but more of a the water heater went out and I need to buy a new one fund.
>Keep in mind that this isn’t a doomsday fund but more of a the water heater went out and I need to buy a new one fund.
Put $5k in a savings account at one of the largest banks. Done.
>If they're going to freeze accounts because of liquidity, the Fed will bail them out.
>If they're going to do depositor haircuts, the FDIC steps in and covers everything by adding to the national debt.
>If the Fed and FDIC are powerless, with the national debt hyperinflating, crypto will be made seriously illegal. Murder illegal, not weed illegal.
>If it gets to the point where Home Depot doesn't accept cash for a water heater, you're scavenging there with a gun.
>I have 0 faith in the banks and I believe that we’re going to get fucked over very soon
>I have 0 faith in the one institution that has time and again proven they can get bailed out
>If the Fed and FDIC are powerless, with the national debt hyperinflating, crypto will be made seriously illegal. Murder illegal, not weed illegal.
Venezuela does not have the IRS or NSA. A collapsing US is far more capable and dangerous.
This is all true but I also don’t want those crooks using my money to make money for themselves after forcing me to pay them for the privilege of storing my money after the fed forces negative interest rates on burgers.
This also puts me off of everything but dai and Paxos gold because I don’t want to support whatever bank Coinbase has their accounts with. They already forced them to delist Zcash in the U.K.
Maybe I should just put the money in a credit union.
If banks get fucked, then usd gets fucked too. You wouldn't want to be in a crypto that bases its value on being pegged with usd.
Cash is your best choice.
What is your opinion on gold backed crypto currency?
If USD gets fucked then my cash gets fucked as well.
Maybe gold buried in the backyard?
How many LINKs for her
A stablecoin won't hold its value any better than storing cash under your mattress you fucktard. BuBTc and precious metals
> Negative interest rate on burgers.
laugh at this delusional third worlder
Imagine not trusting the new world order to take care of you.
The stablecoin is RSV you fucking mongoloid.
RSR if you wanna be rich.
rsr isn't making anyone rich
deflationary shit will make you rich before RSR with billions of tokens to dump
BTC Inflation 2020 = 1.80% more stable than fiat.
Also stablecoins are backed on fiat so if banks get fucked so will stablecoins.
The reason zuckbucks have been so attacked by governments it's because it was to be a stablecoin backed by multiple fiat so governments did not liked that , as 1 fiat could collapse and it would have still been stable.