>a fucking self-made billionaire
How did he do it lads?
>a fucking self-made billionaire
How did he do it lads?
The kang of all naggers
Started from the kneepads now he's here
i laughed recently when he put out a video where he phoned in some rapping about "despite all i've achieved, i'm still just a nigger in this racist amerikkka"
not just one of the most fortunate and successful people in america, but one of the most fortunate and successful humans who ever lived... still nonsensically complaining about racism
He was a drug dealer first, watched a documentary about hip hop and he was a rich ghetto thug
Sold a lot of dope to start. Used that money to start a music career. Was successful. Now he probably just invests like every other rich person. Oh yeah, and married beyonce to form a music industry power couple
>Epstein, hedge fund manager
He's a social engineering puppet of the oligarchs
>racism doesn't exist anymore bro
the truth is, drug dealing culture is a form of entrepreneurship. flipping money was part of his blueprint - and once his music career began to take off it was more of the same. creating rockefeller records, becoming the original 'rockstar' style rappers.
>self made
He's right though. To the Warren Buffets of the world, Jay z is still just a rich nigger
Watch this. If you’re not a brainlet, you’ll be able to see his genius and extrapolate his advice.
By sucking jewish toes unironically
>original 'rockstar' style rappers.
BAKA fucking youngins
it really doesn't, not in the sense these retarded crybabies talk about, your le epik meme greentext doesn't change this you fucking retarded faggot
yup, tupac talked about it how all these niggers were sucking producer dicks left and right for record deals and how he noped the fuck out. You know the saying, with lips like that might as well use'em.
Jesus Christ you sjw faggot, go back to watching CNN and browsing reddit. You don't belong here.
wtf, he really is an actual billionaire
What? I'm no SJW tou fucking faggot. All i'm saying is even rich nignogs are still nignogs. Fuck off back to the hole you crawled out of
>resorts to namecalling
Simmer down. Racism does exist, and there are still racist individuals/groups in the world. To deny this would oust you as a complete and total ignorant brainlet. Take, for example, that racism can come in this form: and doesn't have to mean being in chains. If someone comes up in your face angrily unprovoked and yells "FUCKING NIGGER/SPIC/WOP/KIKE/etc." then that's racism.
And he's likely just amazed that despite the lengths he's gone to get to where he is, he still faces the same flak but from people of a different echelon in society. Pointing this out =/= crying.
It’s not like rap is a giant step for mankind. Wernher Von Braun got us to the stars. Crying for an inadequate echelon is pretty weak. Maybe all of Africa can come together to make a Saturn 5 instead of twerking, aids, jungle beats, skirmished war and general incompetence, when Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft, IBM produces more gdp then the whole African continent combined
You're not worth arguing with, it's clear you'll justify hatred for Africa and African-descended people no matter what anyone says.
Long Nigeria and Kenya and thank me later.
He is, after all, still a nigger.
All niggers are self hating because they know they are inferior to whites by design. He will cry racism even though the majority of how music and clothing is purchased by whites
Your either Jewish or a cuck.
You have eyes hands brains and time. But what does it amount to? You justify your own destiny, but get mad when you can’t strive as far. That’s hatred of self. I’ll long Nigeria and Kenya through Chinese belt and road imperialism
He's still a nigger because he won't stop bitching like a nigger. This nigger bitching generates more racism against niggers so it's a fucking vicious cycle that will never end.
If all niggers stopped acting like niggers simultaneously, racism would end in a day.
I would never knock his hustle since I'm an absolute failure compared to him. But this dude is probably the most overrated rapper of all time
>long nigeria and kenya
Drugs and money laundering jews
believing this lol
Most likely scenario: crypto jew, comes from millionaire/billionaire family and was allowed to be a (((star)))
>inb4 jews arent black
>tfw no Queen Beyoncé gf
Illuminati and/or some fucked secret society. It's no coincidence that he was always going to the White House to meet with Obama and that Beyonce was promoted by Michelle. Anyone who thinks he went to the White House just to shoot the shit or give Obama a fire ass mix CD is a raging retard.
You can't seriously think this.
Like with Kylie Jenner, it's based on highly inflated company valuations
Jow Forums now makes 2016/pol/ look like geniuses
JZIDF pls go
>wears hoodie and cap to event everyone else is wearing a suit
>hur why dey so racist
Beyonce is mostly likely from the families too. You don't get promoted like that as a simple goy.
Plus the way all of these people in organically started shilling Hillary. It was so cringe to see them shilling at rally's/concerts. The only reason jay z and Beyoncé complain about much racism is because they are puppets and they have to advance certain agendas or they will lose everything. If jay z didn't tow the line with racism they would have shut him down with a fraud case against Tidal. You are now aware that most of these celebs are actually pathetic and owned, even if some of them are talented. Beyoncé is literally a construction. She doesn't actually exist as a person. I don't mean literally, I mean she is essentially a business maintained by numerous employees, handlers, etc. Anyone who reaches billionaire status in entertainment is unlikely to have a soul left after sucking that much cock and trading away that many freedoms. Self made billionaires in reality are rare as fuck. You have to be autistic like notch so that none of the propaganda/programming works on you. Autists are more difficult to brainwash or soul-out.
The CIA hijacked hiphop to push a drug and gay agenda to blacks. They definitely succeeded.
>gay agenda
Racism barely was an issue 10 years ago and then once ZimZam shot TrayTray it became an epidemic sweeping the nation again. It's so fucking obvious that they need the racism boogie man because I've noticed that as real racism fades away, the tighter they cling to it. They'll be clinging to muh racism til their black knuckles turn white.
Fucking a tranny is gay.
A lot of black gays fuck trannies thanks to the CIA. Or what about those musical gays or don lemons. All CIA approved niggergay shit
Half his net worth is a literal who music streaming service. Has to spend ridiculous amounts in security , Jerry Sienfield will probably pass them combined , and has a quarter of the wealth of Micheal Savage’s Son at 4.4b who owns Rockstar energy. Illuminati niggers need to step up their game, fucking rookie numbers
He had talent.
He was actually doing something.
He was hustling.
He didnt spent time on internet.
He wasnt a nerd like you.
Read this. Understand it and kys you fucking neet. You internet boys are subhumans.
He got lucky. Hes just a random nog
any boomer that invest in index funds early is going to be rich as fuck. meaningless advice nowadays
It all comes down to an individual all this difference and race hating is dumb, would you like to be healthy billionaire black guy with 12" cock inside stacy or a normie fat white wagie
He sold his soul.
i have ~5,000btcs because "im a nerd" who "goes on the internet" and learned about mining back in 2010. Keep your shitty advice to yourself
would the unkempt neets of this board dress much better?
Sold out his people to Rick Rubin and Lyor Cohen so they would continue to do drugs and chase money like Jay told em to..
>She praises Jay-Z for boasting an appendage alternately like a baby’s arm, the neck on a giraffe, an elephant’s trunk, or a large human penis, though he was apparently boring and conventional in bed, and only had the physical strength for semi-erotic poses.
Satanist in a cult
this is based, user.
when you have money, why would you still dance like some monkey for faggots/
fuck niggers
He got rich in a bubble, like Mark Cuban. Flipping Rocawear was the big play in his life. Unlike Mark Cuban he makes a product that people love and is married to someone like then.
Dealz and schwag.
My uncle works on one of his production teams.
Paul Walker was killed by Eric Holder
imagine being this sheltered, racism exists everywhere there are racial tensions, like anywhere there is black, latinos and white people mixed in some shitty city
He's literally a Jewish golem, he's making these cringy illuminati hand symbols in public all the time. How embarrassing.
He pretty much admited to sell his soul in D'evils. Nas said that too.
It sounds crazy, but so many people in the show biz use this term that it doesn't look like it's just an analogy. Those niggas are literally selling their souls for the paper.
the jews
Imagine not realising that niggers are more racist than anyone.
He got into satanism and sold his soul to push for the elite's message and was rewarded. He also partool in black magic rituals with his wife to attract material wife in exchange for harming others and harvesting negative energy. He's gonna have a real bad time when he leaves this world and has that karmic baggage
Being a Jew puppet/pet. He is literally Rockefeller's bitch.
By being a major faggot.
invested his fame and millions that came along with it for connections. it paid of well.
most nigger rappers just fuck the kids and spend their money.
If true, you’ll be a billionaire in 2025.
Why dress up for a funeral or wedding either right?
he still feels like a nigger what's so hard to comprehend that? all the caviar and spirit cooking gatherings won't change that
D’evils is a classic tho
Dr. Dre and Eminem were unironically CIA plants
Post bank balance, faggot.
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
>still a thot
Drug dealer next to Forbes and Buffet, as if they consider him an equal and not just like a tap dancing monkey, lol. Even with billions he's still just a monkey in a suit for the elites.
illusional of equality, a must have for things to keep going smoothly
"I got tha formula to success…"
>Long a place where 3/4 of the population wants to get out.
>Where 25% have aids.
>Where there iq hovers around 89.
Nigger lovers are retarded.
>Where there iq hovers around 89.
things are looking up!
Literally imported many bricks of coke into the US over the boarder, cooked it into crack, then flooded his local market with it, making fucking loads of money by killing his own people.
Between the inflatingn currency and inflating minority population and decreased cultural sophistication, it was only a matter of time before some rapper hit a billion
dr dre was the first billionaire in hip hop
Racism still exists, but thanks to their self-victimizing culture, Blacks are the most sensitive to it and often perceive non-racist actions as being racist.
He's an icon, made smart investments his entire life. Jay Z rules.
Kill yourself faggot.
You forgot to mention the part where he literally sold his soul to the devil for success
Didn’t he sell the rights to beats by Dre to Sony or some shit for a literal billion dollars?
he sold his soul to the devil like most hollywood celebs
Starting by selling drugs
he got a record deal with some jews that wanted to paint black americans as gang-banging niggers.
the hand gesture represent 6-6-6 and the eye is a reference to the one eyed liar.. the false messiah, the anti-christ whom the jews will worship.