How does one determine the value of prostitute?
How does one determine the value of prostitute?
The free market does. I prefer Asian prostitues as they are better value than western roasties.
same way your value crypto...
its about the quality of the...
1/10 $10
2/10 $30
3/10 $40
4/10 $50
5/10 $100
6/10 $200
7/10 $300
8/10 $1,000
9/10 $2,000
10/10 $10,000
1) how hot is she
2) how round is her ass
3) is she Asian?
4) will she rim my asshole while blowing me?
These are all important valuation factors to consider
Value = Coom(mL) x Tightness + Kinky^2 - (actual smell/smell imagined)
>10/10 $10,000
8,000 dollars to feel like you wasted 7800 dollars
Wrong answer, fren. You've never known the simple pleasures of picking up a nigger prostitute (a high class one, meaning she has her front teeth and is probably addicted to prescription painkillers instead of crystal meth or crack) then putting your MAGA hat on and fucking her in the ass. As soon as your dick is in her ass, you can say anything you like and she won't chimp out because she just wants you to bust so she can get paid. You can whisper sweet nothings on her ear while you tell her that her people were better off under the Confederacy, or you can make her thank white people for bringing her ancestors to the land of opportunity. It's like tickling a trout- dick in ass, and she's pliable as butter
supply and demand
now how much net worth do i need to get a 7.5/10+ wife that will give me sex on demand and never cheat on me?
3 mil with no debt
The math checks out. Even for a girlfriend, per monthly basis.
Anything but Eastern European women is pleb tier
Assuming you live in a free country, where prostitution isn't illegal, just go to any of the ad pages where prostitutes announce themselves and compare looks and prices. I could get very pretty ones (some would be a 8-9/10 in the US) for like 100-130€ the hour and have the time of my life if I so chose.
If you live in the US my advice is don't bother. Prostitution over there from what I've heard is several hundred for old ass ugly hags with very shitty service, and always being afraid you're in a honey pot and getting criminal charges. It's almost like your government wants to make access to sex as hard as possible. Just fly to a south euro country and contact one or two of these.
I recommend this specially to any of you that are virgins or haven't had sex in years or just wanna try how it's like to pay for it or whatever.
Why are Republicans so obsessed with freedom but ban prostitution?
Republicans are not obsessed with freedom. Trump wants to take your guns. Republicans are obsessed with imposing their Christian values on the rest of the world. If you want freedom, go libertarian.
who the fuck ever said they are obsessed with freedom?
It's a two party system. One party claims to defend "economic freedom" while oppressing your individual freedoms with puritanism. The other party claims to defend "personal freedom" while oppressing your individual freedoms with socialism (ie: higher taxation, less property rights, etc). Neither of both kinds of freedom can exist without the other.
This is the system we have all around the Western world and why the big countries have been on a long trend of less and less freedoms for many decades.
I thought everyone figured this shit out at 12, why is everyone still such a brainlet?
Because they dont want individual freedoms, a freedom for those nasty degenerates to stick their bumpy cocks in a bitch with a green stanky pussy.
Discount the cashflows
>3) is she Asian?
are you implying that's a positive here? asian prostitutes are paid less than white and even black ones
Serbian prostitute often travel to Israel and charge 25 rupees for a blow job.
They offer all kind of services without condoms, not SAFEX sex.
Yummy anal
enjoy stds
I see you correct for percent error. Good man.
>> the time of your life is fucking a whore you paid money to have sex with.
interesting life you have.
Can you elaborate a bit more? What's the most fucked up thing you've said to these niggresses? Can I basically say whatever I want while my dick is inside a niggress without fear of chimpout?
Prostitutes is degenerate
Asian prostitutes is close bottom of the barrel
Prostitutes are for losers who can't get a girl without paying
Also using condoms sucks but getting stds sucks even more. You basically lose everytime with a prostitute.
Well those are really the only ones I use unless her ass is stinky, then I tell her that too. I can't guarantee no chimp out desu, but like I said, as soon as you start fucking their ass, all they want you to do is bust a nut and then pay her, and that means they shut up and say what you tell them to say. Sometimes they get shitty afterwards as soon as the cash in their hands- talk back, call you names, but no chimp out. It's good sport for a 2011 fag who /made it/ and can hardly find pleasure in anything anymore
I just ate my gfs ass and nutted in her pussy after. AMA
Or find a 10/10 girl that you pay for a 5/10 or 6/10.
Otherwise give an example of a 10/10 - $10k worth whore, I'm sure is not worth and probably trying to hard.
Wasted fucking quints KYS
waste of get
Wasted quints
Put me in the screencap anyway I guess, nice wisdom
kek has abandoned linkies
Have you seen any facial abuse videos? I'd verbally abuse her like that except calling her nigger, slave, chattel, etc. I'd throw in a 'nigger juice' too. Not a lot of niggers around here though.
>Prostitutes are for losers who can't get a girl without paying
woke: plenty of CEOs, politicians, athletes, movie stars who have no problems getting women still prefer to pay for drama free sex with hot girls
Whore fucking isn't freedom, it's slavery to your carnal urges. Doing whatever you want just because it feels good in the moment isn't freedom, in fact it may be closer to slavery.
Why are liberals so obsessed with freedom yet ban rape?
I'm on nofap so can't look now. But you can sure give it a go fren. Call her all the names. Better, take photos and post but don't dox. Report back. I would but I'm so paranoid about getting outed to my family
hmm thats a very complicated question to answer without knowing all parameters and knowing in which circumstance you, the buyer, are in. You see, what matters may not be exactly how hot the prostitute may be, but rather, how horny you are and how far she will let you go. There are many different factors that contribute to such a setting. Yes.. there are many things one must consider before getting ready to whip out the ole walleroo. How hot is the girl? Do you believe in God? Will He be angry? Will my dick explode? What if she gets pregnant? Can i pay child support? Do i prefer blonde or brunette (or nigger???)? Is she tight af? ... and many many more questions which must all be answered before coming up with a proper value. Truly life is a great great mystery. REJOICE in that we get to take part in it.
I think about seeing one a lot. But I'd never have the balls to do it. I'd feel so paranoid and guilty before and after. Even if it all went well, I'd have to live with that secret for the rest of my life. On the off chance that I ever get a girlfriend, I'd feel terrible knowing that she'd undoubtedly break up with me if she ever found out.
Miss Alice is a 10/10. I'd happily pay $10,000.
Blackpink Lisa is worth my 100k LINK stack