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>99% upvoted
>dad...I jack off
How would you react
Have sex
ok... just lock you door when you do
>"yikes, whores living in your head rent free? cringe my dude"
>BAT tip widget
imagine you are the dad, and your faggot wimp of a son comes and says to you.
>dad i'm addicted to jacking off
>proceeds to start crying
call him a disgusting incel and write him out of my will.
"Wtf son, just find a girl to fuck, like how can you be addicted to your own hand haha"
if his son is a wimp, chances are that dad is a wimp too
lmao no fap dudes are such weirdos.
Once I was screening resumes for an entry level developer job. This guy was straight out of college, no experience except one internship. However he listed on his resume two years of volunteering at the "No Fap Emergency App" which is like a hotline for no fap dudes who think they're on the verge of fapping again and want someone to council then not to.
He didn't make the cut, but I wish I could have grilled him about it in an interview.
this is actually sadder
This is a funny thread
Redditors are fucking failures holy fuck. Imagine embarrassing your dad like that.
Please tell me you’re joking.
He is most definitely making more money than you now
i actually told my dad about my fap addiction once. he doesnt talk to me anymore so
Fucking kek, cope more, nofap is a meme for borderline fags
Nofap is fucking cringe redddit garbage
It's natural son don't get to worried about it unless it consumes your life. See son anything in excess will led you down a bad path. Workaholic? All bad ends. Just do it in moderation and don't watch toxic anti white porn,weird furry fetish shit, or cuckold shit. That really will fuck your mind. Also don't tell people you jack off its a private matter.