Bathroom is dirty wagie, clean it up

>bathroom is dirty wagie, clean it up

Attached: wagie.webm (640x480, 2.65M)

heh, should have gotten an education wagie

i unironically do this at my gym because it's staffed by retarded pajeets

>i unironically do this

You should be publicly hanged

try hanging me lmao i'll beat you to death if you touch me

these videos never fail to crack me up

>t. fast food employee that has to clean this shit up

better have at it

When I was younger I realised you can unroll your foreskin for more pressure

Once peed over a toilet wall onto some kid next door

>being this beta
just kys, dolt tard


How about i kill you instead?


And remember, you get no days off from cleaning this shit or else!

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why do people do this?

something not add up here

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>heh, should have gotten an education wagie
Education might be the reason they are a wagie.

Nah if they had an education they wouldn't be a janitor

I love doing stuff like this. Sometimes I just wipe my shit everywhere. lol

No other meme actually makes me lol like this one

Daily reminder to NEETS that do this. Yes we will fuck with your food if you fuck with our restaurant. You have been warned...

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I don't know why neets don't get this. Whenever a fat neckbeard comes in and starts being a dick I hawk one in his food.

Did the federal Reserve make those numbers up?

about a year ago some low IQ wagefag thought he'd fuck with my friends food cuz boo hoo he's a loq IQ wagie and got in trouble for being stupid. my friend caught him in the act and dragged him over the counter and shoved the burger in his face/mouth and rubbed it a round while screaming WANNA FUCK WITH MY FOOD FAGGOT! he got banned the stupid retard wagie got fired for spitting in food and I left and didnt get banned cuz I said I had nothing to do with your workers spitting in food nor did I do anything but sit here when it went down. havent been back since and poor poor wagie got beat up and spitfood shoved in his face/mouth.

This video is clearly fake, or the person recording it has god tier control over their penis muscles. Have you ever tried stopping your piss mid stream? It is extremely difficult, ESPECIALLY if you have a lot of urine like the video. The thickness of the stream also has too big of a girth given the amount of urine expended - it would usually narrow in girth. Furthermore, you can't rapidly flex your penis muscles to have your urine go out periodically like in the OP - it would take a while to get it under control and then a bit more time to let it back out.

>t. pelvic floorlet

>mcwagie thinks he's a hero

>or the person recording it has god tier control over their penis muscles
cumbrain detected

we get it, you have a jewish penis

This video was probably made by a raging feminist that clearly hates white men.

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Whoever wrote that was shit at math and failed to account for the fact that after the first step there were no longer 365 days available for work.

>it's extremely difficult
If you're like 7 years old. You never stopped your piss mid-stream growing up? It's not really that hard. Are you fucking 12 years old?

lol kys wagie

You need to do your kegels bro

Since it counts breaks and sleeping, if you took a day off work you wouldn't be skipping an entire day, just a few hours
