Elizabeth Holmes

What does Jow Forums think of her?

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Just more proof anything led by a woman is a disaster.

basically sums up every crypto project

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She probably has every single cluster b personality disorder (borderline, antisocial, histrionic, narcissistic).

I bet her pussy farts a lot during sex

Plow her just to make her realize she is a woman, not Steve Jobs.

Good. There's something about the implied risk of being stabbed in my sleep that really gets me going. Plus she sexy as fuck

This but also this

There are more interesting tarts

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you tried pumping pajeets without making farting noises ? its inevitable
>or so I'm told

spoiled brat fraud.
good manipulator though

>sociopathic blonde lizard scammer
Definitely /our gal/

She has a very punchable face

>Definitely /our gal/

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A con artist with a dream a bit too big. She would have been the opposite, if she succeeded. But she won’t.

Other than that I think she probably has a pretty cute personality. I watched that documentary on her, she’s tsundre as fuck. I can tell she has a massive wall guarding herself, can’t say I blame her. When she stops making her voice deeper and gets caught speaking normally, she actually sounds very petite feminine.

Itt: angry incels

Another piece of evidence in a long line of evidence that women get handed everything by pathetic white knight "men". It's man's fault she was able to take her grift so far.

most people can have an idea, but not the strength, willpower or energy to turn that into a successful business. She had all of the latter, without a workable idea. And telling females they are, like, totally fucking wrong, especially passable blonde ones, has never been anyones strong point

no, more proof that women are the perfect front for scams and illegal activity. Just look at for how long this shit went through

jelly white knight virgin simping for a girl he wont fuck

>scamming boomers with overhyped tech drivel
queen of Jow Forums

Sounds like the traits of the typical NEET

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The whole thing was absurd. An entire blood-testing laboratory the size of a PC! It's just not possible with today's technology. While the main idea is nice, they should've started with a more doable project, a much bigger box, perhaps, as well as fewer tests that it could do, and then make the box smaller (if possible) at each version of the product. They did it BACKWARDS: they started with this small box that could do big things. It should've been the other way around. Plus there's also the difference between venous and capillary blood. Lots of things to consider. She should've finished her studies , done research and only then start her company with realistic goals.

She'll end up getting away with it, all things considered. You know it's true.

Based as fuck, except for that whole fucking a greasy Pakistani thing.

The whole thing was absurd. An entire blood-testing laboratory the size of a PC! It's just not possible with today's technology. While the main idea is nice, they should've started with a more doable project, a much bigger box, perhaps, as well as fewer tests that it could do, and then make the box smaller (if possible) at each version of the product. They did it BACKWARDS: they started with this small box that could do big things. It should've been the other way around. Plus there's also the difference between venous and capillary blood. Lots of things to consider. She should've finished her studies , done research and only then start her company with realistic goals.

>Came from a great family
>Became a fuck up
Tragedy is funny


looks like she DOES NOT fuck black guys

I doubt she can get wet

Ugly crazy bitch.

read the book. She was delusional and manipulative. Probably a super bad lay

She makes me want to coom

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It's not about what she's capable of, it's about what I can do with her body. She can kay there bored for all I care, I will have all the fun.

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good. take your tranny hyno faggotry to

if you ever get a chance to scam millions from a bunch of faceless investors, you just do it

it's a him not her

Basically this. Also aside from the size of the box, they decided ahead of time what assays they were going to run (all on a single drop of blood) without doing any R&D to see if they could actually run any of those assays with such a reduced input amount.

>Didn't it turn out she had a p1nus
>thats why she had a raspy voice

Her voice is fake. She was caught several times using her normal voice. She's definitely a female, her normal voice is fully womanish.

how her pusy is?

jeez you queers and your everyone is a faggot in panties secretly mindset. where everything is faggot and queer

Sergey is the new Elizabeth Holmes, unironically the same story in a different industry.

>scamming retards
Sounds like a Jow Forumswoman if I ever heard of one. If she would do it today she would come up with

There shouldn't have been a company. She didn't even get her undergraduate degree, she bailed from Stanford, and used her family connections to get rich people in Washington and Silicon Valley to invest. The proper thing for her to have done was taken her ideas and researched them as part of a Ph.D, and her thesis would be the basis of a start-up. But no, special little snowflake didn't like that her professors at Stanford told her that her ideas wouldn't work, so she stamped her little foot, and started one of the biggest scams in recent years, propped by Washington and investor elites who were greedlily rubbing their hands at the money. It's all ego and narcissism. They still call her an "entrepreneur" when she's anything but that.

They weren't faceless, the bulk of the money came from her father's connections.

a hottie
I admire her delusional business practices

she and adam neumann will have a prison wedding in the future.

screencap this.

bancor basically took free funding that will go to mssd and there's nothing goyim can do about it
no repercussions
no outcry even

I wonder how much of the ico funds raised were just laundered from other assets

some blondie who conned the world with her scary eyes for many years

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She’s got my vote in the primary

She almost grifted her way into billionaire status. If her tech had been slightly more plausible, or someone working for her had actually figured it out, then she would have made it.

Did she fuck that old man pajeet or not?


she likes spicy curry dick aged to perfection

I bet she farts in her sleep.

yeah, but she could still have put her hands up, said 'sorry, this aint working out' and backed off gracefully. she wouldn't even listen to the people who were trying to 'actually figure it out'. And claiming you have your shit totally together when you quite patently fucking don't, that is basic and actionable fraud. EOD she bought her own bullshit, this to an extent a man would have been unlikely to

My soulmate.

all girls do

this but unironically and i really hate myself for it

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>impying that women aren't melodramatic by default

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it's like Mark ZagOfShit underwent sex change.

>female ceo

Lel. What amuses me the most is how anyone could believe the outrages claims they were making about their made up machines.


We're very good at telling women when they're wrong, the problem is that thanks to all the cucks you will lose your job and reputation if you do so.

not only neets but all men in general. women are bitchy, men can be worse. some behave like unpredictable wild chimps.



imagine the smell

kys weeb i had to look this word up. and you misspelled it.

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she's someone batshit crazy who got off easy because she has a vagina

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All entrepeneurs do exactly what she did, and thats selling your idea for money