>only 5 btc
Anyone doing much better than average but not "making it"?
>only 5 btc
Anyone doing much better than average but not "making it"?
>24 years old
>7” cock
Anybody else mad they don't have 8”?
im 24 and dont even have 1btc. There no way you could have 5btc at that age unless you bought it at 3k
you already made it brainlet, but only if you sell now and make compound interest work its magic.
Retire by 50
you want him to sell his btc before the halving? The fuck is wrong with you?
he's got 50k usd, either he cashes in and puts that money to work, or he's gambling and (probably) gonna lose more than 50%
I'm in medical school and don't plan on touching it until I'm 25.
>thinks he can make it without being born into it
never gonna make it
>medical school
Prestigious, good money, important, allows you to travel world and most of all enjoyable. Yeah wtruly a cuckjob
you already made this thread
we don't care you have 5 btc
most of og's here still have >100 btc
kys wagie
no alt stack?
>Sell the most bullish asset on Earth
>most of og's here still have >100 btc
The average Jow Forums portfolio is less than $1000. We've done strawpolling
>Only 2 BTC
Wish I had pulled the trigger when I said I would, at $3,750. arrrrrrrgh motherfucker
Should I get a 20k loan or something?
>25 yo
>10 btc
sold 2 btc today because I feel we'll see 8k before next moon. Gonna cash out these 20k and use them as a downpayment for a condo. Not near make it yet but still have a hope
Do you have a good job?
Surely you could just slam expenses down and save 20k in 6 months
and sell low then
Don't tell the bank what you're loaning for
Well he's going to med school and has 50K at 21 I'm guessing he's a rich daddy's boy. Probably getting college paid for too. This is fine but rich kids with 0 self awareness are insufferable
Nobody cares how much money you have OP, and at worst people have the crab in a bucket mentality. If you didn't earn it yourself chances are high you'll just lose it later because of greed and a lack of caution so don't fuck it up. Don't squander the things you have in life especially if it's an opportunity most people don't get.
Completely and utterly wrong. Abusive parents I cut contact with at 18, so fed up of hearing this
>paying over %10000 the starting price and thinking you're not gambling
Good on you for cutting contact. Most people stay in abusive relationships like that and they're always the weakest, pathetic people you'll ever meet. It's like they enjoy it because they can keep calling themselves a victim for the social gibsmedats
Alright cool good for you, a majority of people with what you have and what you are doing at that age do fit that stereotype however. How are you paying for med school then, loans? Moreover, how did you manage to get 5 BTC because even if you bought the absolute bottom that would still be over $15K on top of living expenses so something isn't adding up.
You're either exaggerating, have an additional source of money, or have simply gone into massive amounts of debt. This also doesn't change the fact that you're attention whoring on a Guamanian gambling addict reconciliation forum
I'm british so loans are diferent. Bought btc with excess student loan, bursaries, internships, savings from before uni and money from tutoring. Spent $30k at 19, actually had 10 but managed to lose half trying to increase my stack