The house market value is never going down, is it?
The house market value is never going down, is it?
I;m genuinely fed up of Jow Forums losers looking up the most desirable areas, cherrypicking a house and acting like it's a "clownworld" to justify not being able to buy a house. No you can't buy one cause you're a dumb lazy fuck.
I could buy a decent one in the uk right now with a mortage at 21. This is in the uk where buying a home is considerably harder, and assuming I didn't buy 10 btc for £25k. Get an education, get a decent job and it really isn't hard at all. Don't know my parents before that cope comes up.
>Housing market in America is dogshit
>Yeah but I can buy a house in the UK
Kys faglord and I mean it. You're a fucking retard
>looking up the most desirable areas, cherrypicking a house and acting like it's a "clownworld" to justify not being able to buy a house
In Pittsburgh the prices have went crazy high. Very annoying and I can't afford one making 40k a year.
Houses in the US are literally half the price for the same size as uk shacks and the average college grad (from ALL colleges) starting salary is £40k which is more than the average at oxbridge. It's far easier to buy one in the US yet you retards still complain, (not that it isn't piss easy in the UK if you have half a braincell)
Move then
>It's far easier to buy one in the US yet you retards still complain
Yes, but the US has other issues like medical insurance costs that UK doesn't.
In the US, a desirable area is a place 30 min commute from a middle class job. Plenty of 50-150k houses in places with only min wage / manual labor jobs.
Oh here we go for 4channels favourite cope method, making shit up with no evidence which is difficult to disprove cause the averages disagree with you.
Look at suburbs of northeast cities, west coast cities. You can find a cheap place in rural north florida but you will be...taking care of the elderly? Working retail?
That doesn't cost $20k which is what it would need to drag the college starting salary down to uk levels
I just bought a 340k house in winterpark orlando at 25, what's your excuse
Britbongs need to get off my American imageboard and focus on domestic issues like not getting raped by Mohammed and ranjeet
The housing market is being propped up by investors. Millennials aren't buying homes. The bubble will burst eventually.
California is expensive but obviously the best jobs are there whcih more then cancels it out. AFAIK houston, texas is a mid jobs average price city and the house prices are much better than the uk.
How's that UK college debt crisis?
and Im tired of retards like you. 50% if renters are cost burdened. 78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck. 57% of americans cant afford an unexpected 500 dollar bill. We do live in a clown world. You're just too fucking stupid to see it. The absolute state of down syndrome extra chromosome hillbilly bootlickers
Because a lot of companies are moving there which means the value goes up.
The average us student debt at graduation is $30k, average US starting salary is $20k more. Stop making excuses.
also, 44% of college grads ages 22-27 are underemployed, you dumbass motherfucker. Try looking at stats next time before spouting ignorant shit
been looking for two years and it gets worse day by day, didnt think it was possible to get worse but here i am still homeless
Yeah no, I can easily rent a house on mortgage too but I'm not playing those jewish games. There's hundreds of thousands of retards RIGHT NOW who can't make payments on their mortgages. In a year, houses won't be worth shit on the open market compared to what they cost now.
That's not bad if it's in a white neighborhood.
its the democrats voting for illegal welfare programs and fighting against border control
imagine the price of houses if 50 million mexicans were deported
>Because a lot of companies are moving there which means the value goes up.
That is true in certain areas, but not what caused it.
Pittsburgh became the number 1 area of the country to flip houses during the recession.
>i-immigration is the problem!
illegals only make up 3% of the population, absolute retard.
holy shit. Its like you republicans are scared of statistics or something.
yeah, they're "legal" now, because your stupid anchor baby laws. they're still culturally and ethnically mexican
At the end of the day the average starting salary is $50k, the average US house is $250k. Even if the average starting salary was what you got your whole life it would be very easy to buy a house with mortgage, stop making excuses it is pathetic.
I could do it, someone else in the thread could do it, just cause a load of retards can't doesn't mean it's difficult
what an idiot
It is in fact in a white neighborhood in North Chicago. If you have a dual income household that's definitely feasible assuming you both make $50k+.
>At the end of the day the average starting salary is $50k,
thats avg HOUSEHOLD income, NOT individual income lmao holy shit how stupid can you be?
30% of jobs pay hardship wages while 32% pay livable wages.
Here is a question for everyone:
Does the stock market and national real estate market always peak at the same time?
Obviously they did during the great recession and they are doing it again, but I'm not sure if that is always true.
>also pic related is where I want to live, but can't afford it
I could buy one, you can't and are apparently homeless. Who's really the retard?
>vote for influx of 50 milliom mexicans over a few decades
>n-no they're only 3% 50/300 = 3%!
>we need higher minimum wage!... but only for mexicans!
There are 6 vacant homes per homeless person. The problem isnt from "scarcity", dipshit.
No, that;s the average college grad starting salary. Obviously the overall one is dragged down by non grads and people not working
>only count 0.01% of the population
>see we have 6 homes per person*, ultimate abundance!
you since you cant understand statistics.
youre putting words in my mouth, extra chromosome retard. The point im making is that retard republicans want to blame everything on immigration when thats not even the key issue
because the key issue is obviously we need to take away the guns and give them to mexicans. and give them free healtcare.
They literally said this during the debates
Immigration is 70% of the reason. 50 million is 50 million jobs that we have to support that could have gone to our native population.
The average starting salary for a college grad in the US is $50k. The average house is $250k. This isn't hard at all.
I graduated "valedictorian" in mutt language, I understand statistics perfectly well
Wow let's insert all those homeless people into people's homes, right?
>and people not working
no, they arent included.
>avg college grad salary
That stat is strange considering literally everyone ik but 2 people actually make over 20 an hr with a college degree. I have a feeling that one is inflated too considering 44% of 22-27 yr old college grads are underemployed (such as myself) and not making anywhere near that.
>b-but anecdotes dont count
ya just anecdotes. I still find it hard to believe
you're counting average starting wages in big cities and comparing them to average home prices in rural areas. its more like $35k starting.
and taxes takes 33% of your wages too
no it isn't, even if you get rid of every immigrant and have a white ethnostate you still won't have a house because this system requires there to be winners and losers and you are a loser, a capitalist will still own the majority of houses and you will still have to rent one from him like a peasant. and as far as the jobs go they've all been exported for people who are willing to do the job for cheaper than you in third world countries and immigration policies won't change that
regardless that stat shows the issue isnt a lack of housing.
the real issue is how real estate is allowed to be a business i.e. overvaluing a home based on "demand"
Yeah you're right, ancedotes mean nothing compared to statistics so don't bother bringing them up.
>the real issue is how real estate is allowed to be a business
What does this even mean? Real estate has been a business forever. From royal farms to great depression renters. What is your alternative? Commie blocks where no one owns anything?
>50mil jobs
show me stats of the jobs they take. Ill wait
not my point, faggot. stop putting words in my mouth, retard
this is true too. That stat could be overinflated by high cost of living areas where 50k still aint shit (and ya. taxes are a bitch too)
I'm using average statistics nationwide, this is legitimately pathetic.
>muh tax
wow you have to pay tax like everywhere in the fucking world. It's also worth noting tax is lower in the US than the other first world countries.
it means that 99% of homes are occupied. and you don't own the unoccupied ones. They don't grow on trees they require lots of labor to produce. If it was something like 50% of homes were unoccupied, you'd have a point. but you're just lying to yourself with statistics by only counting homeless people. nigger if you only give them to the homeless that means everyone is paying for them to do nothing. your rent prices stay just as high.
You might as well give it up. The people you're arguing with are fairweather fans that see everything as a result of mainstream, bi-partisan political issues. You're speaking supply and demand to them and they've translated that to mean that you're a liberal that wants to flood the country with illegals.
Okay dude, why use such an boilerplate metric then . . .
>doesn't even know what a median is, and how mean averages can be 50% off in pareto distributions
Thank Shell. The ethane cracker plant in Monaca just drove everything in the middle of bumfuck nowhere high as hell.
my alternative would be something like the government being in charge of making homes and a person would have to pay the value of its actual worth plus the cost of labor. No property tax. Nothing. Once the home os bought, it would no longer belong to the government and be yours. When selling the home, you could only sell it at the cost you bought it at. Also, a person could only own one or two homes max.
yes, supply of 50 million mexicans willing to work for $6 an hour means your wages go down, and your rent goes up.
supply and demand. don't bitch about low wages when you support low wages through immigration
The median is $52k.
So many retards on this website.
you could have a point with the "not being enough homes". I also didnt say to just give them away. Again, stop putting words in my mouth to try to gain leverage.
My point is immigrants arent the issue. Its the real estate market itself for being a for profit thing
335k is cheap af for that house. a place that big where I live (hongcouver) is 1.5MM or more.
Most of the people who said that about Bitcoin in late 2017 when people in the know were cashing out are poor now. knows. Millennials are lucky if their parents have enough home equity to even inherit the family home when they pass away.
Cite some literature supporting price controls on housing
youre not taking into consideration the cost of living, retard. Theres a reason 78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck (even college grads since 7/10 graduate with 29k+ in debt) and its not blowing it on hookers. High debt plus high cost of living make that wage still be shit. Dont bullshit me that owning a home is feasible
It will go down once SHTF.
There is none for my particular idea. With common sense, you could see it would work since supply and demand would be irrelevant with the cost of housing meaning homes would be affordable and not a ripoff
>When selling the home, you could only sell it at the cost you bought it at.
Disregarding the fact that gov can't make cheap things, this point of yours would ruin housing. People would have no incentive to fix or remodel their house if they couldn't sell the house for higher to pay for the improvements. The country would have vast tracks of dilapidated housing that still sold for the same price when bought new.
You don't have to go anywhere near desirable. I live in the PNW but in a backwater town that isn't even remotely near portland, seattle, I5, or anything else desirable, and the house in OP's image would still cost $300k here, easy.
>Does the stock market and national real estate market always peak at the same time?
Found my answer.
Apparently there is no major link.
Oh my god do you retards ever stop coping. Rent, cars, electronics are considerably cheaper in the US. I did it, why can't you? Stop making excuses it is absolutely pathetic
it depends on the market, but yes generally, it's never going back down again.
now that players like blackrock and invitation homes are in the scene, they are going to consolidate rental property and snatch up anything that fits the formula.
basically they are running the math in ever second rate city or higher, and finding if they can afford a 20 year mortgage on a property, and be in the green after 10 years.
They're already factoring in things like market domination, supply throttling, and oligopoly price collusion.
>People would have no incentive to fix or remodel their house if they couldn't sell the house for higher to pay for the improvements.
thats not an issue lmao. If people dont want to fix their home, who gives a mother fucking fuck? Its THEIR home in the case.
Also, if they did want to sell their home, they would have to meet safety standards too at their cost to ensure new people wouldn't be in danger.
And I'm not saying you're wrong, but none of that has anything to do with the current housing market. We do not have a housing shortage. We have a surplus due to investors thinking they can still sell overpriced homes like it's 2005.
clearly not true
something tells me you were privileged compared to us
>supply and demand would be irrelevant
This universally considered not a good thing when it comes to an efficient allocation of resources.
you don't live in the US so no you didn't do it
OR if it DOES become an issue for whatever reason, then there could be some rule that the owners always have to have a safe home forcing them to fix and potential issues. There.
I was abused by my parents and cut contact at 18. Yeah real privileged
>Its THEIR home in the case.
No it is government housing with price controls.
I don't understand why you can't see the consequences of your own ideas.
Good work fellow bong!
>This universally considered not a good thing when it comes to an efficient allocation of resources.
ya and out current real estate market is soooo efficient with these stats being a thing huh?
Ok. I'm sure it would be a different outcome somewhere where the salaries for graduates are double, houses are half the price, everything is cheaper and tax is lower. Makes perfect sense
whats that I hear?
>gulp gulp gulp gulp
stop chugging down dick
except its not lmao. You arent even making sense at this point. It would straight up be your home in my case. Gov makes small homes with my idea. Person buys them. Ownership transfers.
>still gov home dur hur
literally makes no fucking sense
it'd be better to just compare what happens to prices during crashes
idk your countries programs (maybe free schooling or whatever the hell else you guys have) but im sure its better than the bullshit we have here. I dont mean privileged by just your parents. i mean by your countries programs
Yeah it efficiently shows that there is way too little supply to meet the demand. And meeting said demand under heavy regulation, existing homeowners push the narrative of "gentrification," etc.
It would be different because we would have shot your ass by now for being annoying
They go down. What is to study?
>Gov makes small homes with my idea. Person buys them. Ownership transfers.
Not what you said. You said they can't sell them for more than they bought them. That is a big thing.
In other words, the market is saying, "if you really don't produce value whilst living here, please fuck off somewhere else."
I was easily smartest in my "highschool" so likely would have got a full scholarship or whatever it's called in the US, this does not exist in the UK.
so you got valedictorian? If not, no you wouldnt. My sister is going to ucla for applied mathematics and graduated in the top 3 and didnt get scholarships so suck a dick.
You sound like a cunt.
>You said they can't sell them for more than they bought them.
thats how cars work too and theres no harm in that either so why the fuck would THIS be an issue? It wouldnt. You just hate the idea
Lets look at the facts.
i could buy one in a country where everything is more expensive and slaries (especially at the high end) are lower. You can't. Instead of trying to change that you screech taht i's too hard on 4channel. You are the problem, not me cause the truth makes you uncomfortable
really, decorating a home could still be an option, but flipping them becomes an issue because then affordable housing would start to diminish. Allowing people to flip homes for massive profits is part of the fucking problem
>A person in most areas of America should not be able to buy a house on a blue collar wage
Wow this is a great way to set up our society
>thats how cars work too
You can sell a car for more than what you bought it for. My dad has a classic Corvette worth a hell of a lot more than what it cost in the 70's.
I think the problem is that people are too attached to their homes and they can't see them as no more than bricks and wood.
Yeah I was that. Full rides aren't even rare, I'd near certainly get one (maybe not at an ivy tier college)