How many of you are doing this?
Trading futures
How's that working out for you, unironically?
just options because they have defined risk
>How many of you are doing this?
you trade?
only idiots do that
yeah idiots that go up 300% in a month...
I do.
And I frankly have no clue wtf I'm doing.
I just look for narrow spreads, decent volatility and find peaks and valleys that look like they need to correct themselves within a couple hours.
I now have 40+ trades, all of them positive and I'm up at 170% something.
Just wait til your shit is green, then close it.
Can't figure out how 77% are losing money.
never said idiots cant make money by gambling
>day traders
>I now have 40+ trades, all of them positive and I'm up at 170% something
sweet user, profits is the goal
>And I frankly have no clue wtf I'm doing.
If you want me to suggest some good youtube channels from professional traders and money managers I can post them for you
don't worry, you'll lose it just as quickly as you made it
the euphoria makes you think you're a genius and inevitably you'll do something to prove otherwise
>never said idiots cant make money by gambling
making money is the point
that shows how stupid traders are. just by chance you have a 50% chance to be right on a buy and hold. so by > 50% losing money son daytrading should hint you how stupid it actually is to do it
>euphoria makes you think you're a genius and inevitably you'll do something to prove otherwise
profitable for 8 years... but ok?
sure, remind yourself about that when you lose it all again by continuing to be stupid and trade
how do you make money index funds?
it's a good option statistically just too slow and intellectually unsatisfying for me.
Appreciate that! I'd happily take real advice.
Yea the profits is why I'm on that limb anyway. Hope this works just as well once I scale it, but it's far from rocket science, isn't it.
>how do you make money index funds?
i dont know how to make money indext funds
>it's a good option statistically just too slow and intellectually unsatisfying for me.
>intellectually unsatisfying
so you believe trading is something skillful? pls no
I need a stock tip right now. Give it to me.
>Appreciate that! I'd happily take real advice.
Learn from actual money managers
Chat with traders is good to start so you can learn what style matches your.
Learn to trade options form ex floor traders
If you’re good people give you money based on performance
Jack Schwager who wrote the Market wizards book series created a platform to give traders money
Martin Armstrong has a super computer that makes price predictions and it's really accurate. He has 6,000 years of economic data in there. I highly recommend you read his stuff. That's where I got a trade idea that went up 44X
>profitable for 8 years...
I have been profitable for 12 years and I was born 12 years ago... but ok?
Thank you very very much, saved all of this.
It's been fun so far, I expect this to get even funner once I know what I'm doing.
based baby trader...
the golden child is here
>It's been fun so far, I expect this to get even funner once I know what I'm doing.
It is fun, closing a profitable trade is very satisfying when you came up with the idea yourself. Like solving a puzzle.
i have about 0 knowledge about trading, crypto etc.
but im interested about learning, where/how do i start?
Can't trade futures if you have a past.