About 4 years ago I purchased some bitcoin with my savings. Not a huge amount, and I'll be intentionally vague...

About 4 years ago I purchased some bitcoin with my savings. Not a huge amount, and I'll be intentionally vague, but it's enough to seriously help me through college.

My parents saw an article about it and remember that I did so, and now they want me to give them to them because they were the ones who gave me the money in the first place that I used for them (not true - most of it was given to me by relatives). In reality they just want to take it to spend on themselves.

I keep the bitcoin in a way that only I can access it, so they need a password from me to get it. Right now they don't know the password.

I know minors can't really own money, and that my parents have the right to any money I earn while a minor, but can they force me to tell them the password? I turn 18 in 2 months, and can get the hell out when that happens. If I do that, can they later sue me for the value of my bitcoin?

Attached: 1569134324800.png (1112x1082, 1.03M)

Hi new fren. You should email Bitcoin tech support for a ticket like this. Also remember that Jews are trying to replace you, and that when you are around blacks, you should never relax

>my parents have the right to any money I earn while a minor

fuck boomers, wait the 2 months then leave

Tell them to fuck off and deny ever buying it.


it's true in some countries/jurisdictions, although there are normally limits in place

Tell them you lost the password in a boating accident

Tell them you lost it or can’t remmeber the password. That’s the beauty of bitcoin man

Dam boomer parents you got there. Let me guess they are planning on charging you rent once you turn 18.

Underage get out

Talk to lawyer, lol.
But if they weren't the source of the money, they can't demand it "back"
Of course if they want to bleed their kid for money other people gave them then it's not unlikely they'll sue once you tell them to go kiss it

>1 post by this ID
Don't fall for these bait threads. They're probably made by site admins to increase traffic and keep you from leaving and being productive

sage and move on

Attached: 1567116420720.png (929x1175, 119K)

This might actually work. I'll tell them I got hacked.

I was just asking for advice. Now kindly fuck off.

Open it and send it to a trezor wallet then leave a few bitcoins there for your boomer parents to be happy.

Oh user you had 30k how happy you share this with us.

They are so braindead they probably won't notice the rest is gonne.

First post based post

Are you Jewish, was that your Bar Mitzvah money?

>get a sizeable amount of money by family relatives at exactly the bar'mitzvah age

this. jewish tricks again

Send it to me and I will hold it until you are of age. Or just move it to a hardware wallet and tell them the wallet you use was hacked and you lost it all.


Seriously. This may just be an ingeniously layered larp