goodbye Jow Forums
see you guys on the other side [if there is one]
goodbye Jow Forums
see you guys on the other side [if there is one]
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you a bitch nigga
there is one
i feel like thats mouse poop all over the floor. i had a mouse problem once.
imagine the smell
>see you guys on the other side [if there is one]
There is but only the elites can access it. If you dont already know our brains secrete large amounts of dmt when we die. Dmt distorts our perception of time which is why dmt users report feeling hours gone by when its only been minutes. The rich can exploit this and basically live forever in their minds when they die
You need some VIDT to access it lol
Sorry, user. You can't go to Hell yet. You haven't accrued enough vacation days.
Is suicide selective eugenics?
I'm so tired of life, bros
Those are cockroaches, maybe beetles.
How old are you?
Don't kill yourself user, I still love you and I will do what I can to reach you.
its the details get you in that one
>maybe Harry Potter fan will come visit me ?
>next month. maybe
Im underage, stop asking me for my personal information you fckng PEDO NIGGER BEAR!!
Hes seen some shit
Was this the stain left after the body was moved out?
isn't all eugenics selective by definition?
No. People who are dissatisfied with the current system, a system that minimalizes the individual and assigns him a specialized function for life, end up committing suicide. It's extremely dysgenic.
trust me, it's not as bad as you painting it.
at least go full bowers
Yes, decomposing body fat
At least finish reading your books first.
How though? They didn't find their place in humanity because humanity has no need for them. They were just taking in resources for no real benefit anyways. Better that those resources are released to more functional individuals without depressive predispositions.
story behind this image?
Why does the system’s concerns outweigh the individual’s concerns? You have slave mentality.
I don't want to die like this
dead maggots
Incel died, no one found body until the neighbors noticed the smell
Your individual sad sack life is irrelevant. If the genepool could be bettered by your not reproducing, that is eugenic if it is detrimental then it is dysgenic.
Imagine the smell
Someone should make a neural network where you can post a picture of someone and then you the AI will generate what their rotting body will look like covered with maggots. The AI can use real gore images as its neural network base.
What is eugenic and dysgenic is subjective. If people are being genetically culled to accept a broken system, that is bad for humanity in the long-term. Thus I would consider it dysgenic.
Some told him to kill himself and he ACTUALLY DID IT THE ABSOLUTE MAD LAD!
Society not working to your individual advantage doesn't mean society isn't working in a way that is beneficial to its own propagation.
Good goy. You tell him. Nothing wrong with the current state of society. Now keep working for me while your race dies and we flood your country with niggers. People who are depressed with this have mentally ill. Functioning humans are happy to slave for god’s chosen.
later bro, sorry you bought into links
And you think the way we are heading is beneficial to humanity's propagation?
We live in the most prosperous, populous and technologically advanced time in recorded history.
>that is bad for humanity in the long-term
There are 7 billion people on Earth.
I think what ever we're doing is working if you look at our specie's proliferation
The number of people committing suicide is insignificant. You are small, learn to live with that or kys
This age is like that because of the past, the greatest generation shaped it like that, boomers are shaping the next 20 years, we will shape the next 40 after that
Society shapes humans, every building in a city shapes the spirit of every human, every building is an experiment
We don't know what the future will like with how the present is going on
And look how miserable people are