I'm applying for entry level jobs (finance, coding, marketing, whatever)
My GPA is complete trash. Should I lie?
How many employers check transcripts? Has anyone else done this?

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just don't put your gpa, and if they ask on an application, leave it blank or lie

If you're applying for a government job, such as through USA Jobs, they will want to look at your transcripts. If it isn't mandatory to put your GPA just leave it blank.

just lie, if it’s a private company they wont check. And neither the companies nor a background check company can verify gpa with a school, they have to get the transcript from you(unlikely)

if you are a new grad not putting GPA,HR automatically assumes it’s sub 3. good luck getting any phone interviews as a new grad without gpa

>Worrying about marks

Worry about knowing someone who will get you in you fucking aspie

Every job I've gotten they've done a thorough background check. It's pretty easy for them to call up the school and request a transcript.

I guess you could lie. They worst they can do is fire you.
Unless its certain gov jobs where lying on your resume can get you criminal charges. Although that almost never happens anyway.

Honestly, do they even check if you went to that school?

>thorough background check
this shit is unbelievable. So much resources wasted for so little gain

Hey thanks guys, OP here
Technically my major GPA (only taking into account the classes I took for my major) was better than my overall GPA, so I might just put that.

I should probably note that I'm in America.

good to know

also good to know

>call up the school and request a transcript.
My school only allows the student/alumni to request that a transcript be mailed to someone, I'm pretty sure

I should also note that besides my GPA, I'm good. I have good skills, some internships, and my background is clean.

bumping because I can

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You are a LARPER, schools cannot legally hand over personal transcripts to anybody that calls them.

use your brain OP

no need to put your GPA or you can even go as far as lying if it's a smaller company or a startup. the odds of them checking your transcript is low.
the most important thing is getting your foot in the door.

Bullshit dude. Get out of whatever school you're going to if they just freely hand over your transcripts.

Moron, the employer makes you sign a release form authorizing the school to send them your transcripts.

I believe this, but I don't think all schools do this.

your school fucking sucks if it will release transcripts to a third party even with written consent, my school uses a third party degree verification system and they specifically say it’s only for graduation confirmation/enrollment dates and that the only way to confirm gpa is to get transcript directly from student


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im gonna get a job, right?

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I graduated with a 2.7GPA. Made 6 figures right out of college. CS degree and work as a software engineer though. If you have a cs degree, projects, and can leetcode then that's all they care about. Leave gpa off the resume.

Very nice.
Not a CS degree, but I can code. I have a github. I guess I should add more projects to it.
"leetcode" maybe not, but I can learn

No one asks for gpa dude. literally no one ever did including internships, all they cared about is that I wasn't a brainlett sperg
>engineering fag

As long as you have a degree in physics, math, some engineering, statistics, or something similar you can pass the resume screen. Tip: Go to hackathons. No one checks your github. But hackathons help you create projects in a timed environment with new tech you've never used. Also networking. Pump your resume up with keywords to pass a resume screen. Then grind leetcode and Cracking the Coding Interview for a month straight hardcore.

Then send out applications to jobs. Use Gayle McDowells resume format. No one cares about your job as a cashier. If it has nothing to do with tech leave it off and pump in more keywords to pass the automatic resume screener.

Jow Forumscscareerquestions is great too.

wow thanks. I look into the things you've posted. Been to a couple hackathons but I didn't make anything ridiculous at them.

Get experience

yeah mine too, unis don't handle papers like that, they also are costly af, you probably went to some shit tier uni

No shit looser, nobody uses GPA anywhere else

what if you don't have a degree