Required Education: BS in CS

>Required Education: BS in CS

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Other urls found in this thread:

>salary $15 hour
>no healthcare
>must live in the city

I love this meme

The job market is just a meme now

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>entry level position
>minimum 6 years uninterrupted full-time work experience
>Masters in CS, Pure Math, or a related field (PhD preferred)
>$2 above minimum wage, no benefits

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>Required: bachelor's degree in CS or Information Technology, 10 years experience in this exact same job, 5 different certifications

>OR equivalent

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Employment is a scam, the entire interview process is set up to make you jump through hoops and work for free so they can reject you and meet an interview quota required to bring in H1Bs for cheaper.

This is true I work at a large publicly traded company and at least half the work force is comprised of contractor slaves and H1Bs

Should I just look at another field or is there a niche for me?

Story 1:
>be me
>skip out work for about an hour
>go to panel interview 4 old ladies that look like a chore to talk to
>dont feel like getting led on with.multiple interviews and not being told the wage
>ask what the hourly wage is
>make up riddled old lady boomer angrily says "We're not discussing salary"
>reask and mention that i know there is no salary and its hourly
>repeats herself
>realize she treats it as the same
>shouldve just walked out and left as it was obvious i wouldn't get the job with her response
>end up staying and doing there typed response assessment, about 15 minutes time
Really cucked myself by staying.

Story 2:
>be me
>apply to a city government job
>jump through all the hoops
>phone interview and test
>in person panel interview
>3 old men and a 20ish year old woman
>boomer tells me that she is his right hand woman...she looks like a roastie
>end up getting grilled by 2 of the 3 boomers for not knowing how to read blueprints
>job just required 1 years general office experience not sure if it required anything special eg blueprint and zoning knowledge
>huh!? Why even call me in if I didnt meet the requirements didnt they read the resume?
>get told by a high level blue collar boomer "you have a business degree, itd be like me coming into a business and trying to run it and not knowing how to" or their boss who kept throwing shit out
>even the roastie didnt do that she just sat there quietly
>kept my mouth shut due to fear of my name getting around and being blacklisted from getting jobs in other organizations

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It's not all bad guys, there are a couple of states that are doing quite well, Florida and Texas are both economically booming.

Move out here and you can honestly get a job at walmart that pays 15 an hour.

It should honestly be illegal to withhold information about pay rate. I wouldn't be in the fucking job if there wasn't a paycheck.

Sounds like you dodged two bullets user.

Both of those places sound like they would've made you miserable.

I mean, if they are already grilling you about your shortcomings, can you imagine what a nightmare it would be to work with them?

>full stack dev
>software sales exp preferred
>minor+ in psychology/marketing needed
>2 years at a senior level with supervisor duties required
>Must relocate to (nigger ridden) tn


>social media engagement engineer (san fran office)
>450k + options

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texasbro here, can confirm

>Apply for data entry job paying $14 an hour during college
>Get called in for an interview
>When I get there there are like 10 other people sitting in the lobby
>Find out it's a panel interview
>2 fat cunts ask us a bunch of dumb questions which we have to go around in a circle and answer
>Get up and leave
>Steal a coffee mug on the way out

Fuck employers who waste people's time for fun

>tfw BS in CS
>tfw 5 years DevOps experience

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It's comfy automating shit and keeping the "CI/CD Pipeline" going. Project Manager fags are convinced CI/CD is some holy grail buzzword but all it really means is making builds run smoothly in a way the team wants. I have literally never read an email from a PM and I have never been addressed about it.

Is there a good entry point for people that don't want to go through the time and money expense of college?

Nah, DevOps these days means "handle my entire build system alone since a lot is automated", which means they require a degree more strongly than anything else. The software team has to trust a stranger, they want one with a degree. If you COULD avoid it, you'd do so by starting with IT and then scripting while there to get a Dev job at some halfassed company, then using IT + Dev experience to go into anything else.

Do yourself a favor and fucking don't.

It's miserable work, nobody understands what you do, and management sees you as an expense rather than an asset/force multiplier.

Not only that but half the building will make you tear your hair out with inane bullshit and you go home psychologically exhausted every day.

>If you COULD avoid it, you'd do so by starting with IT and then scripting while there to get a Dev job at some halfassed company, then using IT + Dev experience to go into anything else.
Basically what I'm trying to do right now. How bad are my chances?

What alternative would you recommend?

I did that path but replaced the CS dev work with a CS degree. I'd say low chances but if you keep going you can make it stick. Honestly you're better off running your own IT company and then selling it to some dude who wants his kid to call himself a CEO.

Bro you are doing your job far too well. I let shit break for a week to let people see the absolute chaos it spawns, then the other 2 goons from other teams can't fix it, then I fix it. You have to assert yourself. It goes both ways though, when the other goons fuck up their team I volunteer to fix it because nobody knows I have so many spare hours.

>work from home 3-4 days a week masterrace

>Honestly you're better off running your own IT company and then selling it to some dude who wants his kid to call himself a CEO.
Damn. I honestly really like the idea of that but I'm not sure where I'd begin.

Do IT first, then use those skills to advertise on craig's list, then make business cards and leave them at any and all businesses around town that let people leave them on the counter (a white neighborhood thing). Old folks are the easiest to get as customers, after that its phone repair.

Hey man.

Recent grad(May). CS degree and working as a SWE at a fortune 100. Not a tech company though but memes that it is. Rhymes with Crapital One. 6 figs though and no debt can't complain.

How do I shift into DevOps? Right now I'm doing some Java Spring Backend stuff. Although actually I'm messing around with python now for work.

I've read the Phoenix Project and am doing some AWS courses. Anything else I can do?

CS is boring shit. Half of CS are suicidal faggots with gender dysphoria and the other half are dumb pajeets prove me wrong

Either I actually give a shit about learning software engineering or I leetcode grind for a FAANG.

Though I'd rather do things I like than grind leetcode.

That's why being an intelligent and non-fake-autistic white guy is good.

You stick out as a normal well-adjusted human being in the crowd of trannies and manlets. The real threat are east asians, pajeets act like they're good but their code is shit and they have no understanding of design patterns

>Get AWS certified (any cert, HR are retarded)
>Put CS degree/Dev Work/AWS Cert on a resume
>Apply to every decent devops job around you
Never jump fields inside a company, they don't want you to because your TEAM loses a developer while also gaining someone that they know isn't an expert in DevOps. Ideally they want to hire an expert and not lose a developer. Due to this, the small team you have is what makes it so this monolithic company blocks you from transferring to one of its many easily available and conveniently located jobs. It's weird as fuck but that's life, you have to jump ship to switch fields.

Can confirm. Although pajeets that are not contractors or H1B1s are in the same category as those asians you mentioned.

That's true, some pajeets who are born in the US aren't bad. Honestly most people I've met so far are retards, every Latino I've met so far in CS has been completely inept in every possible way

I don't try to act good, just an observation. I think all the genius asian dudes are off at a good university while their parents shell out shitloads of money. I'm stuck with trannies and the "nerds"

>my employment gap is my entire life

Sounds like the west coast. I've met some good Latinos in CS. Though not at my office, mostly cause I don't see many of them around due to demographics of my city.

I live in Colorado, still not many. I thought I was retarded and behind but once I actually started asking people how much they know they're all basically saying nothing. Some guy saw me working in my free time in the lab and was praising me for knowing basic web dev.

Maybe it's cause I'm older or desperate or both but I actually do this stuff in my free time

I'm presenting a thing that'll save my company half a million dollar in labor costs tomorrow morning. Built and designed it myself.

Ask other recent grads what they're doing.
> nothing. edit configs. watch youtube videos how to code.

I feel like if I made my own company and just sold the code to my company I'd have made more money than wage cucking. What am I doing with my life...

Could you pass some advice onto a 19yo with no degree and very little programming experience?

The other people I've met with some bit of experience and drive have all agreed that most CS students are just lazy as shit, I get I'm still fresh and haven't been through the ringer but if companies require projects I might as well work on it instead of acting like school work teaches me anything

Are you in college for CS? If you are, then marathon these videos and take notes over an empty weekend. Then get Cracking the Coding Interview. Read it. Then grind leetcode till you graduate. Don't care about your GPA cause companies don't either. Just get your degree and have at least one internship under your belt.

If you're not in college. Go to one. Community college, whatever. I went to a community college and graduated with a 2.7 gpa. Companies don't care about where you went or your gpa. They care about you having a degree (cs preferably), internships (in software engineering), and projects.

That's enough for the resume screen. After that it is all and the book Cracking the Coding Interview. Get the pdf online and read it although that book is worth its weight in gold and I recommend a physical copy.

pro-tip: click the youtube button on the lower right corner of the video player and then play the lectures at 1.5x speed

Google doesn't require degrees and many tech companies don't either

Just learn how to beat the interview

>no healthcare
Good thing I don't live in some dystopian shithole

>how to beat the interview
Easy don't be white or a male. Preferably both.

Fuck man. The idea of spending money to go back to community college sucks. I don't want to waste the time and money on it when I could be learning most of this on my own.

bullshit in computer science?

They don't require degrees if you have experience. How do you get experience with no experience? A degree. Bootcamps are mostly scams.

I've been rejected from even an automated interview a few times from large tech companies. Even with a CS degree. Did make it to the final onsite at Facebook though... Failed it.

Google is one company. And I'm pretty sure they don't send literally everyone that applies the online assessment.

Spend money, put your head down and do it. Take on the debt and finish. Make sure it's a cheap college. If you start now and work hard you'll make fuck tons by graduation and the debt will get paid off. Don't be scared of failure kiddo.

P.S. Studies show that people that take on more student debt are less likely to default on their loans. Most student loan defaults are of people who start college and don't finish.

Plus, college girls are fun. You can do CS and get laid. I sure as hell did haha

I'll seriously consider it. I've got some money coming my way from my family and I don't want to piss it away on something that isn't absolutely necessary. I'll look around at some community colleges. What's a reasonable amount to spend overall on it?

$2-10k/year, take out loans because the interest on them is less than you can make investing in S&P 500, once you graduate only pay back the minimum payment on your loans each month. $600 a year for 20 years and then if you haven't paid it all back yet you get government loan forgiveness. Oh and student loan interest is literally right on par with inflation rate, if not slightly less. You would have to be a damned fool not to max out student loans.