Okay I'm not buying this save the planet bullshit.
So tell me straight, biz. Who is behind the global warming alarmist agenda? Who profits? What is their goal?
Okay I'm not buying this save the planet bullshit
are you retarded, people don't wanna fucking melt. why would big businesses who profit off the planet melting go against it?
>implying theres a way to stop it
never said that, merely said that's why people are getting pissed off about it
Some fun reading for you
Have you ever thought that there's more to life than profit for profit's sake? That maybe, just maybe, being able to breath, or guaranteeing a stable food supply, or ensuring your civilization doesn't collapse might just take priority?
I'll make it brief, feel free to ask any further questions.
Global warming and environmentalism agendas are pushed on western societies in attempts to make them deindustrialize themselves which in turn makes them easier to conquer.
The "the sky is melting" narratives you hear people react to even questioning these agendas with is instilled using morale entrepreneuring tactics. Theres more than enough land, resources, etc. Much more than those pushing these agendas and others would have you believe due to desiring to create an artificial scaricity scenario.
We've only explored 2% of the ocean, and we cant even manage to fuck that little bit we have up despite our best efforts.
I mean there is, WWII scale mobilization, rationing and a degrowth economic model could solve this problem.
The issue is that westerners are entitled morons who would rather mask their insecurity with planned obsolescence and mindless consumption than face it and pursue something more meaningful. Likewise the rest of the world is entitled and demands the right to develop just like we did, killing the planet in the process, and making them equally as insecure.
The economic and development effects of deindustrialization/self-restriction should be self-explanatory
>anarcho primitivism
>Have you ever thought that
>that maybe, just maybe
I wish I could beat you to death. Go back to plebbit and never come back
The west is already deindustrialized due to neoliberal globalism. Your narrative is wrong and you are retarded. Read more.
Mass extinctions are happening that is a scientific fact. Resources do have peaks that is a scientific fact. The Earth is not infinite, it is finite. Soil degradation is rapidly happening and our aquafirs are drying up due to overuse. Hurricanes are increasing in strength and people in low lying coastal areas like the Florida Keys, Maldives and Bangladesh are already losing their homes.
The department of defense expected peak oil in 2017. The only reason this didn't happen was because oil companies rapidly developed fracking infrastructure and other unconventional extraction methods. The issue being that unconventional extraction generally costs more energy to extract than it produces through the extracted oil. This just accelerates the process.
>make them deindustrialize themselves which in turn makes them easier to conquer.
But who wants to conquer us? I'm not following. Who would benefit, for example, if all industries got taxed heavily in order to stop carbon emissions, for example?
> Is transhumanist
> He thinks i'm a primmie
>degrowth economic model
Oh great, your solution to global warming is to make poor people starve to death.
More or less.
A lot of it is FUD though, global warming is real to some extent due to being manmade (lowkey its the dumb shit women and fags buy and waste so entitled consumerists lile you said, not the means of energy production).
Weather wars between countries are passed off under the guise of global swarming much of the time as well.
Or ration resources, grow industry that provides need and put limits on wealth. There's plenty to go around. You want a private car fine, private home fine, private farm fine. If anyone wants to retrofit the inside of a 747 into a flying arcade and use it ferry just themselves across the ocean multiple times a week I've got a problem. Our society is wasteful. Eliminate the waste and there's plenty to go around. Increasing quality of life for the poor also lowers birthrates decreasing consumption.
The earth is a lot bigger than is let on.
Mass extinctions have always been a thing throughout the cycles of history.
>carrier pigeons
So dont get up on your high horse acting like this is a new thing.
The tech exists and is being created that can bring these things back if desired.
>genetic engineering
>The DoD's peak oil prices
Yeah because the people who willing let themselves be drug into a war for oil arent going to have reason to implement "artificial scarcity" strats regarding oil.
Some of that is to not disrupt the shit out of the world economy as well.
Again, overblown how bad it is on purpose, same reason, art. scar. combined with energy titans infighting.
The soils fucked in china because look at what they do with their industrial waste, theyre literally having to annex land because they fucked up all their soil making it unusable for agricultural purposes.
Leftists. They have stakes renewable/sustainable businesses and want to downsize the human population. This is why there's such a huge push for abortions, higher cost of living, and brainwashing children into becoming gay/tranny at a young age.
You don't know the facts.
CO2 is being pumped into the atmosphere. We know what happens when a planet has a shitton of CO2 in the atmosphere: it becomes a hot hellhole like the planet Venus.
Also, ask yourself if the initiative to eliminate ozone depleting CFCs was a conspiracy plot. That one was successful and CFCs were banned and now the ozone hole is reducing. Now finally we downunder can go outside without being burned to death by uv rays which got through the ozone layer.
The EU, china, venezuela, iran, anyone on the un council of 23 just to name a few.
What goods taxing them over carbon emissions going to do other than line someones pocket? If they were really that concerned instead of taxing them tell them to put that amount you would tax back into themselves regarding R&Ding more effective and "cleaner" methods but its not like the worse producers of carbon emissions than us are going to do that.
You know who they are? The countries I listed at the beginning of this post.
Its a self-crippling spiral disguised as a noble cause.
However, xenoestrogens and all of that (which was purposely done, disguised as a problem the solution hasnt been found for yet, to weaken western men)
>Earth has been Ice cap free for over 90% of it's existence
>Muhh people don't wanna fucking melt
you must be joking.
Maybe theyre being melted on purpose to get to whats underneath them from before. :)
>Al Gore
>CO2 is being pumped into the atmosphere. We know what happens when a planet has a shitton of CO2 in the atmosphere: it becomes a hot hellhole like the planet Venus.
False. Only a retard who doesn't know how CO2 works would say something like this. Of course breathing would become a problem in that case but it's a whole different matter.
I'm not denying that mass extinctions happen. It's more that I personally do want to become a statistic in one. I'm not convinced that human civilization will survive the century at this rate. In a worse case scenario we will revert to low population feudal societies on a desert planet. That's not a good place to be.
The high horse comes in because it seems like some people actively want that, and pardon the french, but I'm pretty fucking entitled to smack down that sort of rhetoric in the same way that you would be should someone put arsenic in your drinking water.
Genetic engineering is legit I agree. But I'm probably not going to live to see a restored world so I'd much rather preserve the one that exists now and improve it within my lifetime. It will take centuries if not millennia to terraform and restore an edenistic Earth should we disrupt it now.
The DoD's reports on resources are given by the National Academy of Sciences. I'm sorry that you can't trust any source.
Fracking is not overblown. Think about it as a market dynamic. If conventional wells weren't running out why would unconventional wells be going up literally everywhere? I live in Appalachia, fuck the sources, I can walk down the street and see a well.
I don't disagree on China, but we are depleting our own resources aswell. It's important to realize that a lot of our industrial and consumer waste also gets exported to China, India, Africa and South America because we don't want to dispose of it here. The garbage mountains of India are partially our trash.
As for the Earth being big I remind you there will soon be 8 billion people are Earth and that we do have an effect on continental scales. The Great Forests of North America used to be larger than the Amazon. The shitty jungle of short, sickly, overgrown trees in my backyard used to be 200ft+ tall White Spruce.
Yes it would be extremely interesting to see whats under the ice sheet of Antarctica. It'd free shitloads of arable land as well.
The one who’ll benefit the most the alarmist agenda is any form of centralized government. The point of creating a Supra nacional crisis is that you need an internacional central effort to contain said menace, and people are doing precisely that, claiming for more centralized power so that humans do not destroy themselves.
UN is deep balls on this agenda as they’re the biggest global centralized force, but other globalists are backing it too. The worst part is that people are loving the perspective of international agencies going above their own governments to stop the change. When they realize they have zero power to dictate policies over said agencies it’ll be to late
I don’t mean to be a tinfoil cucko but that’s the only thing that seems to make some sense.
Step 1) spread the fear
Step 2) say local governments and companies are the bad guys that wanna kill us all for profit
Step 3) make the scared people claim for a centralized superpower that will save us all
Step 4) ???
Step 5) profit
>Who profits?
No one. The last thing big businesses want to do is to adopt a set of costly but environmentally sustainable practices that would keep their factories from pumping smog into the air. How much are they paying you?
You just described the most common way for any government to gain power
>Invent a crisis
>Make it big enough to cause panic
>Claim you can solve it but you need more powers over the goyim in order to fix it
>Pass through egregious laws while the common folk cheer you on with roaring applause
>Fuck the population over with said laws
>Rinse and repeat
>No one. The last thing big businesses want to do is to adopt a set of costly but environmentally sustainable practices that would keep their factories from pumping smog into the air.
>Because nobody is manufacturing said parts nor is anybody offering expensive consultation to build said practices
>There aren't thousands of scientists pumping out propaganda circle jerk articles all refering eachother about muh climate change
The industry around muh climate change is already over $400 billion.
Well, got a global crisis ? I have a global government that can solve it for ya son ;)
>fracking not overblown
Its a downsized version of how oil is normally extracted.
The natural wells you refer to were manmade as well just theyre not typically thought of as being manmade.
Im in the same boat as you not desiring a civilizational tier decline either. Enough of the world already lives like savages in those conditions and thats without having the tech that we do. Its either advance substantially or crash back. In order to advance you cant be hamstringing those needed to make these advancements if anything now is the time to take the gloves off them not add more.
The high horse attitude isnt your fault its the foundation driving these agendas, youre just aiming the wrong way is all.
Does the national academy of sciences statistics include reserves held by private entities? Also why would a govt reveal its actual amount of reserve supplies/resources to everyone including its enemies? Anyone who could win a war of attrition would instantly begin one if those numbers were on point.
8 billion people and what do the majority contribute? Nothing.
This includes a large portion of the west as well, but it just so happens the west has a higher % of those who contribute positively to the world than most other countries do especially those savage shitholes.
So why cut down the advanced societies to make room for the worthless ones? The end results of that strategy is the world youre trying to avoid.
Just dont be too much of a pussy to admit it most importantly to yourself.
Fracking is an old technology from the 1950s.
t. Oilfield Industry Worker
Name one time that ever happened you dumb motherfucker
human-caused climate change is real.
these campaigns to fight it are incredibly faggy.
both are true.
>What is their goal?
They want to destroy the planet so they are pushing global warming so hard that people think it is a conspiracy and do nothing. Exactly what they want!
Okay... and so are nuclear bombs. Your point?
There is a demon living inside the earth, and its blood is starting to pour in the air, we will think it's because of natural reasons, but it will be too late when we realize the true nature of the poison that will kill us
There is a great book called "Climate of Extremes" and it is written by the 2 head state climatologists from virgiina and oregon. They got canned from their positions for simply introducing data that didnt support MMGW......AND these 2 scientists even agreed man was responsible for global warming to an extent. They werent even using their positions to shill for natural reasons as to why the climate was changing, they just introduced scientific data .
Climate change deniers like to blab about the benefits of co2 for plants, while completely ignoring everything else that determines a successful crop like temperature, wind, etc.
More places are freezing at times of the year they shouldn’t be and it’s fucking crops slowly. Or things stay to warm into the winter and parasites in the soil become too abundant. Very strange stuff, while I think the green deal is corporate welfare in some ways for green tech, climate change is noticeable for me because I am noticing some things on my land slowly changing for the worse even though I farm totally naturally. Still pulling nice harvests but I’m getting more weird shit happening.
>being able to breath
already possible on 99.999% of the earth
>stable food supply
the west would never have any problems with this
>ensuring your civilization doesn't collapse
globohomo is doing a good enough job of that without global warming
Hardly anything published these days is authentic to facts.
Weather control systems, not even kidding.
Business and finance you fucking retard
>weather control systems
What's the range? How would this even be possible. The resources required would be tremendous.
It's a demon, jews have spawned some kind of beast inside the earth, the earth was some kind of egg not fermented at all, then the jews found the formula to ferment the egg and the demon was spawn, its leaking now
I don't know. There's cloud seeding but all the good stuff is off limits. Who knows what they conjured up in their laboratories.
The National Academy of Sciences is accurate yes and they do take into account private reserves. The reason I trust them is because the global estimate of oil deposits is of strategic concern. Perhaps you're right and the estimates are falsely adjusted in one direction or another to put off other governments. Regardless the conclusion, that we are running out of oil, is not false. The DoD needs to know if we are running out so they can prepare for it. If the world was unable to meet oil demand there would be resource wars overnight as countries start putting bans on exports to meet their internal oil demand.
When I'm referring to peak oil I'm not referring to national or private reserves (and neither is the NAS) I'm referring to the rate of discovery of new oil deposits that haven't been extracted yet. I understand that conventional wells are man made, but the deposits they are extracting from are not, and they are finite. Fracking is more often than not just a way to extend the life of a given deposit that was once extracted with conventional methods.
"8 billion people and what do the majority contribute? Nothing.
This includes a large portion of the west as well, but it just so happens the west has a higher % of those who contribute positively to the world than most other countries do especially those savage shitholes.
So why cut down the advanced societies to make room for the worthless ones? The end results of that strategy is the world youre trying to avoid.
Just dont be too much of a pussy to admit it most importantly to yourself."
I'm not going to comment on this, work out your movements internal contradictions before projecting them onto others pls. Pic related.
Unless you don't believe that in a competitive world/system the major governments of the world aren't also competitive, and ahead of the curve considering their resources. Giving them a good few decades ahead of the public per technology.
We have already passed the red line in regards to climate change, it can't be stopped even if we kill everyone on the planet.
Nuclear energy is the cleanest energy there is. Solar and Air do not have enough power output to support an infinitely expanding capitalist economy. Solar and Air also leave behind tonnes of unsalvageable heavy metal waste.
The people who are pushing climate change alarmism are misguided low-rung masses and those who have stakes in this market.
The only way to combat the current situation of climate change is to genocide 3rd worlders to hopefully get enough time to invent new terraforming methods.
Please, elucidate us more with your wondrous prose
I never advocated for extincting those outside of the west, thats an extreme conclusion to jump to.
I was more so implying that the west needs to boost its own population growth at the rate of the others.
And dont dismiss me as one of those faggots from your pic, those are the types who need to be burned, feminism traps etc are the major reason behind the decline of the west.
Too busy concerned with molesting children to be bothered with anything else.
>resource wars
I hate to break it to you, but every country in the world is never not involved in one of those from its birth to death. Sorta the point behind sovreignty and all that especially when you realize population is also a resource.
As for the oil discoveries, you just dont announce its discovery if you dont want others knowing you have it.
If they openly admitted they have a motherfuckton of oil that aint running dry anytime soon you think others would be willing to pay high prices for it? Nah theyd call bullshit and conflict would erupt.
It's the UN and the Vatican, this goes completely to the top. It's the lynchpin for the New World Order. By making the future of the planet an emergency, they can:
-force veganism, cannibalism or eating bugs
-force vaccination
-limit reproduction and rural living
And also roll in the new green economy based on offsetting carbon footprint rather than the dollar.
It's all cyclical, NPCs need something new, fashionable and trendy to feel outraged about
>feel outraged about racism goyim
Then that passed and it was
>feel outraged about sexism goyim
Then that got old too, now it's
>Climate change
>feel outraged about the environment goyim
By next year they'll have moved on to something new and trendy to feel outraged about, maybe it'll be sweatshop labor or the exploitation of [insert ethnic group here] in [insert country here]
Boomers will remember how it used to be super-fashionable to be outraged about American Indians being treated like shit, then it went out of fashion and everybody immediately stopped giving a fuck about them
but climate change has been a thing for more than 10 years
your dumb post + the webm you posted leads me to believe you're a cumbrain
You didnt reply my pic because you know your entire worldview is based on lies and deception.
Oh hey look one of the only logical people in the thread speaking the truth. only think I disagree with:
>The people who are pushing climate change alarmism
I think people should be alarmed but they don't have a single fucking idea how to fix the problem. They want to prop up the third world while bitching about climate change its all so tiring.
How about this climate change people. I'll vote for more environmentally friendly options in the US. If you stop all immigration and start deporting every single immigrant that has come here legally or illegal in the last 80yrs. Also all the immigration laws changed to not allow any of them back in or any of them in.
>punishing people for directly following a law
>but climate change has been a thing for more than 10 years
Yeah, stupid hippies have been bitching constantly about the environment and how "Mother Earth is dying" for almost 60 years now and the world still hasn't ended lmao
change the law and ill be fine with making straws plasticbags and every other plastic garbage shit you can think of illegal
>The issue is that westerners are entitled morons
China and India are the biggest contributors by far you absolute moron.
Reminded that 90% of the plastic waste comes from third-world shitholes, not Western countries
literally what is going to happen that is bad lol. some ice is going to melt kek
Yeah, the problem is continually getting worse. We don't just spontaneously combust but it's a compounding issue
maybe if you throat xi jinping's cock he'll stop your "climate change"
Austràlians deserve death by ozone layer.
>Soil degradation
ok do better soil management
>aquifers drying from overuse
ok use them less / more effectively
>hurricanes gaining in strength
really? whatever. not really noticeable lol
do make sure to cut your personal calorie count in half and never reproduce, though
>it would be extremely interesting to see whats under the ice sheet of Antarctica.
shitload of coal and good land. Can't happen soon enough
yeah it reaches a saturation point about 15 years in the future, when everything goes to shit at the same time. this has been true for over 50 years
>The earth is a lot bigger than is let on.
>Mass extinctions have always been a thing throughout the cycles of history.
>>carrier pigeons
None of these things are a mass extinction. The last mass extinction event was the dinosaurs and we've already killed off more of the planet's biomass than that did.
Watch what happens to global fish stocks over the next few years if you want to see the effects of global warming. Or, start counting birds.
>Watch what happens to global fish stocks over the next few years if you want to see the effects of global warming
Global warming isnt predicted to have effects until 2050. And it has nothing to do with fish stock next year, that's overfishing by a materialist populations who eat too much.