Holy fuck, it’s finally hitting me. I’m never going to get laid.
I will never have sex
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well, just wait until you realize you will need to forever wagecuck, that's the stage we are almost everyone in this board now
Just go buy some pussy already incel
Have sex
At least you will never have to worry about getting aids
Bothers you that bad then pay for it.
>inb4 no money
Well atleast you came to the right board, in the end.
It's not even that good honestly
It’s illegal in the US
Who cares quit being such a bitch this is exactly why you're not getting laid because you're a pussy. If you actually care about the law like a faggot fly to another country and fuck hookers there it's legal almost everywhere else in the world.
Ate my girlfriends ass and came in her pussy today, AMA
How did her ass smell keep it real for an incel
And thats why you are never getting laid. Beta cuck
Not bad at all, this was just after she showered.
Ill let you smell my finger for free
>I literally ate da poopoo like a homo
Did you lick where she pees from?
There’s nothing gay about it
Bags of sang
Yes, always do.
Maybe not but coprophilia is even more disgusting than homosex.
Thats gay
To each their own. No feces smell if she’s clean.
>I literally put my mouth on an asshole, but it's okay because it was a CLEAN asshole.
Try it on a girl (female).
Why will you never have sex OP? What’s wrong with you?
learn how assholes work incel
actual shit, solid human waste, fecal matter travels through and out of the anus
and you faggots want to put your tongue in it
so glad i'm a volcel people are fucking nasty
No thanks bro. I will leave the literal poop hole licking to you.
Yes, we are total faggots for having sex with women
Thanks bro
>licking an anus
Yes, that’s correct
No, it's not you mongoloid. The anus is not a sex organ. Your mouth is not a sex organ. What you are doing could at best be called some kind of weird deviant kissing.
piss passes over and somethimes into a vagina. Blood also travels out of a vagina along with puss and other clumps of shit no matter how clean the girl is. The vagina does that every single month and sometimes girls get UTIs from just swimming at a beach/pool. Virgins don't understand how vagina works and even seasoned men dont mind getting globs of disgusting vagina blood/puss/whatever in there mouths when they eat a girl out. Yet you are here bitching about some girls asshole?
I keep thinking I will one night just get lucky.....................................................................................
Still sex
>eating a girl out
that's fucking disgusting and only betas do it
>i'm so dominant placing my mouth on the orifice of another person where their bodily waste comes from
also the mouth is not a sex organ you dumb public school cunts
>kissing is sex
Wait are you actually a virgin?
Girls stink like sweat and piss and blood and shit and they are dumb as fuck.
Face it faggots, acquire currency
we get it you are gay
Idk am I?
At least you didn't invest in a shitcoin, right OP?
same. Suiciding before my 25th birthday this month is I cant compensate with money
It it good. You're just doing it wrong. When you start caring about what the woman feels and if she likes it or not you've lost. You lost the in the moment feel and then it's shit. The natural dynamic between men and women was disrupted though and it's not really worth it anymore. Only fuck strangers. False name, no phone number, no evidence. Pump and dump, my frens. It's the only way to comfyly fuck some girls these days without problems.
serious question, what does sex feel like?
warm moist, and smooth heaven
I mean for the woman
Tongue on ass does not change feel based on the sex of the participants.
I'm not talking about licking asshole, SEX
Did it once with a condom on when I was 13. 39 now
Your sad you didn't get to know anybody. It's just the system dont take it personally they're all insane. Muslim pussy nice though less likely to stink. Dont fuck in a country that doesn't know how to wipe!
>he doesn't eat ass
>he thinks he's going to make it
Get your test levels checked and lay off the triple söy lattes you little ferry
>t. asslicker
Sex is not that great lad
I was told this hundreds of times and it didnt make any impression on me until I had it regularly and realized it's 100% true
I honestly prefer jacking it these days lad. Sex and girls are nothing to base your life around
It’s the idea of growing as a person and attraction a female to the point they want sex with you, not just the act in and of itself.
Heres a video that may make you feel better OP
Get them to do nude modeling for you first. A UC cop won't do it.
sex is one of the greatest things in the world
I fucking love sex I can't imagine a life without it
This. Being a forever virgin is nothing.
Spot the low iq coomer
Its because your a fucking coomer cumbrained faggot
quit the fucking porn you retard
I'll suck your dick for some RSR
I'll probably never have sex again either. The only good thing for me is that in my late teens/early 20s I did have a girlfriend who was on the pill who I fucked literally hundreds of times and came inside her nearly every time. So at least I know what actual full sex feels like.
Just stare at chicks like pic related
Works every time
I can't relate to anything posted on this board anymore. It's just poor bitter virgins. Pathetic.
Not op but no confidence at all.
Literally going to kill myself. I don't even care about money.
Literally just got to bars every night for the next two weeks and ask every woman if they want to have sex. You will get slapped multiple times but someone will eventually say yes.
If you have no standards there is no excuse to not get laid.
Actually watched a guy do this at a college party. Got slapped 10 times in 1 night before someone followed him into a bedroom
Sex is pointless hedonism. It’s best just to hold on to o semen and let it be infused into your bloodstream for extra power.
Only point of sex should be to have children. Unless you are planning on impregnating your wife then it is pointless. True despair is not being able to have sex, sex is easy. It’s finding somebody you can wife and impregnate.
If you ever start to hang around them/date them you will realize most are annoying as all fuck and dumb as rocks. Same way cats are fucking retards compared to dogs, but they look smarter so everybody just assumes cats are smart. Remember the only one above you is God
this is exactly the same way of thinking that made me confident as fuck, the godpill and the dogpill
how to get laid for complete incels:
step 1) find some cloths that find and take a shower
step 2) make some normalish friends (hint people who dont watch anime)
step 3) use your normie friends to make some female acquaintances, having girls that are willing to be seen with you in public will signal to other girls you arent a complete weirdo
step 4) go hit on some ugly chick at a social event, be prepared to offer to uber her back to your house
and you're done
Sex is massively overrated anyway, cuddling and making out are the real top tier. And even then is it really worth dealing with women's bulllllshit?
Buy Bitcoin OP
>step 2) make some normalish friends (hint people who dont watch anime)
I'm stuck here
Kek. And I thought licking pussy was disgusting. The absolute state of cuckery
Bro. Listen me.
I had sex 3 months ago and it was my first time actually with 26.
It was a random hookup on the internet we met at a dating site and she was a fatass thot.
I can clearly say its not worth the time if you dont love the other one.
Sex without love is meaningless and time wasting af. you better off working on yourself or analyse cryptos/stocks whatever.
You will feel the same afterwards means you dont change.
Based Uncle June
Why not just rent a whore tho?
23 years old I am not young, never got laid, I want to end it all friends
Yeah, try being a permawagecuck and permavirgin as well.
go to an asian massage parlor and nail an asian milf
Jesus never had sex either. He made out pretty well for himself.
Just hire a hooker and wear a rubber, when I get a job it's the first thing imma do.
>red pill
the jews are behind everything and niggers are dumb teehee
you will die alone, never have sex and wageslave for the rest of your life
oh shit that one isnt so funny
damn i miss eating ass
This user is right. If you aren't having missionary only sex for the sole purpose of procreation, you will rot in hell
take the hooker pill
this is a 100$ hooker
>and she was a fatass thot.
its way better to have your first time with a prostitute you find attractive and who is nice than a random ugly girl for free.
This has to be bait right, lol
god damn permavirgins these days
BS that's a $100 hooker, Aus they charge $350 pH to even approach that
Its nice but I'll never understand how people let it control their lives. Its nothing but a dopamine hit. Sex addicts and drug addicts are really the same. Only difference is that sex can be healthy if not done in a degenerate whorish way.
it's really a 100$ hooker in london. just check the choice on adultwork.com
Don't worry those normal friends are shit anyway.
Eating pussy is submissive. Why do you think so many cucks are good at it?
random one: 75 usd for 30 min, 125 usd for 1h
>normalfaggot thinks this was his home