I see all those NPC buying stocks now after 11 years of bull market, they will get WIPED OUT
protect yourself and don't be an ADHD idiot because you sit on cash for 48h.
SP500 -40% soon.
I see all those NPC buying stocks now after 11 years of bull market, they will get WIPED OUT
protect yourself and don't be an ADHD idiot because you sit on cash for 48h.
SP500 -40% soon.
please short
1. Fuck you
2. The jews are obsessed with the 23st
I do not short, I will buy when it crashes
George soros knew the internet was a bubble, he shorted it and he got rekted, timing man.
Less risk to wait crash and buy.
Since you can time the market, I'm sure you're a billionaire?
stop being an NPC, the stock market is all about market timing you still don't understand because you have been brainwashed by CNBC expert
Warren Buffet market timed his whole life and he goes on CNBC saying don't market time.
And what about all the millions and millions of people who never time the market and just put a few hundred bucks a month in their 401k over the course of a few decades and retire with a million dollars?
Bill Gates has disaster bunkers at all of his properties
cant bump your own thread on Jow Forums retard. It doesnt work like that.
I'm guessing youre another nigger selling shitcoins.
It's about to go Fallout real quick
I guess that strategy is good, if you have a family and kids and can't afford to take risk.
But to maximize return you need to market time, people have been brainshed saying it is NOT POSSIBLE but the stock market is ALL ABOUT TIMING, it's all about that.
I prefer to live on the fast lane
Yes you can buy in an index fund for 45 years and have your million at 60-65 but that's not the point.
Life is about living on the fast lane and taking calculated risk.
Warren Buffet market timed his whole life, read his bio, but he goes on CNBC saying never do this like all those CNBC NPC.
and he did it multiple times.
that kind of logic is what caused this bubble (just passively invest in an index fund it always goes up!)
people are complacent = time to sell
best time to sell NOW
market still at highs
get OUT while you can
sit on CASH then inject again
rince and repeat
Can't we short it
you are an NPC don't even understand.
250% is fucking NOTHING, NOTHING.
try to think for a little
read warren buffet bio.
You need a pass to bump your own thread
in a bull market, there are correction.
these are NOT reason to sell at all.
buy now it is.
you talk to me about +250%
I'm talking making 2000% minimum
but now*
yup. Pajeet shillcoin nigger detected
I'm talking about the real stock market
you talk to me about crypto coin.
I shill nothing.
Just buy what you find best value when it crashes
stock or crypto whatever
Literally this....
Gods will be done y'all.
can you explain the pic ?
Literally the opposite of what you should do, holy shit. Giving bad advice like this is just straight up evil because you are fucking with people's money.
We all meet our maker. The fact that hes so terrified to meet his tells you all you need to know.
where is this thing supposed to go? being bullish now is the same as buying btc at 20k thinking its going to 100k
Maybe in 2014-2015, but buying now fucking stupid.
11 years of bull market and you decide to buy now ?
Maybe time to sell no ?
Why riding an entire bear market where you can watch it from the sideline and inject money again when it's 1C or the dollar ?
I would not suggest to sell everything but at LEAST 50+% of your port to raise cash
Samson's option.
If you put your money in at any time on that chart, even at the peaks, you'd up hundreds of percent by now.
always the same shit happening
NPC believes the stock market defy gravity now and it is there to make them money.
everybody is trying to REKT normie INCLUDING everyone on CNBC
Cramer said bear stern was fine before it went under
what ?
I don't get it
>English second language
>desperately trying to convince Americans not get into traditional investment
>shitty financial advice
Cant wait til someone kills all you pajeet nigger losers.
lol, talking about tiny gains like +100%
while if you are smart you can make 2000% minimum if you have cash on hand when the doom comes
what fucking shitcoin ?
you are delusional
I don't even own any crypto.
go ahead invest heavily now.
I don't watch CNBC
I don't listen to Cramer whoever he is
So why should I listen to anonymous internet niggers who have not given one shred of evidence to back up their claim?
you are likely to net positive if you enter in at multiple points than if you attempt to time the market to any drastic extent. Invest now, keep money aside in case theirs a massive dip and buy when everything's discounted too. There's good opportunity regardless because their are undervalued, good companies regardless.
I will not reply or give any evidence to a racist like you.
yeah keep some money invested
but I think you should at least have 50% of your asset in cash right now
if not more
All in on buy puts with 30k on Jan 2022 (super cautious). If it does happen i never have to wagecuck again cause i can reinvest that money heck if i could turn it into 300k id be retired, half in safe investments the rest playing the stock market. 24k a year is enough for food and a place to sleep when im unlikely to ever have a wife.
Lol jk i'd be terrified to do that even though deep down i know i should.
Blab blab blab, where's your 2000%? Nowhere. It happens but you have to be in a really special situation to make it happen. 20% is good. 200% is better. If you sat and only jumped on deals that you knew you could make 2000% on you'd likely be dead by the time one came around that you could recognize.
don't gamble on option it's super risky.
300k is a bit short to be retired.
it wasn't me.
I'm currently setting aside 20% of my investable cash into a high yield savings acct. is this enough or should I up the percentage?
I'm not a racist. I just think that people of whatever race you belong to should be all be exterminated.
I mean if that makes me racist so be it,
Anyway, when get paid this week I'm gonna add another $1000 to my VSTAX mutual fund and not waste it on niggercoins
I'm not a broke desperate nigger who needs a get rich quick scheme
So that's what it actually looks like? And people call Bitcoin a ponzi? o i am laffin
Depends on you, I think 20% is fair.
You should have at least 50% in cash or very liquid right now.
Keep the rest invested but even start to trim it a little as it goes up ( if it goes up )
Crypto isn't an investment IMO, you're just hoping the next guy will pay more.
Mutual funds perform worse than the S&P 500. they always have.
crypto is gambling.
but you can put 10-15% in it on smart gamble when btc is below 2k, the rest in stock market
when it crash.
USD/CASH is safe.
if USD goes down money will the least of your worries.
There's a word for it:
You see back in 1995 we didn't have things like iphones,amazon and uber which add trillions to the economy in the form of wealth and opportunity. That's why the line on the chart goes generally up.
The line on the cryptochart goes all over and then down because its based on the speculation that some other chump will pay more for it tomorrow than you did today.
You say NPC so much you fucking are one faggot
Growth doesn't mean a -40% on SP500 can't happen
the world been growing since 1900
Keep buying mutual fund
>Lol jk
>you can't time the market guys
>would you buy the S&P500 right now
>ummm y-yes as I said you can't time it haha would definitely buy after a massive bull run
>Im in my mid 20s
>Never had a gf
>Unlikely to get married
>Basic necessities arent very expensive for me and hobbies arent expensive either
>300k is enough for 12 years assuming nothing changes drastically and long term capital gains taxes were already taken out of it
>12 years is so long I could reinvest 2/3 of that into a variety of stocks should the market crash by then
However realistically i wouldnt actually do that. This markets made it 11 years which is ridiculously long idk how much longer it'll go considering it made it this far. Hiwever I did buy a $1k+ put far out.
That's because people also put bonds in their mutual funds to lower risk, which of course gives lower returns.
Or you can just get a mutual fund like VFIAX which is literally the SP500 and will mirror its movement.
I'd rather buy LINK or shiney Boomer Rocks than a fucking stock haha
your situation will improve
I am sure you are a great guy, and will find a good women some day.
don't give up
and don't gamble on option but common stocks when this market crashes.
Samson's story from the bible. He's the strongest man of the stories and this is the scene where he topples the building and kills everyone in it.
pray in a dark room? dawg your gunna have to give me more pointers than this
what does this have anything to do with $ and EURO ?
Yes I will.
Let's say the market crashes 50% tomorrow like you predict.
In 3 years or so it will back to where it is now.
In 10 years it will be over double where it is now. Plus I'll have the added benefit of buying all those stocks when they're cheap.
Since I don't need that money in my portfolio for 15 years why should I get out now?
Honest question what do you think is best to do with money in terms of either sticking it in a high yield bank account, precious metals, bonds, or stock market (stocks/options) for short considering the market looks way too risky in terms of it going up but also feels risky to make biy puts?
Have been attempting to pull the majority of my money out of the stock market. Still have some left in stock/options if i sell at current prices but am waiting for prices to go up on those.
>In 10 years it will be over double where it is now.
hooo boy we got a live one
For starters get off this retarded goof board and don't listen to anyone even me. Go to a forum like bogleheads and read up on things like the 3-fund portfolio strategy. Figure out your timeline and risk tolerance. Open a Vanguard account and buy some shit.
market timing is about maxing return.
you can buy all market tops for 45 years and end up with 1M$ at the end of it if you kept investing and never sold
but who cares about 1M$ in 45 years
I'm not saying get out now, I just think you should raise a cash now while you can 50% cash minimum, for my case I am 100% in cash I understand that's not for everybody because sitting 48h on cash makes people ADHD and society pushes people to have those sort of behavior in this casino that's the stock market
Time the market and have a long term view
But if you don't care about maxing return then you can buy index or mutual fund, and invest a little bit each month
Warren Buffet cared about maxing return so he market timed.
but buy SP500 & NASDAQ 100 mutual fund are shit because of fees, even 1% is fucking huge when you think long term and most of them don't even beat the market you are basically paying a guy to give you worst result
it's like going to a michelin restaurant and they serve you microwave food
Reasons to buy right now: hehe it keeps going up right guise? Free money!
They're going to be toppled user. The US dollar and Euro are going to get slapped hard by inflation. You haven't been paying attention to the news if you're busy laughing at crypto right now.
>Im in my mid 20s
>Never had a gf
It's already over. Just end it all friend.
It depends on your situation, your psychological make up, what type of person you are
give me those and I can tell you
if you are 50 you don't have the same strategy as 20
is it bad i can’t wait to watch my own fuckin currency hyperinflate into oblivion. god people who hold cash are going to get so fucking rekt someday it’s ridiculous
Vanguard mutual fund fees are in the .03% range.
That's 30 bucks on every $100k invested.
Now since you're all about timing the market, please tell us all:
>what day will the market crash?
>what day will the next bull run start?
Now since you can't tell me either of those things, tell me what your mission is here? Are you trying to panic everyone into believing the economy is about to collapse because of Trump, or are you a chainlink failure desperate to get other people to buy in so your shitbag goes up a few bux?
should i mortgage my house now? please respond
You cant tame za marketu goy. You have to buy after 11 years of green remwmber time in ze marketu > timing the markers
And remember: always buy high like a true biztard
then a low fees mutual fund, some people goes to these high fees fund.
I will not reply to you, you seems like a rude person
i mean, taking a loan against my house, a second mortgage, since the house is already paid
depends really on your situation, life is about taking calculated risk, not being a idiot with your money going all in because.
if you have high paying job taking an equity loan against your home on a fixed rate and like 20-30 years with no penalty if you pay it back earlier is good idea, but you do it only when the market is collapsing not before not after but during the market collapsing, and then either invest on individual stocks or BUY half SP500 and NASDAQ100
but be very careful when you do that calculate everything to make sure your high paying job can pay EASILY the loan
english is not my mother tongue so sorry for any spelling mistakes.
I don't care about people dumb enough to go into a high fee fund.
Just like I don't care about people dumb enough to buy a Coke at 7-11 for $3 when they can buy the same Coke at Walmart a block away for $0.49
Literally anyone can open Vanguard account and get a low fee fund. Fidelity even has FREE ones
measure the charts in gold you are all missing the point we are not peaking at dow 27000 we are gonna peak at dow at roughly 54 55000 screencap this.
correction YES !
crash NO !
USD and Stock market will reach ATH never seen before. The entire world will find refuge it the USD and The stock market and investors from 2009 are still on the side lines. The US economy is and will be the most stable.
>buy SuckPenises500 at a decade high
>get absolutely JUSTED
>become a boomer bagholder for a fucking decade
>even the worst crypto shitcoins had their pumps in this timeframe
>crypto holders break even or get rich
>after 10 years you finally break even
>after 10 more years you finally make 2X profit
Oh no no no no no haahahaahahahahahahahHahaha
>The US economy is and will be the most stable.
Greenspan said this in 1973, a year later SP500 -50%
You're just making up unrealistic timelines.
Anyway let's say I buy these penis things with $10k and you put your money in the safe or a savings account at 0.05% APR.
After the 20 years you mentioned, I have $20k and you have how much????
Plus I continue to buy discounted penises for 10 years so I'm actually at $100k after 20 years.
And you're still broke and on biz warning everyone not buy into the market because it will crash any day now
why while the market is collapsing? i thought asking for a loan with the high housing prices as a collateral would be akin as selling the top without actually selling the house, it's basically shorting while paying the average down
And it never recovered still to this day!
>SP just keeps going up breh
>it's free money lads
>I am smart trust me
Might as well buy some proprieties and rent them you absolutely dumb motherfucker. SP is a glorified savings account that might lock your money for years if you're dumb and buy high and don't wanna take a loss.
He's just making up bullshit.
It impossible to tell what the bottom will be or how long it will take to get there, but this nigger recommends starting the lengthy process of refinancing your home and timing it perfectly during a middle of a collapse.
If you dont got some linkies I feel sorry for you.