Tfw suicidal and my psychologist is useless

>tfw suicidal and my psychologist is useless
How do I short life?

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it's not your psychologist's responsibility to fix your life. ultimately, that's for you to undertake. stop blaming other people. hold yourself accountable to enact change. stop being such a coward. don't be a pussy and whine about it on Jow Forums. shut the fuck up and log-off this toxic site and figure out what the fuck you're gonna do to fix the situation at hand. No excuses.

>it's not your psychologist's responsibility to fix your life. ultimately, that's for you to undertake. stop blaming other people. hold yourself accountable to enact change. stop being such a coward. don't be a pussy and whine about it on Jow Forums. shut the fuck up and log-off this toxic site and figure out what the fuck you're gonna do to fix the situation at hand. No excuses.
I've wasted my entire life. Nothing to fix. Also
>just don't be suicidal.

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Minecraft the (((villagers)))

Short rope, long tree

Truly suicidal people don't whine about it on the internet for attention like a little bitch. Shut the fuck up. Get to work on yourself instead of festering in so much negativity, doubt, and toxic cynicism. It's not a good look user. I wish you the best of luck. P.S Doube-Fuck Adolph Hitler in the ass with a n*gger dick.

You are right. But I am unbearable mentally ill and have zero friends to confide. Be careful if someone kills themselves and you thought you they wouldn't.

You are giving non advice.
>good luck, hope everything goes well. Just do something.
Thats not advice.

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ah jeez dude
talk with your family

my advice is for you to kill a bunch of roasties and then kill yourself.

I gave you advice son, you're too dense to realize it. feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to fix the problem. ruminating about how bad you have it isn't a solution, it's the bitch way out. figure out what the fuck you are gonna do to turn your life into something worth living. It CAN be done despite all your negative protestations and cynicism. but you gotta drop the negative bullshit man, that is toxic and corrosive to dreams. Jow Forums won't help you be happy either. you've got to work on sorting yourself out, I recommend DR JORDAN PETERSON.

Psychology is not ment to fix people or help you find not or purpose in life. Their objective is to reclamate damaged individuals to serve with higher function for societies need. If you want to find contentment or purpose that is up to you alone. You do not have to reinvent the wheel, try the stoics or find faith. Learn to see the good of your past instead of repeating the negative. Don't place unrealistic expectations for the future. Except that your life will most likely be average and thats ok. Most of all know that you are not suffering alone. We are all suffering with you just the same. It is normal.

>pink ID
excuse me, you're actually about to get severely depressed in a couple weeks, brace for it. enjoy not being able to tell your body to get out of bed or make some food. enjoy being insane.

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you're still doing it. pity. oh well. enjoy being a miserable loser, I tried.

Because you are the loser and wrong.

Long CBD-rich weed and short Freudian kooks, if a psychologist believes in Freud's bullshit ("we can't fix the human psyche, we can just verify that it has issues") he probably has more issues than you anyway

BTW check out Freud's descendants to understand why Freud was so fucked up. Some things just stay in the family, y'know?

If you really wanted to kill yourself you'd take a hefty loan and throw it on investment accounts.

Larping faggot

>he unironically goes to the psychologist
>even expects him to do something else but listen to his rambles and take his money


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OTHER PEOPLES SUICIDE ISNT A THREAT TO ME. (You) doesn't affect me in the slightest.

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Are you by any chance of mixed race? Mixed race people have been scientifically proven to be more prone to mental illness.

Long happiness

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i for one, am happy that a hitler lover is suicidal

1. realise you have shizoid pd and it's not your psychologist's or anyone else's fault but your own
2. change

Anyways genuinely feel better now. I have calmed down. I hodl life now.
Yes but not saying which.

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you mean the guy currently on rehab because his anti depression pills fucked him up too bad? lmao yeah great guy to listen to in terms of mental health.

Kek, theres your answer then. You can hate your parents for creating a mentally ill mongrel.

You're already suicidel, so half way there

What's the best way to do it OP? I have heard Nembutal is the way to go, but it's really hard to source. Asking for a friend haha

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invest in VID ---> got 160x return --->be happy

Have a long happy life. Please sage from onwards. I cannot delete the thread and feel better.

This is what I did with bitcoin a 6 months ago. Was considering suicide constantly at the time, even put my gun to my head.

How's it going now?

Stay strong, OP. Do it for him.

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He's a mixed dog. Der Führer would put him in the camps