Summarize the US housing market in one pic
Summarize the US housing market in one pic
kerville homeless
Have a lawyer contract an artist to place a zoning safe "provacative art installation" and youll get the house for free
Redpill me on migrating to USA and buying house in 1 of the following states:
South Dakota
Meth-head Hillbillies
So are there any non-retarded states in USA?
If something is surprisingly cheap, there must be a reason for that. I dunno. Better come and see for yourself. Everybody with their own criteria
The US is a third world nation outside of the big cities. ALL those states are third world! The US is shit!
t. lived there
Saying that SF isn't third world is very optimistic of you.
>one hobo goes crazy on PCP and kills everyone one night
Fucking lmao
I'd erect a giant billboard on it out of spite
>The Chainlink Citadel
>Your garage is on my land. $15k per year or I get it demolished.
me under the light blue covers on the left
he should invite his meth head friends and stand on that stripe of land he owns everyday and ask for 20k$ to sell it back to the home owners, they'll give up in 3 days max
It's literally the high tech capital of the globe, dipshit.
A very small area is the high tech capital. The third world country conditions surrounding it are what allows that "capital" to exist.
Well, that's dumb. If I was the guy, I'd just put "David Duke for congress" billboard on the strip and tip off the antifa.
Would be getting house for free after a week.
Fuck you user my sides are hurting
We’re full
Not entire states, no. However there are non retarded communities scattered around the country if you look hard enough
I'll give it free as shitting designed grass space to all the pajeets of the area
Looks like it can fit a sleeping bag at least.
what could you do with that "land" to piss the house owner off (assuming he was the scammer). put a bunch of port-a-potties there?
Not much since there's a 99.9999% chance it's in a HOA
I'd put up hugeass obnoxious bright neon signs on my strip of land and sell it back for a premium
Put up "Trump 2020" with a big arrow, put up a camera on the other side to make sure they aren't trespassing.
Assblasted Americucks will rage over this but it's true.
T. Amerifat
oh yeah, crazy lefties might burn down the house
Why did I listen to Sergay?
Are you that british faggot from the other thread that was trying to convince us how great socialized medical care is?
That's also not even in the city, dipshit. Pretty obvious you haven't been there. It's a complete dump, literally.
Let me guess Vancouver