Why do Americans make so much money?

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theres a lot who dont

they are the chosen people

They don't actually, it's just the 0.01% of billionaires skewing statistics

Because they need to have a lot for the possibility of a regular dentist visit for example which will cost them 50k.

More like the top 50 percent. Just look up doctor salaries or silicon valley pay, fucking ridiculous

just but in america you need to study/train for ten years to be a doctor.

kek what about all these college ammissions scandals? Seems like you just gotta pay to get your degree

Not for medicine

They hate our freedom

the pure energy radiating from this post makes me shiver

Our money literally gets typed into computers. Then it's distributed through society. To the oligarchs first, then the nouveau-riche of tech and media to keep their egos and self-perceived intellect inflated for advancing certain social engineering goals of said oligarchs, then it trickles down to keep the proles afloat, producing real labor and consuming. It's a brilliant way to keep the masses sorted. The real cost of expanding those sought after right-think tech and media jobs is nothing! Did you hear? The "female gaze" sector of the streaming service industry is the talk of Wall Street.

cost of living is high! It really is! try being poor in Burgerland vs. Europe

Pretty sure in the US it's 8 years college minimum and 4 years residency.

In the UK whereas it's 5 years college minimum it's 8 years residency minimum unless you want to be a gp/family doctor where is 5

American training really isn't any longer

This is a joke right?

Average house is twice as big for slightly less, cars/fuel are way less, electronics are less, tax is less, even fucking healthcare is less than uk where everyone has to pay for dentists/opticians but this is covered under any decent job

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>french normalfag
>average normie medium salary 2000€
>good standards of living and quality food
>burger is always 6500+
>i don't get it

Every single time this gets posted londoners come on here thinking they represent the entirety of the UK
cope harder bongs

Been to London like twice. All of this is data is available online, houses especially are insanely cheap there. Whether that's cause they're very cheaply made of wood or there's more land I don't know

most americans are homeless


They also spend hundreds of thousand on education, healthcare, which are free in civilized countries.

Healthcare comes with decent jobs

as an unemployed 20 year old i can tell you its most likely because people work

so basically shit jobs pay for your healthcare
exploitation of the poorest/dumbest, sounds about right for America

Not commenting on whether it's ethical, but it's a complete myth healthcare is expensive.

Just like in every country people working shit jobs take way more in tax money from the gov than they contribute.

Also majority of medicine graduates are shitskins and third worlders and a lot of doctors didn't even study in the us

>a lot of doctors didn't even study in the us
Why would this even matter? Foreign grads have to sit the same exams but score much more highly

It's true shitskins can get lower MCAT scores to get admitted to med school here, but you really can't bullshit you're way into being a surgeon and again could take up to 12 years of study plus residency

Risk premium. 90% of them get shot daily.

Free markets and shit. Low taxes. Fuck europoors.

You can graduate in liberal arts, business, regular sciences, math and maybe even finance and still not find a job in the Jewnited States.
I dont know how it is in europe.

t. seething pajeet
doctors kill hundreds of thousands of people every year, most surgeons are braindeads coke addicts

>poorfag produces something worth 100
>capitalist pays him a generous 5 for his work
>gov needs to contribute 5 otherwise poorfag can't feed himself
>capitalist gives 5 to the government and boast how high the taxes are and how grateful poorfag should be and shame poorfag for using tax money

You're missing out how the poorfag made many shitty choices to get in that position and doesn't try turning ol it around

nothing is free. state education have the potential to be dangerous. free healthcare can be abused. ideal is private school + health cost spikes evened out by state revenue (like transportation)

We work way harder and longer. Also our education is a lot more rigorous than yurope/Asia so that translates to better wages to compensate. And we're just better in general so we deserve it.

I am not convinced that because someone isn't smart he deserves to be exploited by smarter people.


High standard of living and low taxes.

Also flags when? I'm tired of you seething third worlders.

It not!
t. lived there
>even fucking healthcare is less than uk
KEK, ffs your the type of cunt that complains about the NHS, without realising insurance companies are out to obtain profit! The health 'care' system is crazin in the states...even if you shell out ~$1.5k/month. Stay in the first world bubble, don't go to the third world.

Someone give that capitalist a bonus. Those are incredible returns. The entire government can easily be run from a 5% tax on a business like that.

moroccan here, software engineer making 12k$ a year, managed to accumulate 55k link, now just imagine if I worked in the US and made 80k$ how much link i would have.

They dont pay 50% of their state budgets in healthcare like Canada does.

a lot of manipulation and suck-ups. Not gonna make that much money if you are an average joe.

What if I was a nigger hooker lord from kongo with a yearly income of 4 gorillion macedonian peso. Just imagine all the LINK I would own right now.

>way more rigorous
>standards decreasing year on year to accomodate spics and blacks
>test scores still terrible, outcomes worse
>literally impossible to fail a bachelors

Lol keep dreaming.
No jobs provide anything anymore.
Best case scenario is your policy actually works and you get a 20% discount.

let me dream faggot, but seriously life is cheap here so I know I will make it, hell I can sell my 55k link for 100k$ right now and start a business like a car rental and stop wagecucking, it pains me to see burgers with smaller stack than mine

Major cope. I just don't buy insurance and I have a very low overall tax rate. I'm healthy so I never go to the doctor and my total health expenses over the year total less than $150 usually. America's laws are super fucked up right now, so if I do get some sort of long term illness (very unlikely), I just sign up for health insurance during the next cycle and I'm fine. I'm a conscientious objector to socialized health as long as my involuntary dollars contribute towards caring for 400 pound ham beasts and 3rd worlders abusing emergency rooms. I should be able to join an insurance pool of similarly healthy people that only covers catastrophic injury, there is absolutely no reason I should have to cover the self destructive, foreigners and genetic failures.

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> they printed fake printed paper
Oh yes, they have a lot of them

>be dirty thirld worlder
>shit out a crappy website by following tutorials online
>cuck pays me 1k$ to copy paste him a website because its cheap as fuck for him and he doesnt know how
>made 10 times the local monthly salary in literally 10 minutes
>client gets me more of his boomer friends to do the same for them
>what am getting is minimum wage in the US, but am living like a prince in a beach house here

The internet is truly the greatest invention ever made. No matter how much am getting paid, it's still 10 times what I would get back home.

>Major cope.
Then you go on about genetic deficiencies ect...Ok Mutt
people (not you) have health insurance in case of an accident. Also health care around the world is considerably cheaper as the doc is not shelling a substantial part of his paycheck for malpractice insurance. Now, I do understand that the reason why ppl sue doc in the states is cause it costs a lot of money once your unwell to live. Its an issue that compounds upon its self...
> I'm a conscientious objector to socialized health
You're a brainwashed mutt more like it! How can you argue that insurance companies are not predatory? they are out for profit! It cost $50k for a baby in the states without health care (what my neighbour paid, years back) still doesn't stop all the useless eaters breading!
>I should be able to join an insurance pool of similarly healthy people that only covers catastrophic injury, there is absolutely no reason I should have to cover the self destructive, foreigners and genetic failures.
Huh, odd there isn't any cover for things like that...that's sarcasm btw Mutt, I know you guys are not good with that!
Its almost like the insurance companies know that the size of payout for catastrophic injury is really high...i/e not profitable.

Glad you like the system your apart of user, you don't have another choice.


Nah mate, the vast majority of healthcare dollars in the US go towards preventable diseases (literally fat people killing themselves with alcohol and cheese burgers) and keeping old people alive 6 months past their expiration date. Catastrophic injury is a small sliver of healthcare spending (we used to have catastrophic only coverage untill Obamacare fucked everything up by the way, it was very cheap). Doctor quality here is excellent and I don't mind paying out of pocket when I do need to go, still loads cheaper than paying for other people's irresponsibility in the form of so called "insurance". So, I save loads of money I can invest now rather than being taxed and involuntarily insured, and I am now well ahead of the curve financially, and once I am a millionaire I will then allow myself to be cucked by insurance because it will actually be worth it at that time. What the fuck is the point of mediocre medical care that comes with being a low class wage slave for the rest of your life? I'm willing to make that exchange to escape the rat race.

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I've lived in Burgerland, i'm very failure with the costs. I'm Self employeed atm in the UK, the NHS (health insurance) contribution is £3/week...OR £156 for the whole year. You only pay this if you earn over £8.5k. Its one of the reasons why i only pay myself £8.5k/year. I'll have to change this soon as they're making changes to dividend payments...BUT you are against paying £156 for a whole year for basically unlimited cover?

That's more than you pay in a month! for shite coverage! As i started out with, its MUCH better to be 'poor' in EU vs USA. I payed just less than 10% of my earnings in tax last year if you include my corporate tax bill...

So stay with your for profit health 'care' I've seen the difference, I know the difference. Shame the Jews fucked up burgerland!

>f r e e
the absolute state of eurofag education

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You have to forgive this user, this user may be a femanon, releasing her of any accountability for speaking without thinking.

You would make less here or be unemployed. This is the truth.

It's because Americans are way more productive than all other countries in the world. Every statistic proves this.

All the Eurotrash love to post pictures of fat Americans in scooters to make themselves feel good about themselves. The truth is that in most American cities, the freeways are jammed at 6am and Americans don't take as many vacation days.

It's a values decision as many Europoors will say "stupid Americans work themselves to death, I take all of August off every year, yay me!". Yeah but that's why you are poorer than America. No American outside of teachers take an entire fucking month off every year

And dont get me started on Bongers. In Britain, the Christmas holidays start in late November and finish early February.

Americans don't and that's why they as a society are richer than you.

most Americans have nothing saved for retirement and are deep in debt, most young people will never own a home, it's all about to come crashing down

>most Americans have nothing saved for retirement and are deep in debt, most young people will never own a home
Is there a country on earth where this is not the case?

I think you need to take advantage of that education in your country if you think any of that stuff is free. You are definitely paying for it in other ways. VAT for example?

To further illustrate this point, consider that europoors have to come to American websites to say these things. I would bet that 90% of the websites, software, and digital services the average europoor uses daily are American.

Although, you do have a point. A smart person would get an education in your country, push the cost burden onto your citizens by way of taxation, and then move to America to get a job, thereby escaping the cost of attending school in Europe.

So you're proud to work like a slave?

4 years college, 4 years med school, and 3-7 years residency in US. Also, it is much more expensive to go to med school in burger so you inherent more risk

>Gets raped by taxes

>I payed just less than 10% of my earnings in tax last year if you include my corporate tax bill...
you wouldnt have payed any in america, federal wont tax you on anything under 12k, state depends on the state, most people do not have state taxes

Thanks. I think I'll stay poor then.