Is USA going to win the trade war?
Is USA going to win the trade war?
the USA doesnt WANT to win the trade war. the goal is to crash china economically because the only alternative is going to war.
Yes but not retailers who are selling their holdings cheap to institutions. Believing fake news while billionaires hoarding everything they could also China buys back all they can.
Chinese economy is far ahead of murrican backed by bullshit do called economy. Illusion is strong for very short period until China decided to pump the stocks and CNY.
Get fucked American, get fucked.
that's like a 6/10 at most
murrica going into war with China? Your political knowledge is sub 60 IQ. The allies of china: Russia, India, Brazil, are all waiting to nuke shit out of murrica. Make one mistake and your so called united states is history.
how to finish china off?
Depends on what you mean by 'win'. The businesses making big bucks with low labor costs have already won and Trump is simply shaking things up for them right now. If your idea of 'winning' includes bringing those jobs back home, avoiding copyright violations, etc. that will likely never happen unless we're go the automation route, which I assume would be a vapid win for the blue collar worker that hates China. They still wont be employed outside of part time labor for jobs that are going the way of the dodo. Either way the companies will be fine. So the US will 'win' if by 'US' you mean US companies.
neither india nor brazil are allies of china.
the moment the first nuke drops it's all over for everyone
Yes, thanks to pig shortage in china
The US has no industrial base. They produce a lot of food and are energy independent, but the rest is services, a complete waste of time.
The Chinese economy is a world-spanning leviathan. They make half the world's steel. They are the ones who make ALL electronics, who build everything and do everything. Their manpower pool is larger than Western Civilization. They are the largest trading nation in the world, the center of the world economy.
All they need to do is wait. They've lulled the US into a false sense of security for 30 years, while they build the largest industrial base in human history. It won't take long for them to militarize their economy, to turn that steel into warships and missiles. Right now, the US can still stop them. But only if they move aggressively, if they launch a pre-emptive strike while they retain tech superiority.
China will pretend to lose. They will make conciliatory noises. And then they will crush America, humiliate them utterly like the US did to Britain.
Yes they are allies. They are allies with Russia and Russia is communist country allied with China. If it goes into war they will use the opportunity to destroy united states and the whole world will applaud.
She'd gain two full points just by toning the hair down. Easy fix.
Im siding with china.
capitalism sucks.
it's not capitalism that sucks, it's the system the jews have full control of! also, China has gotten to big for it's own boots..... they copy everyone & also, noone realknows, what is true or truth with their ecomy & 3 all western coutnires could turn china really hungry really quick
Stop watching Hollywood movies and grow up.
Also, have sex.
Always bet against commies, especially in economic disputes
>Trade war
There's no such thing. It's just another distraction.
We elected a fat girl rapist, then a crayon eating retard, then a gay nigger, and then a reality tv star, and we've been steadily replacing our native population with taco niggers for 7 decades. Half this country is on the verge of 3rd world conditions. We're also literally the gayest country on earth. (12% as of 2019) How much more do we need to fuck up to get conquered?
Considering our manufacturing industry has been wiped by government no. No we won’t.
Are you kidding? I don't even know where to begin with this post. First of all, every country in the world put together might BARELY force a draw against the US, nevermind a handful of 'developing' third world shitholes. Secondly, those third world shitholes aren't going to commit suicide trying to save China of all fucking places.