I'm all in tether right now and thinking about borrowing on binance to short BTC. How low is this going? 8k-7k is almost certain at this point, but are we seeing 5k and below possibly?
Serious discussion
The fact it hasn’t dumped to the floor yet makes me think all you gay bears are gonna get fucked
be careful when shorting bitcoin, always use condom (stop loss), bitcoin has so much volume, it can bounce hard if you dont take care of where you enter.
give it some time
bakkters are not desperate yet
It’s going to $1000. Use maximum leverage and enjoy free money. Make sure you cash out gains and settle up in USD before btc becomes worthless.
make sure to lube your anus
if you know what you are doing you can make nice profit shorting other shitcoins after pumps. Shitcoins dont have the same power and volume to sustain themselves as mighty bitcoin.
you just saw what I meant by bounce?? back to 9.9k fairly quickly. I am not saying it wont go further down, just take care when shorting btc cause you might get smashed pretty quick if you dont take care.
it will not go under 9000 you deluded bear fags cant even break 9200 despite your best efforts all my buy orders are just sitting there unfilled because you are so weak you cant even lower the price more than a few hundred dollars
Why not? BTC fundamentals are now flawed. Its over, it will take some time and then people will realise this.
This is bullish retard
he was being sarcastic you nigger
Oh no no no no
How do I short.
HOHO oh no no no
enough spoonfeeding. find it out yourself.
sign up on an exchange that allows you to short
use Google
there is a good chance we won't see under 9k btc ever again.
It crabbed for months - $10k is clearly a stable price.
Great advice
Serious talk. Use crypto and escape slavery with us or just fucking leave. I'm tired of you weak spined statists shitting all over yourselves and crypto with it.
10x short and just let it ride. Extremely comfy right now.