Do they know what they are doing, are we entering a new recession?
Do they know what they are doing, are we entering a new recession?
Nikola Tesla was assassinated and now we're all goyim slave cattle.
>He thinks its not exactly as (((they))) planned.
Hilarious, exactly then when buying is the most rational thing to do, a faggot comes along and screams doom quoting legacy media and lagging indicators. Will OP ever be not a massive faggot
But it is not 2010.
this. a recession is just necessary so that we dont think that ((they)) know, make it seem like ((they)) didnt know and the crash was an accident no one saw coming.
Our economy is doing as well or poorly in 2019 as those in power declare it. Although the economy isn't necessarily the market, if they want the S&P 500 to be 3000 tomorrow, they can set it there and that has an affect on the economy. Everything is calibrated in such a way that things have to be going to complete shit, I mean COMPLETE shit, before the curtain drops and they have to actually start admitting things are bad. If you removed the short sale restriction on U.S. equities for example, the U.S. stock market and our economy would collapse.
That's how precarious things are. Prices stall out once they hit that 10% drop in a day and you are no longer free to short easily, but it's not because the thing couldn't (or shouldn't) theoretically fall further. But there might come a time when the short sale restriction just simply doesn't matter and all of the inefficiency it has introduced by existing comes exploding forth. Our markets are rigged to the upside in other ways as well, but everything has a cost and you don't have to look very hard to see that cost accumulating. If it ever needs to be paid, things are going to be that much worse because we doped our market with stupid tricks.
The question is...
How do I profit from this with my new 100k tech income who's just started out with investing?
how light was that letter? blond guy is strong af
>But it is not 2010
>Can't you just dump already goy
>(((We))) paid all our advertisers in the established media to drum up the recession narrative
Jews never change. From December 2018 till september 2019, when nobody knew how the situation would develop with the looming Damocles sword of maturing corporate debt hanging over our heads, NOBODY mentioned it, all there was in the advertisement papers was "CONSUME" "EVERYTHING IS FINE". Now that it was decided that another round of QE happens you scream doom.
Literally every Journalist and jew and share holder of any news or journalistic publication deserves nothing less than the chair for high treason
Its also a great opportunity to get rich. After shorting down the markets until 2021(Bottom will be there) i will be filthy rich.
I cannot wait to sell my Silver options to get my first house while all the fucking boomers will be drolling old idiots that will not even get their asses whipped by their children, because they let in so many shitskins.
Okay, so you are saying another round of QE is starting and markets go up? How far and does it continue forever?
I don't answer retarded questions faggot, go grab a rope and stop breathing
Okay, which kind of rope would you recommend and how long should I stop breathing?
Also you call me faggot but I never had sex with a man. Would you be my first?
Hi user, pleas help! What is the best way to short the market? Leveraged ETFs fuck you in the ass, so I assume silver options with a sell date of July 2021?
Did you just assume my gender on an anonymous imageboard bigot? Go back to where ever you came from, post a suicide letter, farm some interaction and end it.
I am sorry fren. Please don't be so angry.
Why did you include this story?
>Posting plane links to websites of ad content delivery companies
at the very least archive that shit next time
As this seems like a very strange move. Why would they do that and just not give out new credit and wait until all is paid.
Because their presence in Canada was small enough that they couldn't be assed to wait for people to pay off what little credit card debt was owed to them.
Thanks well yea this could be exluded then ...
Im currently using PrimeBTX for that. The cool thing is you can short most boomer stocks but instead of getting your profits in $ you get them int Bitcoin. Which is something I was looking for for a very long time.
And yes you can buy silver there. If you do not want to go all in jsut buy tiny amounts. And dont forget to set a stop/loss. I would probably not wait with selling until 2021. Its just the time frame I will be setting mainly bearish positions(not all).
Purchasing power hasn't kept up with the economic boom after the world wide economic crisis.
Economy is therefore now slowing down.
>What exactly is going on in global economy?
The inevitable.
Thanks a lot user. What other bearish positions do you have if you don't mind sharing? I'm not happy about the state of the market and would like to take advantage, probably on BTX which looks decent and far more professional than its competitors.
Would you gay gentleman like to make it over a gay threesome with me?
I'm still not gay, but for sure, join in bro!
Not sure what I would suggest you here. But there are some rules to follow.
BRENT and Crude went up a lot. But it was also pretty low because of the ecoesotherics that are now running wild in europe. Also Oils is usually getting down on recessions because of lower demand. But in the other hand a war with iran or saudi arabia could lead oil to gain even more.
tl;dr cannot suggest you more. You need to look into things yourself.
Fags what will 10,000 in BTC get me. GBP
Buy puts on the s&p500 to protect your 401k contributions. Then if the market crashes, you’ll have cash to purchase things that are on discount
No homo but I’ll suck all u faggots off
tis a ruse to trigger german fags
>negative interest rates
Triggered, and reposting:
>inb4 be a bank
If banks are charging civilians negative interest on savings then I damn well want an interest free loan
I’m curious, there’s a certain building in Japan I wish to buy, I’d wager it’s worth around 50 mil USD max.
Current plan is bulk as much asset as I can, then either buy it outright or get a loan for it with what I have, telling the bank that 100% of the revenue from the building would go to paying off the loan (and maintenance), and that I have no interest in making a profit off the asset, just the eventual ownership of the asset itself.
The final option is wait for a global depression and buy the thing for satoshis on the fiat dollar.
How do negative interest loans come into play here? I’m assuming I’d need to get one from the country I intended on purchasing the property from, as no other country would be incentivised to give out such a loan in cash. This also saves the possibility of one economy tanking, the exchange rate going to fuck, and me left earning fuck-all off the property compared to the required repayments.
Repossession is not an option here.
Could I just waltz up to some bank in Japan when their economy has a bad day and say “I’ll bring in $2m USD worth of gold into your country and economy to use as a downpayment if you give me a negative or zero rate loan, all profits from the loan will go to paying it off, and after that I’ll never bring a yen of profit outside of Japan. I’m insane and sentimental enough not to care about making money here. Exploit me for the sake of your economy. Wanna deal?”
What’s the buy-in to get to this table?
How dare you!