>your iq
>your drug/addiction of choice
>your coins/tokens
>All in Link
>your iq
>your drug/addiction of choice
>your coins/tokens
>All in Link
Other urls found in this thread:
>No idea, not sure I trust the literal metric, guess highish
>all in btc
>vidt then Harmony then link
>No Idea
>Coors Light
>50% BTC, 25% ETH, 15% XRP, 10% LINK
except my coins are only 0.68% of my investments
all in link
>140-150 depending on the test
>all in BTC, I sold my shitcoins already and just trade on Bitmex now
>95% LINK + 5% assorted shitcoins
>BTC, and then day trading whatever is hot (rn is xrp/xtz)
>Probably around 100, I know a lot more than normies about finance and many other things that require a little big brain thinking to grasp.
>Alcohol and weed together
>All in link, 5k stack that I bought at .42 cents, Pretty comfy
>alcohol, benzos, gaba analogs, weed (sorta), porn
Forgot sex and nicotine
>people ITT posting their online IQ test scores
I'm a mensa Chad you faggots
>93k LINK, 100 XMR
>IQ?Don’t know but I am going to say above average because I am not a NPC and understand things like the JQ and I have a job that is fairly technical.
> I have 20 coins/tokens but my biggest holds are Link, Qnt, Iota
>btc, sky, link, iexec, etc
>everyone ITT
>high iq
>I’m intelligent
>100% Link
>Been sober 5 years
>anyone ITT thinking they know their IQ
>weed, caffiene, dexedrine
>binge lurking on the chans, unironically.
>all in xcm
IQ has absolutely no bearing on one's chance of developing an addiction, and this has been proven by numerous studies.
>all BTC
High IQs are linked to novelty seekingwhich ultimately ends in a disproportionate number of smart addicts.
Google it my retarded fren
dude weed
no crypto
wait, I also have like 100k HOT
>All in Link
> 144
> cam girls & cocaine
> all in QNT
Sry for asking what is this ( JQ )
90% ripple
>3000 LINK
Taking online pattern recognition IQ tests is not a reliable method in determining your IQ.
To everyone on this thread
if you have an IQ above about 130 in this world you're going to need something
>All in Link
Why is it so hard to believe that we've taken real, proctored IQ tests? I took at least three in high school.
>he doesn't know
higher than most
Tezos and BTC
Are you me?
>porn, slowly getting off of it though
>50% of the money I've made over the past 2 years in LINK
iirc 149 but it depends on which scale you use
I'm not in a position to speculate at the moment
>All these porheads holding Link
Smh this is a big sell signal.
anyone here saying they have an iq >135 or so probably took some 5 question bullshit test. take this and be humbled Jow Forums
do not try and finish it. just try and answer each question as accurately as possible. if you guess the last 15 cause you only had 5 mins, it will count against an accurate reading. i dont think theyre counted if you dont answer them
literally nothing
that's a good test. people shit on online IQ tests like this but the few I took came out about the same as the proctored tests I took.
130+ is relatively uncommon but in numerical terms there are many people at this level. it makes perfect sense that they'd migrate to places like Jow Forums - have you met the normies?
>sex, ice cream, Jesus
It's not hard to believe that a few of you have taken real IQ tests.
It's easy to believe that most of you took online illegitimate IQ tests and are using this to determine your IQ's
it's a lotto ticket. it cost literally nothing.
if they took the better online IQ tests and did them honestly they are likely correct within 5-7 points or less. I'd guess most people around here are 115 at a minimum.
Les go
Well in that case I'd be 130+, thanks for the ego boost. It does make sense that higher IQ individuals are more present on Jow Forums
>All in AMD writing covered calls
this is what /makingit/ (tm) looks like.
AMD is not a coin, fag
yea when you get to my IQ you realize all coins except btc are scams.
I blew past your IQ around age 12. AMD was a good buy if you got in a couple years ago.
30% ETH
20% BTC (i trade ETH/BTC as my main currency pair)
10% LINK
40% Over 200 shitcoins
>weed, internet/news
>no coins
>Mostly BTC, LYM, Ocean, Link, some ETH, some snowblossom
Nice ID.
127 according to this test, some of those later dot/box ones are kinda fucked, I'd have to sit down with those a little while to try and determine the function/pattern
The JQ is short for the jewish question. When people say they're "redpilled on the jq" that mea s they understand the links between Judaism and big financial entities, left-wing activism, and other things that contribute to the hell hole we live in.
>cigs and mj
>100% BTC
>link and eth
>95% LINK
Something over 100, possibly 99
Sucrose (hmm, beetus)