I want to sell them. How do I do this anonymously? I was thinking $5 each. Originally bought them from Europe, 40 seeds for $800 prime grade genetics.
I have over 2,000 cannabis seeds
hahahahhahha good luck
>was thinking $5 each
You're not going to get jack. You can get guaranteed legit strain seeds from just about anywhere online now a days. No one is going to trust some average joe that his shit is good unless it's still in the original sealed strain companies package.
Are they fem seeds (from herms) or normal seeds from unchecked males? 5 per seed sounds good, it's what they sell cheaper lines (like seedsman) for in EU. That's for fem seeds though, dunno what standard seeds sell for, unless the parents are something top of the line like Sensi's Jack Herer and shit.
What strain(s) are we talking about anyway?
I bred the same genetics together, I got normal seeds for the very purpose of making seeds for my own cultivation plus extra to sell. I’ve been selling them casually to friends l, but I focused this years harvest on seed production and I have a lot. 2,000 is just a conservative estimate, I’ve yet to harvest, waiting a few more weeks.
My genetics are top shelf. 1 plant yields over a pound.
I’ll probably buy a few more strains from Europe and start my own seed bank.
You want me to send you a sample? Just pay for shipping via crypto
Could sell them pretty easily for 1$ a piece.
I looked a little closer at your plant there, it really looks like crap in terms of crystals on the plant, you need to do a sensi grow and take pica, and then come back. With these pics id probably pay you 25 cents per seed at best.
It’s not fully flowered yet. Just officially started flowering a week ago with the natural 12/12 light cycle with the onset of fall. I pollinated all my females heavily with the pollen from 8 robust males.
everyone can freely order from best seedbanks in the world and make clones or own seeds
how can you compete with that? only with ultra low price
where did you buy them?
Are you in the US or overseas? Your strain in the pics looks more sativa dominant. I prefer the short fat indica plants with the grape calyxes. Not into the leafy types as much.
The European seed bank I bought these from are selling them for 20 euros per seed. I have the genetic twin and want to sell them for $5
I’m going to grow indica next season, these sativa grew about 10 feet high. I’ll post again when I have indica.
I’m in west coast US, it’s legal where I live. Here’s a frosty one that got less pollen w/ less seeds. Hasn’t even hit 12/12 lighting yet so now it’s really going to take off.
Are they auto-flower? What strain?
On this same topic, what's the reprucution of opening up a delivery business on weedmaps (ontario)?
Amsterdam? India?
That looks pretty dang good. I do all my growing indoors and sativas just grow too tall for the space I have.
Bay 11. Normal seeds. Normal seeds are the way to go so you can grow males and create your own seeds to be self sustaining. For personal use you really only need 1 pollinated female to yield a hundred or more seeds. I pollinated 10 females with multiple topped colas.
Europe. India sucks
Oh I know. I can also make hybrids with some of what I got with the male pollen. I may be interested in purchasing some as I am on the west coast as well. What is the best means of doing so?
[email protected]
Send me a message and we can go from there. Payment in crypto + shipping
K, i’ll message you later today! Thanks!
5 each lmao. Go fuck youself
Those 2000 seeds are worth $0 because you have no idea the strain, male female. They are bag seed lmfao btfo
Fuck off Rabbi, I just told you what strain and you can’t make more seeds without males. 50/50 chance of make it female. I planted 20 and 8 were male so it’s just a luck of the draw.
Also KYS
Delet this
Who gives a fuck? I get a coupe free "top shelf genetic" seeds every 1/8 I pick up from the dispensary's. I have 100s of top shelf genetics lol
Then grow it you fuck and get out of my thread. I don’t see you offering any value.
Top shelf shouldn’t have seeds in it. You’re getting ripped off stupid fucking stoner.
Your implying there is no such thing as outdoor dank. Idk about your state but Oregon def has too shelf 38% thc tested that still has seeds in it, usually only one or two per 1/8
My value is telling you to not waste your time with bad ideas.
Waste my time? You stick it in dirt and water it. You sound pretty Jewish to me.
pot meet kettle
There is such a thing as good outdoors, but the thc tests are a joke. At least in Cali anyways, just pay to get “more accurate” results. The Colorado weed (% on the nug jug) looks off too. Some shitty reggie @ 32%, yea ok.
Lol I bought 10 mature cuttings for 5 pound each and you want to sell fucking seeds for that.
Seeds can be sent anywhere in the world discretely. Not everyone has access to cuttings.
$5 a seed of cannabis cup winning genetics is a deal. For $60, you could grow your own and do the same to yield hundreds of seeds to start your own personal seed bank.
These seeds grow as tall as trees. Pic related they grew taller than the 1 story building.
Do you use any cannabis b2b services?
Sell to a dispensary in CA or post on Craigslist in Colorado and CA. Your best bet is finding a large scale grown operation and selling to them. Which are legal in CO and CA.
No, what would that entail?
I kinda like the idea of selling to individuals who just want to grow for personal use. People should learn to grow enough for themselves and be self sufficient, people don’t need to purchase cannabis from a dispensary when they can just grow it.
shit you beat me to it, this guy is whack
Nobody wants seeds in the industry you loser. There's higher demand for clones
90% chance these are fucking hemp seeds.
>$5 LMAO
>No parent information
>Weak ass sugar
>Structure looks like ruderalis
>You're Retarded
Source: I've been growing commercially for
You are a fool.
Grow plants dude.
No one will buy your seeds and if they do, all one needs to do is grow a couple into a male and a female. Thats how you get free seeds.
Not everyone can get clones, seeds can be sent discreetly anywhere
Larp, you don’t know shit nigger.
make a site about how to grow cannabis, sell your seeds for convenience.
That plant is bigger than a one story house and it hasn’t even started to flower yet. You can see the preflowers but you’re just a stupid fucking stoner with brain damage from concentrates.
Pic related, it’s a harvest of mine
Please be real
Fake and gay.
>taking a screenshot of Snapchat
LARP harder you piece of shit. Take a picture with your phone. If you work in commercial, you should have a bunch. Obviously my herb isn’t going to be as robust, #1 I pollinated my females, all the energy went to seed production, and #2 I’m not a professional so I’m just using traditional soil with simple watering. Genetics are still intact and capable of reaching that size or larger.
Also, KYS fag
i thought this was a board about business, buncha fuckin armatures.
unless you're a reputable dealer and can prove that what you have is legitimate to an unknown buyer, you're going to have a hard time selling them quickly.
obviously, you grow or have grown weed very successfully. my advice is to sell seeds how drug dealers sell drugs lol. upsell it and show your potential buyers what they could be growing. mention it to your grower friends, sell it to first time growers....
fucking sell weed and charge and extra 5 bucks and toss the seed in the bag. idk.
Lol paying premium prices for seedy weed
Yeah I’m starting out so I’ll have to find a way to get reviews to bolster my legitimacy.
>pay the government thousands of dollars for growing license
How do I get a commercial grow license?
you're a day late and a dollar short bucko, you need to be institutional with RnD now to be competitive in seeds, and growing in general desu. Sorry to break it to you.
its not the license that's expensive
its the land, equipment, labor, infrastructure, large scale nutes, inoculants, etc. etc.
Myco for a grow like this costs 45k, 30k for microbes. 15k for seedling soil/trays.
Not trying to shit on your parade, just trying to be honest with you. If you like growing then just do it for the joy of it. Trying to go commercial without the resources is a good way to stop enjoying it.
Is that pic from the edge of the Earth?
Fuck I didn't think flat earthers were right
I own 100 acres of land and I’m constructing a green house
Sup with your nutrient deficiencies?
You're an idiot.
>obviously not an auto
>obviously super early in flower, so trichome judgment should be witheld
t. an actual commercial grower
As for actually buying them, who knows. I've met many legit anons on Jow Forums.
Looks like a spider mite issue, not nutrient deficiencies.
I'll give you one link for a seed.
You don't, officer. You turn them in to the proper authorities, like yourself.
What would be a good way to build a credible online vendor profile that is anonymous? [email protected] send me a message if you’re interested and we can figure out a way to do a transaction.
Send me an email and we can figure out a way to exchange crypto. I was thinking of using keybase.io
It’s legal here
>tfw want to grow weed but live at parents house
I'm a plant geneticist. I want a male and female to make a seed stock for tissue samples. I want to investigate some interesting enzymatic pathways and gene families i've come across in my studies.
Move out user, apply to jobs across the country and see what you get. It might take you a couple of months but you will get there.
Hope to see more e mails from anons interested in getting quality seeds. I’m growing indica next year and I’ll only improve with my skills and growing techniques.
Calcium deficiency on your hemp plants, sorry to break it to you
Like $50 gives you a 30 pack of feminized seeds and you get to choose your strain.
Good luck with your bags
On Empire