>McDonald in Italy cannot find employees
>181436 immigrants in 2016 alone
>119989 immigrants in 2017 alone
>around 400k immigrants unemployeed
>more than 2 millions immigrants "inactive" (not working and not searching for a job)
>unemployment at 9.7% (total, including italians)
>youth unemployment at 32%
>millions of "inactive"
the government keeps repeating we need more immigrants and just reopened ports to human traffickers / ONG
>dem are at government with less than 20% of the votes
Other urls found in this thread:
There will be a mass revolution in Europe soon
When does italexit occur italianbrah?
i hope very soon, but i've lost any hope
but if they continue this way we will have a new hitler soon
cannot wait for such glorious moment
Racist piece of shit
they invite the immigrants because like 90% vote for their party.
FUCK OFF NIGGER (unless you stop fucking complaining and start working and paying taxes instead of abusing walfare)
be a good goy and pay your share of the welfare class. they deserve a living too and you need to do your part and pay for it. You don't want to be a racist, do you goyim? Nothing is worse than being a racist. You are so privileged that you refuse to share with your neighbors! Forshame young goyim, how could you be so selfish? You should be thankful you can contribute to the prosperity of others and become a citizen of the world! Now run along and be a good goy, keep your head down and pay your taxes.
Guess it’s time to move out from Europe
Which country has no capital gain tax and low taxation in general? I need to buy a house and make 2 white babies so I also need cheap/good schooling system
I have zero problems to find a job in tech area
>I need
No you don't.
Explain user
>moving to new country
how the fuck don't you need a house you fucking imbecile
italy will vote for salvini the next elections 2023.
nobody wanted PD in the government, 5 star movement will disappear because of that.
next election salvini will be voted for and exit the euro.
Shut up, faggot.
the left want votes, the corporations want cheap labor - so they are in bed together to systematically destroy the native population
hope you have money
Italy can get out of EU without any troubles at all, not like UK, if the people realize that
Salvini is bullshit, Lega is bullshit
Nobody in Italy has the courage to give a big middle finger to the ECB
He had NO EURO logo back in the days and then suddenly disappeared and he started saying nobody ever wanted to leave Eurozone
FDI and Casapound have very little votes to succeed
Italian politic is so fucked up even Rizzo from Communist Party looks based
What a fucking shitshow, I’m done with Italy
We just need a national currency and low taxation to resurrect, but parliament is under occupation from dem/eu parties
>hope you have money
very little money
but 10 BTC
Why nuke? They have children and families. They go to diplomat schools that have security, but not very great one. Molotov cocktails, nail bombs and rifles between 11:30 and 12:00, target the smallest children first, eradicate their gene pool
Then just fuck off to the balkans and live like a king fucking tight young slavs.
>hope you have money
As if money will help when society itself collapses under the weight of feral hominids.
based, but I need to inseminate my wife a couple of time first
gold and silver coins, guns, ammo, land will be very valuable
>Everything in life is about having sex
Jesus boomers are disgusting.
Spotted the nigger with brown id
fuck off inbred
Germany is tax free withdrawal, and then I will fuck off to either Norway, Iceland or Ireland
3 btc 32 eth 10k link here
spain, east Europe, Italy has high taxes but not on crypto/capital gains
Japan if you like living in a rural town, but charges taxes on negative returns as well
> overseas France
"In Germany, bitcoin sales do not incur a capital gains tax; however, if the investment is held for less than one-year German income taxes apply."
are you EU citizen OP?
Why do you thinking exiting a shared trade union will help change your culture of laziness and social welfare, all brought by the Italian government?
>Moving to Germany
>Because crypto holding clause
Germany is not the only country offering this, but in no other country than Germany you get bled to dead in taxes, have to finance the Black-Green lunatic marxists and deal in addition with Germans. Do the world a favor Germany and balkanize already
Time to immigrate over to germany
> Sono italiano pure io, se hai investimenti nelle cryptovalute meglio tenerti la cittadianza
[I'm Italian too, if you have investments in cryptocurrencies, better to keep your citizenship]
> Forse il Portogallo ecco, ma non ho indagato
[Portugal maybe, but I haven't looked into it]
It seems like this is either happening everywhere or about to happen everywhere. It’s beneficial for financial conservatives (and neocons) to sell their own countries out to others like China or India because of cheaper production and the fact that the wealthy of these types of nations want a foothold in Eurocentric nations so they can establish their own business and property portfolios; the locals are too poor to buy and develop land. So those conservatives, which are most of them in politics now, both make a lot more money, and can also brag about “fixing the economy” and “trickle down economics” to help them score votes. It’s also beneficial for social liberal democrat politicians to open their boarders because they can virtue signal about looking progressive and inclusive and “loving” which they promote to try secure votes.
The truth is no matter what European nation you are in, you are getting fucked from both sides no matter who you vote for, because politicians do not work for us even if they started out with best intentions, they work for themselves to secure their own jobs using the fallacy of “well if I don’t keep my position in office/on the board/etc then I can’t help ANYONE so I may have to make some concessions to keep my job if I want try help the country” and those concessions are invariably selling out the native people to globalist agendas.
Democracy has failed us in the face of late stage capitalism. There is nothing that can be done to prevent the radicalisation of the youth if this continues for another 10 years. The 4th Reich is coming. I do not want any of this, but it is clear what our near future looks like, and it is clear that the people responsible will blame everyone else, and the history books and general population won’t remember any of it. Again.
> Greta, is that you?
I hope that is pasta, nobody is that retarded
What do you do for a living user?
Wrong Italy has 26% capital gains over 50k
Portugal has no crypto capital gains, lower taxation and a nice lifestyle
>moving from a cucked country to a even more cucked one
no thx user, I don’t want to deal with turkroaches and mudslimes
unfortunately you are very right
>brown id
>brown nigger
~26% taxation on gains if you have over 50k€ in investment (just reconvert a part in euro, you say it's your case with btc)
> against 75% on every other job!
it's not the lowest in the world, but it's simple and easy, and it's valid either if you have another job or if it's your main source of income
10% east europe, but I won't go there
reverse engineering, device hacking, exploitation, security code review, etc
>if it's your main source of income
it’s not the main source but the main destination, but I need to cashout to buy a house at some point
houseboat in a minor village in the Netherlands if you cash out and want to start a business elswhere. If used but well kept, they are priced in.
> Salvini sent back no one
shut up nig
Who said anything about employing them, Goy? They are there to replace you and breed your women
>culture of laziness and social welfare
I would say it’s 50/50
half of the population is very active, hard working and business oriented
the other half is retarded whiteniggers abusing welfare like parasites
Found the nigger