I don’t get it. I DONT JUST FUCKING GET IT. This guy, who happens to be a friend of mine, used to go to college with me studying Computer Science. He was a cool guy, but a complete retard and passed with a sub 3.0 GPA. Naturally, he couldn’t get a job after graduation and started becoming a bum and doing drugs. 5 years later, while I’m waging away in my boring as fuck job, I decide to drop a message to him on normiebook to see how he’s doing because why the fuck not. He invites me to some party at some fancy hotel and I’m like ok. I go there and it’s like a fucking E3 event with HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE. I then find out he’s running his own MULTI MILLION DOLLAR business. This nigger has Series 2 funding from fucking VENTURE CAPITALISTS. He has OPed in several major news papers in the business section. He has 2 supermodels by his side orbiting him all the time. I’m happy for the dude but HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS SHIT HAPPEN. HOW DOES ONE GO FROM DOING COKE TO DOING MULTIMILLION DOLLAR DEALS. JESUS CHRIST FUCK I don’t understand this reality anymore...
How do literal RETARDS start multi-million dollar businesses?
Honk honk
GPA doesn’t mean shit, you tard. For all you know he tried 10% as hard as you did.
Well what does he do?
Do that.
uhhhhhh user....
Family money
It's not that hard
>t. Built a 10 million dollar freight broker business after dropping out of high school at 17
what business is he in?
this is probably a larp
There are a few factors: Due to stupidity he doesn't know the risks so he is balsy, luck, the knowledge that you need to start and continue to have a company is very different to general wisdom, the drive to have money and create which is a big part of that, lack of choices(He HAS to make money this way), etcera.
A lot of rich people are lucky retards, some are also smart in their expertise
Why do you idiots believe that GPA is an identifier for intelligence. GPA is how well you follow directions and get your work done on time.
Some AI blockchain shit
use coke and you will see why
or dont you have the balls to do what it needs?
Succeeding in business is about 30% int 30% hard work and 40% opportunity (or luck) assuming you’re already smart and competent, less if you’re not.
Yes working hard and being smart raise your chances of getting that opportunity, but at the end of the day nothing is for sure. even a lazy retard can stumble across something great.
The real red pill is all of life is a giant roulette. All your actions just tweak odds for or against you. Pretty similar to trading actually.
>hes a retard because he didn't do good at school
In college GPA is basically your test taking ability AKA how smart you are. Never met a smart person who didn’t have a high gpa even if they didn’t try
based freight broker
yeah, that's what i thought. it's a larp
Why would this be a larp? Do you know how much money investors are pumping into fintech?
AI companies are largely larps because it's the new hit sector kinda like blockchain was two years ago. Take a problem attach an AI solution to it and call it a start up when really everyone will just end up using amazon for pre trained nural nets.
Hey everyone. This guy, who used to be a friend of mine, used to go to college with me studying Computer Science. He was a cool guy, but a complete bookworm and a square, who had a 3.6 GPA. Naturally, he got some brainlet boring entry level CS job after graduation at a second tier big company and we naturally lost touch as I enjoyed my life in San Francisco. 5 years later, while I’m busy running my startup, I decide to check normiebook after attending a wedding in Napa and getting nostalgic about college and happen to get a message from this guy who asks me how i'm doing. I usually ignore these people from my past but I respond because why the fuck not. I invite him to a big launch party, like a fucking E3 event with HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE. When he shows up, I immediately can tell he's seething and didn't know I was running m own multi million dollar software (SaaS) business. He didn't believe me until I had to pull aside one of the Series B funding VCs. I had 2 supermodels by my side orbiting me and he had a boner the whole time. I’m happy for the dude but it's kind of sad how people get boring job instead of going for their dreams. HOW DOES ONE GO FROM DOING COKE TO WAGESLAVING. JESUS CHRIST FUCK Guy could have been right by my side. I don’t understand this reality anymore...
And your friend doesn't spend time shitposting on /biz. Coincidence?
>Test taking abilities
>Measured in how often you show up, how prompt you are in turning in tedious busywork, and how often you participate in group discussions about Stacie's 4th grade stuck-up questions
Yeah, nah
Do coke and find out. Simple.
>In college GPA is basically your test taking ability AKA how smart you are
t. went to college 40 years ago
STEM classes (assuming they’re decent) will test you over questions you’ve never seen and will require on the spot creative problem solving.
The type of shit you’re talking about might be true in your Finance 101 courses but not in anything actually difficult, especially upper level math.
based and checked
Some people just get lucky.
Others decide to make and sell some retarded thing they like, then other retards give them money for it.
So its just a relationship between one retard and another.
Like chainlink for example
Chances are he's way better at talking shit than you are and probably way more approachable and approaches people more readily.
So far every single person I know who has become super successful, has been some kind of a brainlet who just threw themselves at different opportunities without an ounce of fear and made friends with the right people. Usually meeting them while drinking or partying.
So become a loud ass drunkard and you're on your way to becoming greatest of friends with the wealthy people in the financial field. Then flat out tell them you want to get in on their projects or you want them to invest into your shit and you're on your way to greatness.
>trying this hard to make a blockchain / chainlink shill thread
imagine being this desperate. honestly cant with for bitcoin to break down and make you lose your entire net worth so i dont have to read your shill posts anymore
do coke, you didn't think the rich people did coke only AFTER they got rich?
business is all luck. I've been doing small businesses for 12 years. Tried at least 100 different schemes. less than 5 succeeded to make more than 50k profit. What's the difference between the failures and successes? Nothing. Just luck.
In this time, I've also networked and made friends with hundreds of entrepreneurs. Some of my friends even retired. Were they the smartest? No. They just worked hard and go lucky. Most failed and went back to wagecucking.
But don't get this wrong, you will NOT make it in business unless you work 60+ hours a week, and work smart AND get lucky. But once you do get lucky and get something going, it's amazing. You're raking in money while your wagecucks do everything for you. I've tasted success for a few months many times but unfortunately my successes haven't been enough for me to retire yet.
I’m making so much bank brokering freight, just bought a 2007 nissan sentra with less than 30k miles, highest trim fuck yall. Rims too
I actually have a theory about this, so bear with me:
Retards have the innate desire to take more risks because they lack the ability to think of the drastic consequences.
I frequently deal with business owners, and honestly 9/10 are dumber than a box of fucking rocks but have this god-complex because they own their business (granted, most of them literally bottom of the barrel tier trade jobs)
But as intelligent people, we fear taking risks, even though they could potentially land us in a successful position. My sister, for example, is a fucking retard. She is broke. She is dumb. She is impulsive. Yet, she is striving to start her own business and she is even putting herself in abhorrent amounts of debt to do so.
I will not start a business until I’m 99 percent certain it will succeed. I could almost always tell when someone’s business will fail. I.e. a stupid fuck boy hat store in my town opened in some corner plot of a small shopping center in a majority boomer neighborhood. I said it would go out of business within two years and they were gone in six months.
Exactly. Retards just take irresponsible chances and for a small subset of them the gamble actually works. However for 99% of retards it just ends badly, but we don't see those (survivorship bias)
You only need to do coke 2 or 3 times for it to have those positive effects on you. Just don't get addicted.
Agreed. By the time the smart person decides an opportunity is worthwhile, some retard has already filled the niche.
Literally this. I recently listened to Lateralus by Tool.
>overthinking, overanalyzing separates the body from the mind
>withering my intuition, leaving opportunities behind
It's just peak dot com bubble, user. It will be over soon, don't worry, and your friend will be out on the street, no supermodels in sight.
Keep circlejerking harder. The rest of the world is retarded but you incel NEETs, no YOU’RE the special smart ones.
college, and education to a certain degree is not that much a predictor of extreme success OP. thats pretty much establshed.
Those things give stability and a general level of income to the masses but nothing more than that. they turn you into a worker bee. nothing more nothing less. what the fuck did you expect? college to turn you into a millionaire just for having good grades and proving you can regurgitate?
That guy is a natural born alpha. he has that natural entrepreneurial streak. He doesnt think like you do. he isn't born to be a steady beta average wagie. hes mindset is different. This often manifests as not giving a fuck, doing shit that seems weird like drugs and somehow being a success. becase that out of the box thinking, and risk taking along with refusal to be a worker bee pretty much ensures he wont endup as an average wagie like most people. He's gonna be successful as fuck or just a bum. thats how it is.
wagies never make it because they are clueless. They play a game rigged against them. its the psychopaths who make it, or the complete losers who leverage their situation. the clueless people in the middle always get fucked and never make it
While you were busy studying like a fucking nerd for your middle tier corporate job, he was doing coke with the daughters and sons of corporate CEOs.
Connections are everything in life
Cope harder faggot.
I never said all business owners are dumb and I never said I’m the smartest person in the world.
I’m just saying that retards take more risks because they don’t think of the potential negative outcomes. You see all these business owners that say “oh I fuckin opened up a door bell shop and it failed. It takes failure to succeed!”
No, it doesn’t always take “failure” to fucking succeed. I could think of a million business owners or successful people who didn’t fucking circle jerk around with a stupid business and fail.
the only way i can see coke making you rich is if someone gets motivated to make more money so they can buy more coke. every coke head ive ever met is either broke or eventually goes broke. i know a couple of crack and coke heads who are always negative hundred dollars in their account, pawning their valuables, running scams, can barely put enough money together to buy beer or cigarettes. its actually pretty funny
Also, wagies are very afraid of taking risks. this could be linked to testosterone levels. Anyway, they don't really make it becase they always paly it safe. if they ever make it, its the reddit basedboi style of maxing out the 401k, investing in steady reliable stocks, and saving. they make it when they are o nthe verge of death. the safe way.
I don't think intelligence is correlated to "fearing risks". Yes, if you are intelligent you can see the ptfalls or risks easier, but you can also come up with other ways to avoid them etc. Risk taking is its own attribute. It's linked to testosterone levels, and maybe upbringing. Plenty of intelligent people take a lot of risks too. those people can end up very succesful, like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, and thousands of others who aren't billionaire status but still very well off.
Wagies are perfectly groomed to take no risks and be steady. thats why corporations love them.
He deals coke and his company is a front. Deal with it.
I bought this stupid kickstarter wallet that pops cards out, probably costs nothing to manufacture. If you can come up with a unique idea that’s easy to implement you’ll probably be set for life, some things are unfair like that
he prolly met a millionaire druggie at some party and invest in his ideas.
lots of rich people doing drugs at the bar
or maybe he is doing something illegal. dont be jelly about it
Or you could meet one online
>Pic related
That's pretty based
incels aren't real jew
>Fiance 101
>t. pic related
Modern math classes test your ability to cheat.
When I was in university (3 years ago), all the chinks would form groups to cheat together. One person would do all the work for each class, and that way the chink hive mind could take 5 classes per semester whilst only actually taking one or less up until finals period (different cheating strategies for finals).
Cheating causes grade inflation, the difficulty of assignments goes up, and before you know it everyone has to cheat and take amphetamines just to keep up.
Yeah but do you weld user? I got three guys working round the clock
>t.owner of 10 mil a year welding business
true, except you're not intelligent you're just a midwit.
business owners are either literal retards or genius tier.
Feels good to have the collective processing power of a well-educated chink hivemind - without cheating.
Because he probably browsed Jow Forums instead of studying. Therefore he is more successful
maybe from rich parents
maybe he just met the right people
this world is as unjust as it gets, deal with it. the good part is, our societies are rather predictable, so use that to your advantage.
as small example. people tend to go for powerful things, bigger things (even tho we preach size doesn't matter). it really does.
after 9/11 people started buying more SUVs without even knowing really why. But it gave them a feel of protection. A feel of being strong.
now the trend has been going on several years in europe too with cars like porsche cayenne or the range rover etc.
people buy SUVs not because they like them, they buy them because they are bigger.
these are trends that will follows through basically any branch.
another trend is consumers getting lazier by the day. it can be seen pretty well in the gaming industry. it has been dumbed down in mechanics due to the need to appeal to a wider audience. but also because people are getting lazier and lazier, they just want to be entertained without having to do anything. thats why things like twitch are growing, because they can watch gameplay and get their dopamine rush without even having to press a button.
what would be the next logical step? probably some drug or device that can trigger feeling and emotions at will.
to add to this
people want reactions delivered to them, they want something else to react to something for them.
its as if they want a burger, but they want it pre-chewed by someone and flushed directly into their taste buds.
most people will dismiss sociology as social studies BS, but reading through the right stuff can really open your eyes, and a lot that appeared to be a shitshow in clown world starts to make sense.
Learn how to code or sell.
I use to be a programmer in the early 2000s, made good money with my own company and everything was great. Then I started living the good life. Basic day consisted off buying random shit off Amazon, parading around in new cars, spending time just browsing the web, reading, going out all the time & wasting time. Business started to stumble but rather than work hard to rectify the problems, I blamed others, it was the greedy fortune 500 companies, it was google messing with my SEO results.. Everyone was to blame except me. Then I started to gain weight. All the programming skills I learnt is dead now because new languages have popped up in the last few years. I need to re-learn everything again. The only smart thing I did back then was buy property and other retail businesses which is self sustaining till this day, if I hadn't done that I would have been in the streets or collecting welfare. My saving grace was crypto. For the last 4 years I went deep in crypto. I bought BTC/ETH when it was cheap and later got into ICOs like ICON ICX, BNB, NANO, RVN, LINK, WAN, HOLO and sold them near the top. Now that I'm much better off financially I live real cheap. (I still hold 1/4 of these shitcoins for longterm).
Moral of the day. Learn shit, work hard, real hard, invest in APPRECIATING assets. When I started on the road to wealth, 95% of my time was focused on my business/health and I did this for YEARS before good $$ came in... And when you have lots of money be careful. Don't be fooled by the limelight. Industries exist to take money from the rich so they become poor again.
If you're a poor ass bitch, ask yourself HOW YOU SPEND 95% of your time each day, right now. Then, you'll have the answer.
If you're working for someone and earning $10/hr... That's your net worth.. $10/hr... You need to invest in yourself. Start learning more shit so you're no longer worth $10/hr and of course buy a few shitcoins, because they might 100x in the next run.
lolno, that's what standardized tests are for. they actually require insight/pattern solving and rank people relative to one another unlike college exams that are just get x number of points and everyone can get an a
A students end up working for C students. I've seen this shit so much in my life and I just chuckle everytime. Sometimes those lazy students just dont suffer the bullshit that their better performing peers put up with. They often have problems with authority figures tellung them what yo do and make for poor employees. Eventually they start their own businesses because it's really not that hard. It's why I own my own firm and the smarties from my class work 60 hour weeks.
Do you have their website or company name? Prove you're not a larper
Lol @ thinking GPA matters
You're never going to make it OP
Not the college I went to. High GPA is easy for shit degrees and shit colleges. At a a good school IQ isnt enough to get a good GPA.
>Students get C's because they're just not that smart, end up working at Subway
>Smarter students get A's because they're smart, end up working at Chevron
>Even smarter students get C's again because of everything you said, end up starting businesses before or immediately after they graduate
I think it's something like this. Most of the engineering C students I know didn't go anywhere.
you said he was black so he got funding easily and probably has no ethics so was able to get ahead quicker