What will trigger the next global recession? American junk bond market or the Chinese spooking the markets around election time to make Trump look bad?
What will trigger the next global recession...
the realization that wh*Te ""people"" are going extinct
jews are 2 percent of the population and run everything so there is still a chance
student loan debt
FED currency crisis
coastal housing bubble
red flag catalyst
the collapse of wework company
Don't know and don't care. I am safu with BTC UOS and BNB
Fake news about a recession will trigger the next recession and that's the whole point of it.
No one was talking about a recession until CNN et al started talking about a few months ago. They have to trick people that the economy is bad because of Trump.
I've lived through several recessions now and nobody ever predicted one a year in advance like they are doing now. Recessions just happen and not on the news media's schedule.
index funds will cause the next recession
europe, a return of the euro currency crisis because of lazy blacked south europeans
This. And then the rest of the no-profit companies collapse
> Europe
> End of the Euro
> Deutschebank
There are just so many options how things can go awry and everyone predicting this crisis makes it so much more interesting this time around.
People have seen the last recession coming many years in advance. It's just that the bubble mentality makes it easy for sheep to ignore the warning signs. just because the media wants to blame a recession on trump doesn't mean the systemic problems with the economy don't exist. Nor does it mean those problems are necessarily trump's fault. If all it takes to trigger a recession is fake news then the economy was set to blow already. CNN can't fabricate record levels of debt.
its fake money pouring into the biggest companies in the US.
how come the SP500 has trillions and trillions of dollars linked to it, but the top companies in the US are valued mostly in the millions. its not real
Ironically it was a meme that started the great depression of the 2020s, you see user idk how or why but around late December there was "Challenge" it was called the "bank run challenge" it all started when a minority made a rather large withdrawal from a bank and someone called the cops on him because well racism I guess. Soon over 9000 sjws were withdrawing all their money and taking selfies with their cash, to show their support. /Biz saw this as their one chance of sending LINK to the moon, all while cucking the boomers. They teamed up with /pol and soon the "Bank Run Challenge" became mainstream millennials everywhere were making withdrawls. Ironically millennials dont have much to withdraw anyway, However the banks had such tiny fractional reserves that they got scared and placed withdrawal Limits,
(for cash). Videos of banks having no cash went viral. Boomers started to get worried and started to withdraw their savings. Soon any account with over 100k would have negative interest rates and you litterally couldn't withdraw it. LINK hit $1000 by February.
>LINK hits $1000
who the fuck cares about fiat value, the banks are broken in your scenario lmao
boom and bust cycle, nothing goes up forever. Trump is was just bad timing, but perfect time to be the sacrificial lamb
European austerity and the death of their middle class. Trump wins 2020 and China can sustain their bullshit for 20 or so more years before it'll come crashing down. Europe is weak and vulnerable and they're pretty fucked. Brexit will be the deathblow.