Imagine not buying the bottom of LTC dump

free money you cuckolds

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Imagine buying anything other than btc/eth/link

what shitcoin is that now? don't we have enough of those?

if it ain't in the top 5, just don't touch it, god damn some dumbasses around here like to burn money

it is in the top 5 you prick

please go back

Spoonfeeding you UOS on the same fact biz.
Imagine not buying the bottom which is right now!
Get on Bitfinex you pussy low life fags

nice try

it's a sinking ship in the long run, there's nothing special about thing shitcoin that'll justify its existence

lol what a shitcoin, just checked it out

dumped more than any other shitcoin. no surprise you are trying to shill this dying crap here, many gullible virgin around.

your litcoin will be sub 50 by the next 24 hours, ez

> biz is full of mongoloid LTC haters
they fomoing in it's a sell signal

you must be new to crypto you fucking retarded nigger.
fuck off

what's wrong, bought at 80? lol, imagine buying at the top and watch it go down like the WTC


lolz, while NEO only -4.46%

ltc has been around longer than you've even known about crypto so fuck off you poor cunt. go shove that poo back up you ass pajeet

nobody wants to hold neo unfortunately. no future

all just point you at this user and laugh at you

the biggest shitcoin took the biggest dump. you should think about it

BTC-LTC ratio stays around 150/1

fucking kek

Lol. Fudders for altcoins in general are getting dumber and dumber.

No reason to buy until next halving

look at this pathetic thing. how can you dump this hard unless you're literally made of poop? not even the 10 worst coins have dumped this hard

jesus litecoin, get your shit together lol

>imagine hodling poop

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ZRX and ALGO dumped -10%

no future ?
what about neo 3.0

neo can tank to $1 or $0.10 but then thanks to neo 3.0 it will recover at least to $3-4 and now neo is what, like $8

imagine hating on ltc when i just shilled it to you for free fucking money. fucking spastics hate making a free 10% on their money in a matter of minutes

>buy at current price
>price tomorrow will be -10%

thank you friend

They don't need a +10%, since their capital is like $120, they're waiting for some 1000x

their $120 will unironically be $1 in a few months. not a brain cell in sight

They get out from link to go into some Rsr and Mitx shit.
Buy high sell low.

I have a good amount of LTC, first months of 2019 it was performing very well, i was unironically expecting more, after the halvening happened.

you got rused bruh, don't listen to shills
learn from it

What coin do you suggest

it started 2019 at $20, mean is still trending up

catch a falling knife! FTFY

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>Imagine thinking this is the bottom
Top kek

Guess what... It's one of the only 3 projects with a successful lightning network. Have a nice daayyyy

oh yeah lightning ... wew what an awesome thing, everyone is using it

bch/bsv is still faster then LN and simpler.

I don’t have to imagine I am actually doing it........not buying ur shitcone

it'll keep falling though, check the hourly time frames

took profits

>Litecoin 4:1 ratio with BTC
>Global means of exchange
>Silver to Bitcoin's gold

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Okay so you don't know if LTC is poop or not, right? How the hell should you know whether their whitepaper and execution of their cryptocurrency is a proper method and will be successful? You don't, just like all the other cryptocurrencies out there. Instead, use social analysis. Because LTC has been on the market nearly as long as the original BTC genesis, it stands to reason to analyze why people buy BTC. BTC doesn't actually have serious features or technology behind it like some of the coins coming out now. It is slow, meant to be observed as a whitepaper simulation to promote the ideology of decentralization so you can be financially free. So why do people buy it? Because it has long social standing. 99% of the people who buy BTC buy it because it's the oldest. They buy it because it was the first. They buy it because It has the most recognition. White papers don't matter one bit to the public, execution of code doesn't matter at all. All that matters is dollar signs to the consumer and purchaser. Since LTC is not the oldest, not the most recognition, not the most respected, but it does have social recognition. It does have that cleanly sterilized feel like BTC.

Ask yourself, did you buy when LTC was 20.00USD/coin? That was the relative bottom. Then it shot up to the hundreds. We're back down to 65. Are you going to wait then too?


also, i sold 90% of my ltc just now, made a few ltc profit so just kept those

I suspect that this bunch of coomers will keep on buying indian scams.
Remember: they want 1000x, not even 100x

charlie lee is a pervert pedophile