>bullish 1hr
>bullish 2hr
>bullish 4hr
>bullish 6hr
>bullish 12hr
>bullish 1day
>bullish weekly
guys anyone else feel it ??? something massive is coming
$10 EOW
$100 EOM Oct
$1000 EOY
LINK will get Lisa to sit on my face.
>something massive is coming
Please, I can't take any more dump jokes
Newfags are so cute!
my dick is massive, you could need some
been here since 2017 pajeet
Positive vibes for this!
That makes a complete fucking newfag. Holy shit I can't believe you were being unironic.
chainlink everything burger
my digits confirm
Nothing good ever happens to me, and making this thread fucked up any outside chance. Asshole
quads, based and redpilled
everyone give Link all of your positive bullish thoughts! we are all going to make it !
This dude makes the best delphi branded memes.
Thoth patrol
we're all going to make it