Wish I was American so fucking much

Anyone else know this feel?

Sky high salaries, minimal taxes, houses/cars/everything cheap as shit just so much wealth in general if your successful. Don't get me wrong it's obviously very easy to buy a house and live a good life in the UK, but not buy mansions and supercars under 30 like in the US. It's not fucking fair bros

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There are niggers and Mexicans everywhere though.

Browsing gun websites like bud’s is cool though. Knowing you can own anything on that site.

Are you mentally deficient?

We have the high taxes of say, Germany with literally none of the benefits.

And we're only about 33% actually white. You should see what kind of monstrosities our government considers white.

I mean we have communities packed full of unemployed immigrants too!

You wouldn't ever be able to own any house here. The Internet is a projection. Everyone I know lives in a cubicle size room and is jealous of Europe. Only desire to be American if you want guns and speech freedoms.

do you live in a big city in a state that receives a lot of subsidizing?

The average amerifat is just as broke as you are

that food quality tho bro. im convinced that amerifats only think their food is good because it's all they've ever known. they simply don't realise they're eating the leftover slops nobody else wanted

Attached: USA vs UK food.jpg (940x788, 306K)

My girlfriend is American, place sounds like it sucks.

America is not a cheap place to live. Nor is a high salary guaranteed or even likely.
There's a reason why it places first on the list of bancruptcies per capita.

shut the fuck up u fucking bong. stay the fuck in your country

Compared to Africa or India, no it's not.

Compared to other developed countries it absolutely is, especially when it comes to purchasing a home.

>What is price relativity, Alex?
We all know how forex works, dipshit.
Why even bring up a counter argument that's so easily undermined?
There was a reason I mentioned salary and cost of living together.
You're not impressing anyone.

I know that feel. They are literally 1% world-wise and have the nerve to complain. You babies would fucking kill yourself after a month in Eastern Europe.

I'm thinking about flying to Commiefornia and just stay there. Find myself black or latina wife and breed dumb ugly mutts.

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You can look up all this stuff really easily. Everything except healthcare is cheaper in the us, just mutts have zero control doesn't mean it's hard to survive there.

It's cheaper, but you get what you pay for.
Do you want your eggs to have yolks that are pale yellow, or dark golden for a comparable price?
Do you want your caged chickens to be bathed in chlorine before being shipped to market, or would you prefer they have some healthy muscles from walking around, and at a comparable price to wages?


>Muh food!
Who fucking cares it costs so little compared to anything else it's irrelevant anyway.

Cars/electronics are obviously exactly the same. Yeah I'd prefer a house from bricks but at the end of the day it doesn't make up for the size difference and extra features.

uk food looks gross

found the socialist.

Attached: NICHOLASCAGELOL.gif (177x150, 1.74M)

>minimal taxes, houses/cars/everything cheap as shit
Mate I think you've been mislead. I fucking love this country but this is a meme.

Yeah America is great I'm just sitting here in my mansion about to go drive around in my supercar lmao do people actually believe this shit

That stat is incorrect.

i mean... you have a point there and their teeths are horrible but at least they don't get cancer injected by the government... only terrorism.

Nope. But I was born in one. I can answe any question you got about the small town outskirts or the heart of any coastal US city.

Capitalists also don't want to live in a 3rd world shithole like the United States of Cuckistan... it's mostly socialist who want and go to San Francisco and things like that.

u.s people look gross
its the norm for example, for everyone to need constant reconstructive and whitening surgery in the u.s, because their true teeth are long fucking gone. the true horror is hidden, swept under some dentist's rug while in truth dorian gray's chomping chalice is rotten to its corn syrup saturated root. in the uk peoples' teeth aren't cosmetically altered because they don't need to be.

We know the food is bad. We cannot afford imported safe foods, I'm a health focused and cook my own meals but incant afford everything organic, glycophosphate everywhere, I still eat mostly rice and beans because a full time job would make me homeless if I didn't compromise... 40 hours above minimum wage is not enough, I need a family that cares enough to let me live with them, been on my own since 17(16 really, parents divorced threw me back and forth coz I was going to college early and they didn't want me inntheir house while they were at work [??])paying rent while they lived in their inherited house and Now rent it out to fun their 40 acre 500k home in CA. It's funny coz I was the good child but I guess that makes it easier to throw me under a bus.

Umm no.
Have you ever left your country or are you just looking at stuff online and forming opinions from pictures alone...?

>ywn taste cancer inducing fires with lemon and beef flavour
why live

minimal taxes? What the fuck are you smoking? I paid 35% last year and my health insurance is ~2k a month.

>minimal taxes
I'll stop you right there. I make about $250k/year but I pay nearly 40% in taxes after federal, state, and city (NYC) take their cuts. I'm planning to move to a lower tax state but I'll still be paying over 30% at my income level.

It's not easy here at all. We have fucked up labor and healthcare here. Still beats being a bong I guess. I work an okay company as far as PTO and healthcare benefits go