favorites made for you, or good ones you saved,
Attached: tryingtemplates.jpg (1080x1079, 1.15M)
One I've made
Attached: tumblr_p39q2cW8w31x42t75o3_1280.jpg (1280x796, 1.27M)
Attached: 085.jpg (2004x1062, 1.14M)
Sharing some I've saved lately.
Attached: 6kl.jpg (1000x619, 232K)
Attached: 1518936821971.jpg (1280x960, 380K)
Attached: 1518453719768.jpg (800x533, 308K)
Attached: IMG_0673.jpg (720x1280, 294K)
Attached: 1516713851455.jpg (524x442, 103K)
Attached: 1r6gsqx2yd.jpg (1066x1600, 1.6M)
Attached: 15193513616.jpg (1500x1000, 987K)
Attached: 10.jpg (1600x1066, 679K)
This really doesn't belong in this thread
can anyone help fix this one up more?
Attached: ZZZ.jpg (2000x1333, 1.11M)
A quien le gusta?
Attached: 20180328_094932.jpg (3264x2448, 2.03M)
One of my favs
Attached: 345345.jpg (501x660, 80K)
Attached: 090.jpg (815x718, 326K)
this one was awesome
Attached: 1520447395557.png (982x982, 490K)
this one was perfect
Attached: 1521057067974.jpg (640x640, 181K)
Attached: 001.jpg (716x646, 279K)
Attached: 084.jpg (402x1529, 471K)
Attached: 079.jpg (1242x1218, 685K)
On this thread that's what you say nice to, lol
A lot more work went in to that picture than a simple faceswap
Attached: 1521937995481.jpg (900x1200, 228K)
Ye 4 hours with a black marker colouring around the far tit
Attached: 084.jpg (808x1529, 879K)
Would love to see what you can do
Attached: 280170_16big.jpg (1024x683, 168K)
Attached: 00.jpg (1000x666, 373K)
Attached: 1518104365270bj.jpg (960x802, 133K)
Attached: 1518541112088bj.jpg (1080x720, 163K)
Attached: 00.jpg (1000x667, 346K)
Attached: 1513354462242.jpg (782x1043, 662K)
Attached: 1506890368027.jpg (975x548, 288K)
Attached: GNT-6938264 (1).jpg (2499x1663, 317K)
Attached: 1.jpg (2421x2421, 1.71M)
Attached: 00.jpg (800x600, 130K)
Attached: 1512504563983.png (1920x1280, 2.87M)
Attached: Uten navn-1.jpg (1118x1071, 510K)
Attached: Uten navn-1i.jpg (1412x613, 250K)
Attached: Uten navn-4.jpg (1317x926, 402K)
Attached: 1466951732382.jpg (1600x1067, 928K)
Attached: 1501328300145.png (1920x1281, 2.02M)
Attached: 1505052701601.jpg (1213x808, 120K)
Attached: tmp_2084-21 (3)797635593.jpg (1418x1031, 254K)
Attached: 1492399307025.jpg (615x951, 66K)
Attached: GNT-721950913.jpg (664x1000, 102K)
Attached: 23.jpg (900x602, 115K)
Attached: 1498762507233.png (1400x966, 1.38M)
Attached: 1.png (720x1280, 1.81M)
Attached: 1507796427592.jpg (1333x1000, 477K)
Attached: 352753_16big.jpg (682x1024, 282K)
Best fake I've ever had made. Perfect
Attached: br6y54y.jpg (578x510, 32K)
Attached: cutiepahtutie4b.jpg (578x385, 28K)
Attached: Uten navn-8.jpg (2192x769, 932K)
nice to see nero5 needs attention like a small child too
Attached: 1463072380279.jpg (2283x1522, 338K)
Attached: 1426607874975.jpg (2400x1630, 1.52M)
Attached: 1457644651062d2.jpg (418x627, 59K)
Attached: asdfa.jpg (1080x1920, 886K)
Attached: hih14514237.jpg (2000x1333, 1.21M)
Attached: 7XXPV0g.jpg (1024x687, 64K)
Attached: 1520981664343.png (906x1612, 1.19M)
Attached: 1522330168148.png (906x1612, 1.14M)
one of my favorites
Attached: 1467086136219.jpg (800x600, 42K)
Attached: 1459816318190a_0.jpg (1280x808, 287K)
terrible shop and probably underage
Attached: 505529_16big.jpg (800x1200, 279K)
Attached: temp (4).jpg (1080x1350, 152K)
Attached: 076.jpg (1440x827, 575K)
Attached: 03.jpg (1200x1630, 404K)
Attached: 1522126196936.jpg (604x453, 154K)
ayy my girl. this is awesome btw
Attached: 01.jpg (1619x1080, 112K)
Attached: BoICcBW.jpg (1800x1196, 150K)
The different coloured face and the blending of the hair, classic 10/10