Looking for some nice bbc fakes / faceswaps !

Looking for some nice bbc fakes / faceswaps !

Attached: IMG_1545.png (640x1136, 852K)

Attached: IMG_1819.jpg (3118x2079, 825K)

Attached: bbc.jpg (320x240, 53K)

Is this even her face?

I'm not op

yes i taked the face from eyes to nose to mouth that only with polygonal lasso tool in photoshop

Does not look like her desu

here the original
but i take that like i say for you and i make some color match and somethings others

Attached: bbc.jpg (320x240, 33K)

Bump for decent fake

Attached: IMG_4265.jpg (4032x3024, 2.33M)




Decent? Took a guess on boobs

Attached: Blacked.jpg (1068x1600, 1.14M)

where have I seen this girl...

Amazing thanks man!!

Wanna give it a try?

not my work

maybe later at the realm

At the realm?? What's that

Attached: !4241022.jpg (1200x800, 139K)

At the realm?? What's that

Thank you so much


Where can I find dis

it´s a dot com