Could anyone please shop this girl taking a massive BBC please?

Could anyone please shop this girl taking a massive BBC please?

Attached: KT 7.png (478x472, 339K)

Attached: kt 13.png (311x356, 136K)

Attached: kt 12.png (240x220, 97K)

Something like this perhaps...

Attached: bbc 5.jpg (900x506, 63K)

Attached: bbc 11.jpg (852x480, 97K)

Attached: bbc 4.jpg (300x306, 13K)

Attached: bbc.jpg (300x168, 6K)

Attached: Untitled-134.jpg (1729x1007, 145K)

Attached: sdfasdasdig.png (1280x855, 933K)

here ya go man if u could do more captions on my thread that would be awesome

Attached: jhkhjk.png (1000x648, 654K)

Not bad at all! I'll start making you some captions. And I'll make as many as you want if you make shops! And the bigger the cock the better!

if u give me better face pics i can do more

unless u want me to use the same face pic for more pics cause the other 2 are too small or too blurry

I've got others, hold up!

Attached: kt 17.jpg (500x667, 93K)

Attached: kt 21.jpg (640x480, 92K)

Attached: kt 20.jpg (640x480, 100K)

Attached: kt 19.jpg (500x375, 24K)

Attached: kt 22.jpg (500x400, 60K)

Attached: gdfgdfg106118.png (300x168, 75K)




Does she actually like BBC?

She does actually. Major size queen.




How do you know?

Heard her say as much one time when she was drunk.