Source please, it's from an ad banner from e-hentai but i would like to know what hentai is it

Source please, it's from an ad banner from e-hentai but i would like to know what hentai is it.

Attached: banner 1.gif (300x90, 256K)

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Ok real talk, I don't know the hentai for this but when I was 13 or something I traced this gif in Macromedia Flash (back in the day before Adobe fucked it) and uploaded it with a shit load of hentai to Kazaa or whatever it was called. After that my image appeared in every non-gif hentai banner for years after and I know it was mine because the colours were slightly off when compared to the original. This underaged user's stolen artwork was secretly famous for years.

Anyway this is the gif I copied but I dunno anything about it.

So we need a captain to tell us the source of this mysterious hentai :)




Where's captain?


it's mesu saga persona. around the 5:50 mark.

Yeah, found it, thanks man ^_^

There's another one to find

Attached: banner 2.gif (359x90, 429K)

Drop Out episode 1

Attached: Drop Out - 01 [SubDesu-H].mp4_snapshot_05.08_[2018.04.30_14.04.16].jpg (1280x720, 96K)

WOW that was fast, thanx

i recognize that triangle necklace she's wearing

I've seen this in hentaihaven too i think. So it must be from hentaipros. That's all i can offer sorry

lol nvm I found it. I looked through the face fuck tag and was right

29 second mark of the trailer shows the face fuck just so you believe me